13 Household Products You Should Never Mix
More accidents happen at home than
anywhere else. Many of these can be avoided by just knowing what not to
do. If you avoid these 13 combinations, you’ll save yourself time and
money, and maybe even a trip to the hospital.
1. Different battery brands
2. Rubbing alcohol & bleach
Rubbing alcohol contains ethanol or
isopropyl alcohol, which, when mixed with household bleach that contains
sodium hypochlorite, will create chloroform and hydrochloric acid, as
well as chloroacetone or dichloroacetone. These compounds can cause
damage to the nervous system, lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes and skin.
Also, high levels of chloroform can lead to dizziness, nausea, loss of
consciousness and even death.
3. Ammonia & bleach
4. Vinegar & bleach
If you add a weak acid to bleach, it
creates vapors of toxic chloramine and chlorine. These vapors can cause
serious chemical burns to your eyes and lungs.
5. Vinegar & baking soda
6. Vinegar & hydrogen peroxide
Combining these two products in the
same container will create a corrosive peracetic acid. In high enough
concentrations, peracetic acid can irritate and even damage your skin,
eyes, throat, nose and lungs.
7. Grapefruit & certain medicines
Compounds in the grapefruit interfere
with enzymes in the stomach, which are in-charge of metabolizing
certain types of medicine. This ends up increasing the level of certain
chemicals in the blood and can lead to a deadly overdose.
8. Alcohol & ibuprofen
Taking ibuprofen on an empty stomach
can damage the stomach-lining. Adding alcohol into the mix stimulates
this process and can worsen the effect. Damage to the lining can lead to
internal bleeding, ulcers and other stomach problems.
9. Alcohol & acetaminophen
10. Dairy & antibiotics
Dairy is rich in calcium, and while
it may be good for your bones, its interaction with antibiotics is
anything but. Calcium prevents the antibiotics from being absorbed into
your body, reducing their effectiveness.
Antibiotics that are most affected by dairy are: Ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and tetracycline.
11. Milk & energy drinks
The acid in energy drinks mixes with
proteins in the milk, causing the milk to curdle very quickly. The
result is usually the same – projectile vomiting…
12. Retinol & glycolic acid or alpha hydroxyl acid
Both of these skin-care products may
help you look younger, but mixing them together is a bad idea. Glycolic
acid has a different level of pH than retinol, so when both are used,
the glycolic acid becomes dominant, reducing the effectiveness of
retinol considerably. It can also cause some skin irritation.
13. Retinol & sunlight
Recent evidence shows that retinol
can become toxic when exposed to direct sunlight, and increase your
chances of getting a sunburn. It is recommended that you only use it at
night, or if you choose to use it during the day – use sunscreen and
avoid direct sunlight as much as possible.
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