Thursday, June 11, 2015

60 News Flash World Debt Paid OFF


Anonymous said...

Just more fantastical internet stuff. After hearing soooo much stuff I am now at the point of saying "proof or it didn't happen".

Before anyone hates on me for being a downer just look at EVERYTHING that has been posted under the "will improve life category". How much of the OPT, NESARA, RV, PP, new energy technology, disclosure, or anything from the wealthy families information has even come close to happening? None of it is the answer.

Can't believe anything because when it doesn't happen (and it will) the negative entities get a free meal.

Anonymous said...

It all fits perfectly in line with what we were told along with the ITNJ. All of these things including the Sacha Stone ITNJ, Rod Class, OPPT, First Trust Americas and so on were engineered to give the elite a cashless society where they can delete and add anything they choose at their whim.

I would be very cautious and scrutinizing of this information if I were you. While it will not succeed, anyone who knows their history should not allow themselves to be a legal fiction. Legal fictions all wind up in the dust bin.

Anonymous said...

It is not fantastical, it is deliberate brainwashing that works on 10% of the world in order to bring in a cashless society. But nothing about it is implausible, it is engineered.

Dan said...

Now listening to Landa China Global who has similar info this does not really help those that have no debt or are unemployed as much to not be able to pay any of it, yet how will this program help to help us pay for food if it is ONLY for the Debt and not for purchases?
I work with ITNJ as a researcher so they get ideas and stories from me.

Anonymous said...

Question for "Dan" :

If you consider yourself a devout religious person or even spiritual person....What is the purpose behind your affiliation with the ITNJ, an organization started with the help of Sacha Stone and Caleb Skinner one of which is a convicted smuggler?

Skinner was on the payroll for the FBI for twenty years and also smuggled powder. Hardly a good cast of characters to give any credibility towards the ITNJ....

I maintain that these groups are to give cover for a forced cashless society, they are nothing good and will lead to the beast's hostel.

This is where the wheat is cut away from the chaff, those who are truly about independence will see no need for corporations............Where do all corporations end up after all? Dissolved, and it does not take the truly astute to discover that. Truly preposterous that you think there is any legal remedy out there, the real answer is exit the system and let it be destroyed the way the creator stated it will be. Every corporation gets dissolved Dan, is that going to be you?

Unknown said...

everyone gets a monthly check we are all millionaires so who is going to make our stuff our food cars trucks who is going to deliver how would the world economy do with all that FREE spendable cash inflation would be up there with our e. t. friends let them figure that one out what about the cabal maybe they will be nice to us see the light it sounds good until you think about it what about obozo & friends would they see the light & wanta play nice & stop steeling our money I'm in

Anonymous said...

I will believe it when I get my monthly stipend. Until then it is all a lie just like everything else that is promised except for the United Nations crap such as Agenda 21 and geoengineering. That crap is real, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

We are inhabitants of the land. Wherever it is feasible the legal remedy to enforce is to throw them all out and bar them from returning ever again, if you use papers from the ITNJ and elsewhere then it need not matter. They all have agendas but since all corporations will be flattened at the end anyway, might as well use them to force the enemy out of your territories.

Dan said...

So you would rather believe these ladies on the”RTS: Vital info about OPPT filings and what is happening now” story rather than any of us who are working to get the Cabal removed?
For some of you it was Osama bin Laden that took down the WTC buildings, yet that morning NESARA was to be announced worldwide, yet Bush Sr. did not want that to happen.
Maybe you better take a look into Rod Class a little closer as he was the one that got Washington D.C. to remove its gun ban, he brought to their attention that their policies and procedures in the courtroom as well as arresting him in their parking lot was all Unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...

This oppt stuff has been around a long time they were saying the same stuff years ago and nothing happened and also that the m1 was not the real m1

Anonymous said...

I think almost anybody would believe them over something historically unproven to work as a legal system which declares itself the world court like the ITNJ. They are all very correct to point out Sacha Stone's close work with the founders of ITNJ and keep asking why without any malicious intent.

If it is true as every ancient religious scholar can tell somebody, that there is no legal remedy out of this mess and in fact all corporations will be permanently destroyed some in brutal fashion then it is a waste of time to speculate. The ITNJ will not save anybody, it will provide another venue for many to learn the truth of their titles in all forms being property of government.

Anonymous said...

"he brought to their attention that their policies and procedures in the courtroom as well as arresting him in their parking lot was all Unconstitutional"

Yet then he goes and gets hooked in with the ITNJ and other corporate trusts that accept the filings of the OPPT as the answer. Regardless of what his intentions were, people are right to be suspicious and ask questions since there is nothing on earth that says one of these UCC filings will save anybody from what is fast approaching.

Anonymous said...

2. Everyone does NOT NEED access to Millions of dollars.
3. Without JESUS John 3:16 your money will mean NOTHING anyway.
4. I think they should have WAITED until AFTER August 17 before Publishing these VIDEOS or any information about M! because if it DOES NOT happen. You think you're getting a lot of YOU TUBE VIEWS Now WAIT until the BACKLASH.
5. I saw a VIDEO the other day that was very disturbing towards the END M1 made some strange comments here is the LINK
I would like DAN to Explain what M1 Meant.