Sunday, June 21, 2015

The "Manifesto" Jim Stone


Mail updates and message window are below the manifesto

The "Manifesto"

People have scolded me for missing the fact that the TPP passed during this shooting. I disagree, I ought to scold others for not covering the fact the TPP was up and coming days before this event and believe my readers do not have such a short attention span that they cant remember what I posted a few days earlier, now on to business . . . .

I am going to say it as I see it - I doubt the manifesto is real, I doubt Dylan set up the web site that had it or wrote it at all. Even still, it is not a bad read. I think this is an attempt by the zio clan to show him as being level headed and to back stab alternative media. His web site "" was set up in February, was a real web site and not just a blogger page or facebook page as the disinfo teams are now trying to front, and then the web site was never updated since. And here is why some are trying to pawn this off as a facebook/blogger type web site: Who pays for web sites, sets them up with a single post and then never does anything ever again, as happened here? ANSWER: Intelligence agency types who want to set up a future false front to use in a situation like this. They probably set this up after they decisively concluded he was getting sucked in by their MK zombie brain washing.
And if he did do the web site, I strongly believe he was a MK ultra zombie through the shooting, and that perhaps our illustrious NSA nailed his writing below, had the CIA send agents, and then programmed him for this job and because he was getting his brain whipped he never got back to his web site he just set up and paid for. That is a secondary explanation for why a paid web site was set up and immediately abandoned. As far as I see it, it is one or the other.
I am not certain the TPP had anything to do with this, but it is obvious the gun control agenda did and that this was fronted as a reason to nail the alternative media. The way the MSM is using this so-called manifesto is disgusting.
Update: The shooter had many black friends, and this manifesto, written in February, has the quote " I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me."

There is a serious problem with that final quote, (which was probably tagged onto the end of his post by someone else if he wrote it at all) and it is this: He supposedly wrote this in February. He is too young to have that long of a gap between writing something and doing something, especially with a web site so unimportant to him that he left it completely abandoned on the DAY HE REGISTERED IT. We are supposed to believe he registered AND PAID FOR the site, on the same day posted this, and then he abandoned it THAT SAME DAY. YEAH RIGHT. This more likely came off one of those web sites that is set up by an intelligence agency to provide plausibility for a future psy op and then parked until needed.

Here is the so called manifesto, I am having a hard time believing this story.

[go to link ( to view "Manifesto"]
[Message Box:]
GLP bans resume Ha Godlike Productions just banned my ISP as soon as I tried to post your comments that state...."How do you use a .45 handgun to kill that many people? Here is what I see as the biggest problem with the story - supposedly our shooter used a .45 handgun...."
My response: Then it must be hitting home . . . . .
Jim why are these Globalist assholes pushing communism on the world... when its has a history of failure? What is the motive? The destruction has begun, even here in Canada.
Thank you for all your hard work in exposing the corruption of evil

My response: Communism is the preferred government system for the Jewish community. One might think it would be capitalism, but the bottom line is that Jews are communist and since they are running the show now, the globalists are communist as well.
The reason why communism is the preferred system is because only through communism can you manage a sub class like cattle, while ensuring your own group (the Jewish community) a firm seat above the cattle. That really is pretty much it.
I knew a Ukranian couple in Canada who had first hand family witness of the starvation massacre in the Ukraine. They pulled no punches - the Jews sat in beautiful warm homes very securely with police outside to protect them as the real Ukranian people starved to death outside, within sight. It was brutal. The food was in the fields, and the Ukranian people were forced to starve even though food was plentiful and in plain sight. All enforced by the Jews via communism, and their willing police accomplaces simply because the people refused to submit. Interesting it is that all the American police who are being so brutal now were trained in Israel, is it not?
I can see something on the horizon . . . . . .
CHARLESTON SHOOTER: Another false-flag designed to stir up racial hatred so that people don't ever see who the real enemy is. Just like Anders Breivik who was supposedly photographed wearing a haz-mat isolation suit with a cross of Malta symbol on it (they don't come with those and only a fool would punch holes in the suit to sew one on) to prove his allegiances, this guy has the old South African & Rhodesian flags on his jacket to 'prove' he is a white supremacist. Guaranteed false-flag event, using some set-up nut case to do the dirty work.
My response: When I saw that, all I could think was it has to be phony. Not hollywood phony, I mean high school movie phony. Rock stupid psy op.
[End of latest in Message box]

Charleston shooting does not make sense

How do you use a .45 handgun to kill that many people? Here is what I see as the biggest problem with the story -

Supposedly our shooter used a .45 handgun he reloaded 4 or 5 times during the shooting. Ok, so how does that work? During reloading, you are going to have significant breaks in the shooting. Why did no one rush him when he was reloading? Why did everyone miss the opportunity, not once, not twice, not three times, but 4 or 5 times? That sounds REALLY STUPID on the face of things.
But there is another huge glaring problem here and it amounts to claiming everyone there was absolutely stupid. And it is: HOW can you possibly reload a hand gun at least four and possibly FIVE times and still have anyone there to shoot at? Come on now, would people not be running away? By the middle of reload 2 that church should have been empty, unless, of course, people were so rock stupid they just stayed there and said SHOOT ME TOO, I am going to heaven anyway!
And then there was that stupid comment by Obama, where he said no other advanced countries have so many mass casualty shootings. Well, they do, (at least in theory) what about the crock of B.S. Charlie Hebdo shooting? If Obama is going to front that lie, he has to take Charlie Hebdo and present it as real (even though it obviously was not) and so recently? Come on now, the "mass casualty event" statement is as hollow and dainty as a ping pong ball and bounces away just as easily as one when the least bit of critical thought is put on Obama's claims.
Ah yes, calling for gun control, because we are all violent in America because we have guns. Quite the narrow minded view, don't you think? There are other factors in America, I believe, that would influence the number of "mass casualty events" far more than gun ownership, as shown below.

President Obama's claims that mass killings do not happen in other countries is a bold faced lie. Here are some totals:

President Bush - Iraq, totally unprovoked murder of 1,220,580 people. President Bush - Afghanistan, unprovoked murder of 220,000 people (when you consider the real truth - that Bush and Israel did 911 themselves, and then proceeded to pursue an oil pipeline the Afghans refused.)
President Bush - Obama, Pakistan, 80,000 killed in drone strikes when no one there had anything to do with any attack on America at all.
President Obama - Libya, totally unprovoked murder of 30,000
President Obama - sponsor of Isis along with CIA and Israeli Mossad - tens of thousands in various regions, with no solid count.
And I am not even going to get into the millions of others murdered by the American war machine in other totally unprovoked conflicts that happened before 911, but can state in terms that simply cannot be argued that it is the American government that goes around murdering people AND NOW THAT SAME MURDERING POWER STRUCTURE IS LOOKING INWARD TO MURDER AND DETAIN ITS OWN POPULATION IF THAT POPULATION REFUSES TO COMPLY WITH THE NEW TYRANNY.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

USA....USA,,, USA USA...U S A ..! !..!