Wednesday, June 24, 2015


“Oh My God”: This Retired Major General Spent 32 Years Defending Our Freedom, Only to Find It Was All a Lie


If a man who served our country for over 30 years speaks on issues of national security, are you willing to listen?

Or are you more likely to stick to YOUR best ideas, even though a man who is/was “in the know” has a much different and more qualified opinion?

Ret. Major General Albert Stubblebine might challenge your entire perspective of how things really are in America, IF you are open-minded enough to listen.

Is it possible that our own 'government' has the blood of over 3,000 innocent Americans on its hands?

Surely our 'government' wouldn’t kill its own people or allow others to do so while turning a blind eye simply to advance an agenda Would they?

Listen to Stubblebine and, by all means, judge his level of sincerity (which I believe comes shining through) and make your own assessment. This man dedicated his life to defending our freedom. He is not your run of the mill Dale Gribble.
Does this Patriotic American seem like a “crazy conspiracy theorist” to you?

The point here is much bigger than what did or did not happen on 9/11The point is that if Stubblebine is correct, then everything you have ever been told by your 'government' or the 'media' is a potential, and maybe even probable, lieEverything!

Think about that as things like Jade Helm and financial turbulence quickly approach.

If our 'government' had a hand in the murder of its own people on 9/11 (AND IT MOST CERTAINLY DID), then is it so hard to believe that the Jade Helm theories are not conspiracy talk but rather insights into possible and probable scenarios based on available facts?

Maybe you’d just prefer to believe everything you are told, like a good little sheeple.

These are truly frightening times.

God Bless America.

God Save the Republic.

Resistance is the only choice at this late hour.

We must continue to educate the masses as the final reckoning draws near. We will want them on our side when, not if, the stuff hits the fan.

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