Monday, June 1, 2015

Social Security Benefits Will Be Cut In 2017



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully it will collapse all the use of the social security numbers for financial gain by those that know how to get into that account.

There is wealth in the account and everyone wants the number to let you have light, or cable or a bank account or auto insurance, or medical insurance, to go to school, or the dentist, and especially when they kidnap you and take you to jail.

They know how to get into that account and get money to pay your salary for your job, and then take money out of your labor to put back some of what they are taking out.

But behind the scenes they have securitized it, with the bonds/bondage they get off the fake criminal complaints they get people to pay and sign to get back home after being robbed of their freedom.

shut it down.
The accounts have been pilfered ad infinitum.

The people can be responsible for their own credit.
When you let a group of people control the credit of the people, they rob the accounts to make their selves richer and the creditors poorer.

Get rid of it.
We will take care of each other, and if we don't, we will find out who we really are as the People.