Monday, June 22, 2015




Billionaire Thugs Plot To Steal California’s Water And Everything They Tell You Is A Lie

This article is from 2010, but is very informative.  This is what the criminal cabal has been working on for decades, i.e. a drought in order to control and make billions, while destroying neighborhoods and property values (so they can gobble them up pennies on the dollar).  Note that in 2009 we had a Republican governor, and now we have a Democrat governor; they are working in unison.

We’ve been lied to for years now about the severity of California’s water shortage. The media and state officials have been ringing the alarm,  warning that the state was in the grips of the quite possibly the “worst California drought in modern history,” when in fact the state nearly pulled in its average rainfall in 2009. The fear mongering is about to go into overdrive, as powerful interests start whipping up fears of drought to push through a $11 billion bond measure on the upcoming November elections, setting up the Golden State for a corporate water grab.

The power of simple fact-checking aside, why would California officials exaggerate — if not outright lie — about the drought? Well, the issue here is less about the drought itself and more about what a drought — real or not — can help achieve.

If there is one thing 2009 revealed about California’s “action hero” governor, it’s that he is eagerly willing to serve as the front man for the sleaziest, most crooked business cartel in the state: a de facto water oligarchy made up of billionaire corporate farmers who run vast stretches of the state like their own personal fiefdoms, exploiting migrant workers for slave labor and soaking the taxpayers for billions of dollars in subsidies every year.

And like all good businessmen, they aren’t letting a good mini-crisis go to waste. Their objective is to whip up fears of a drought-related calamity to push through a “solution” they’ve been having wet dreams about for the past five decades: a multi-billion-dollar aqueduct the width of the Panama Canal that would give them near total control of more than half of California’s water supplies.
Schwarzenegger’s mandate that urban water use be cut by 20 percent has earned the governor a lot of green cred, but few people realize that his plan for water conservation is actually a forced wealth transfer scheme in a environmentalist disguise.

Conservation is a good idea, but it won’t do much good for California, no matter how diligent residents are about turning off the tap while brushing or the number of low-flush toilets they install, not unless farmers are forced to conserve water as well.

It is a simple matter of discrimination. Why is the agricultural industry exempted from mandatory conservation when it consumes an  unreal 80% of California’s water?

There won’t be much conservation going on even if every living soul in California up and moves to another state because no matter how much water city dwellers save, it’ll be sucked up by wealthy corporate farmers who are always on the lookout for more taxpayer-subsidized wet wealth.

And with water trading for a minimum at ten times what they pay for it on the open market, every gallon a city dweller conserves will will end up as cash in the personal bank account of some wealthy corporate farmers.

It’s all part of the master plan because, even as the governor talks up urban conservation, he tries his darnedest to get them more water.



Anonymous said...

The truth about the California water supply is this: Somebody needs to use the Wilhelm Reich technology for Cloud Busting and they can cause it to rain in California. Wilhelm Reich was put in jail (you'd need to read the story) and was killed just before he was to be released. They stole his technology and are using it in HAARP to totally control the weather. Wilhelm Reich was able to cause it to rain in Arizona during a 5 year drought with his technology the Cloud Buster. For less than $100 anyone can build this cloud-busting machine and apply it. Anyone who does this should understand the application of it so it doesn't do any harm to anyone. And to hell with the UN and their power grab, water grab, land grab, etc. People with finances, it's time for you to help this country, or there won't be anything for your kids and grandkids to live in.(they will try to kill them all so they can "own" the world. This is God's world and they are NOT God, and they are not going to take away people's God-given rights!

Anonymous said...

'And like all good businessmen, they aren’t letting a good mini-crisis go to waste.'

The question here is, how can anyone whose objective it is to 'whip up fears of a drought-related calamity to push through a “solution” they’ve been having wet dreams about for the past five decades: a multi-billion-dollar aqueduct the width of the Panama Canal that would give them near total control of more than half of California’s water supplies' be called... "good" ??

They may in fact be businessmen, but "good" they are not - THEY ARE EVIL -

Call Them What They Are