In this video from Dan Flynn Symbols
everywhere that insinuate a totally different bloodline? The Annunaki?
The Reptilian race among us, here on Earth, slowly poisoning the earth
and pursuing war? Are we at war with a mysterious hidden alien race
known as the Reptilians? Is Nibiru, Planet X, tied in with the Reptilian
race? Photon transportation of matter? David Icke –
“Its also interesting that the descriptions of the Chitahuri
(Reptilians) with the horns and sometimes the tail and stuff, is very
very close to how Christians… have depicted the devil”…………………

1 comment:
The "DEMONS" being talked about here have knocked out my
comment for the 3rd time now so I know how extremely important
it is that you know this information! Phil Schneider who was
a geologist digging these underground bases (with a subterrean)
for the government "elite" was "suicided" by them because he
knew too much and was lecturing and blowing the whistle on what
was going on behind the backs of the American people. He was
digging these tunnels when he accidentally broke through into a
cavity which had aliens in it. A fight broke out where he killed
several of them with conventional weapons, but the aliens shot
him with something that burned off a few of his fingers and gave
him cancer from some type of radiation poisoning. The most
important thing he said was this: [He said that these aliens
were dying out and were trying to keep their race alive with
human DNA and using genetics in these underground bases. He
also said that these aliens were extremely scared of contact
with human germs as even a simple cold could harm and even kill
these aliens.]
So IMO what these aliens are trying to do is to save
themselves using humans, and to kill of all the humans and take
over our beautiful planet. They are using multinational giant
companies such as Monsanto, Evergreen Chemtrails company, the
EPA, chemical companies such as Dow, DuPont,(and many others)
to poison our air, water, and food and to terraform the earth,
where they are right now planning on and working on, in under
ground bases to create transhuman monsters and robotic human
beings to be their slaves and to wipe us all out. They want all
of the humans gone, including, American, Chinese, Russian, Spanish
European, Italian, Irish, Swedish, ALL RACES!
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