Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Northern Lights

PHOTOS: Northern Lights Glow Over Northeast & Plains       

June 23, 2015; 12:28 PM ET
By Brian Lada, Meteorologist

The aurora borealis danced across the night sky over the northern United States on Monday night, putting on a spectacular show for those staying up to watch.
People across the Northeast and the northern Plains were graced with mainly clear skies, allowing for breathtaking pictures of the astronomical phenomenon.
However, the Midwest was not as fortunate as severe storms over the region not only caused damage and flooding, but also spread clouds over the region, blocking the northern lights.

The northern lights glowing over Mason City, Iowa

The aurora borealis was able to be seen as far south as Virginia and Kansas, much farther south than they are usually able to be observed.
The most dazzling scenes took place farther north, close to the border between the United States and Canada, where the aurora was able to be seen easily with the naked eye.

AccuWeather Astronomy Facebook Page
WATCH: Aurora Ignites Across the Northern Skies
The Sun, Moon and Stars Enable Life on Earth

The aurora is caused when charged particles from the sun hit the Earth, interacting with the atmosphere and producing a rainbow of colors.
Monday night's light show in particular was caused by a powerful geomagnetic storm that erupted from the sun, similar to the event that occurred back in March.
The Space Weather Prediction Center stated that another solar storm is forecast for Wednesday night into Thursday, likely bringing another light show to portions of North America.

The northern lights were visible at the National Weather Service office in Duluth, Minn

Skies were glowing in Vancouver, Canada on Monday night
                                                                                In Minnesota, clear skies gave way to the dazzling display of the northern lights. 
                                                                   Northern lights were visible in Ketchikan, Alaska
                                                                          The northern lights were visible in northern Minn 
                                                                               The crew takes in another view from the summit sign                                                                          Tonight's northern lights show seen all the way south as Hays, KS. Spectacular show after sunset! 
                                                                  Northern lights tonight in South Dakota

                                                                           Brilliant aurora display from Mt. Agamenticus in York, ME!


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