Friday, June 12, 2015

Jim Willie Update - RV/GCR and John Kerry Assassination Coverup

Jim Willie Update -

RV/GCR and John Kerry Assassination Coverup

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 
Jim Willie Radio Interview June 8, 2015
and how it relates to the GCR/RV - (1hr3min) 
Posted By: igots2no 
Date: Wednesday, 10-Jun-2015 10:40:04 

Jim Willie Radio interview June 8, 2015 

It is recommended that you listen to the entire interview, but he reveals shocking information about the GCR/RV starting at the 45:20 minute mark. 

(added note from ~e.....  John Kerry assassination information at 3 minute mark.) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing...Great information. Jim Willie is being honest regarding the Dinar. Most holding it of course will not listen....