Sunday, June 21, 2015

Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating

Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating

Alex makes an urgent message concerning the severity
of the current global climate.
Insider information pointed directly towards
global financial meltdown and global war.

The Communist JEW World Order is taking over with their One World Government Military dictatorship.
Signs of a coming financial meltdown are accelerating at an alarming rate
The financial elite are hinting that an impending financial collapse is on the horizon.
From the Greek-Euro crisis to gold’s sudden rise in popularity, the writing on the wall points to unavoidable economic doom.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently indicated his distrust of the Federal Reserve’s fiat monetary system in a move to repatriate $1 billion of gold back to his home state.
Countries such as China and Germany have made similar moves, with the German Central Bank, or Bundesbank, earlier this year saying it also has plans to repatriate 300 tonnes of gold from the New York Fed by 2020.
Just today, a British hedge fund manager Ian Spreadbury who handles billions in investments revealed he warns clients of the market’s “systemic risk,” and said he advises them to store “physical cash” due to its volatility.
All of this, coupled with the fact that billionaires are purchasing doomsday bunkers and offshore hideaways, paints a bleak picture of the global economic future unless more of humanity awakens and forces a sea change.
Don't say nobody warned you
Another JEW SCAM
The answer to your Rocket story that I have heard so many times.
Israel and ISIS working together to undermine Hamas
ISIS lobbed a couple of rockets at Israel. The rockets did not harm to people or property, but Israel responded by attacking Hamas’ “terrorist infrastructure” in Gaza. 
To punish Hamas, ISIS lobs rockets at Israel, which then strikes Hamas: Zio-Watch, June 7, 2015
Here's the video:
This issue is just another nail in the coffin of white America.
Posted By:
Why Dylann Roof is RIGHT! - Whites UNDER-REACT to Racial threats

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I see it, one correction as follows... ( The Communist JEW World Order is taking over with their One World Government Military dictatorship. ) These people are ALL Nazis. They call themselves Jews but they are of the synagogue of satan. The Nazis are trying to pull the same s*%t they pulled on the Jews in WWll only this time they are after America and Americans. This time let all the Americans wipe out the Nazis and NOT go with them to concentration camps. Then history will be much different!