Thursday, June 25, 2015

AIDS infection among IS’s members

AIDS infection among IS’s members

It was stunning hearing about AIDS infection among IS members ”  for “AIDS” most often spreads through unprotected sex with an infected person and It may also spread by sharing drug needles, which both are prohibited by IS.
Reporter in Sound and Picture moved to Shaddadi south Hasaka, to investigate this matter and uncover the circumstances.
The Reporter contacted secretly one of IS members  named “Abu Qatada” fearing the possibility of execution by IS in the case he was exposed revealing information. Abu Qatada confirmed the existence of two AIDS infection cases.  He said: ”In the beginning we discovered one case in the immigrant who carries the Indonesian nationality, and that happened when he was donating blood at one of the IS hospitals."
Abu Qatada added that: ”The security device of IS opened an investigation to know later that the infected member has a Yezidi girl who was sold to another member, carries the Egyptian nationality and when examining the Egyptian member and the Yazidi girl, they were both confirmed infected.
Abu Qatada confirmed that throughout investigations it was discovered that the Indonesian member was aware of his condition, and he had done tests in his country which proved his AIDS infection and he headed to Syria a year ago, thus he was sentence to death by IS for harming IS members.
The reporter headed to Almayadeen city to complete collecting information. Throughout a careful research, he succeeded in knowing the name of the center where examinations and tests are being done, which won’t be revealed for security reasons.
Sound and Picture reporter met the doctor who works at the center who asked us not to mention his name. He explained that: “Almayadeen City didn’t have a center for AIDS tests before. However, after the control of IS, it brought materials and equipment from Iraq to Syria, and it also stressed on the need to check each drop of blood which is transferred to IS members”.
The doctor said: ”IS members brought to the center a 30-year-old man who speaks Egyptian dialect along with a 15-year-old girl who was very afraid and pale. The test results was AIDS positive.
Sound and Picture reporter returned to Shaddadi city to follow up the investigation.  Abu Qatada said: “The 6 people who were witnessed visiting the infected member’s house  were arrested and forced to do tests to discover two other AIDS infection cases of two Saudi members who both had sex with the Yazidi girl”.  Abu Qatada also confirmed that the investigation process continued and became more confidential because of the involvement of one of the IS princes, “Amir,”  who had sex with the Yazidi girl when visiting her house without knowing if that happened before or after her infection.

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