Monday, June 22, 2015

World Peace With Debt Forgiveness or More Gun Drills?

We The People, Sheriffs, and Larry Klayman,

How many of these gun drills, bombing drills, or planes flying into building drills actually become real events to take control of the people?
These are called False Flags to the people, which the government supporters call Conspiracy Theories.
This 'Active Shooter Drill' video shows that the Charleston Shooting was scheduled back in February for between 6/15 and 6/19, and the actual shooting was 6/17.

Now look at the lower videos with Tracy Davison speaking with Dan Lutz and M1 with the Global Debt Forgiveness & Prosperity for which M1 is giving out $1 Quintillion (UBS 920,000,000,000,000,000.00) to the World, to clear both the Government's Debts and the People's Debts.
Take your time to look at these videos with M1 and see that We The People can receive these funds of $6 Million most likely on an ATM card and then $600 per child and $1,200 per adult monthly payments.
Yes, M1 is pushing for this to have World Peace and hopefully no more Corporation Government's Wars for Profits.
There are eleven videos for Interview with M1, so it will be about 90 minutes, and M1 is also willing to speak with the Cabal if they do not accept the Debt Payment Gift.
Davison and M1 also speak about the secret agreement JFK and President Soekarno had where we should have been receiving this Debt Forgiveness back in 1963.
Now for you people that have access to sources with the government leadership then you should find out how We The People can get access to these funds ASAP as well as pushing our US government to accept the Debt payoff by August 17, 2015, as M1 has a BANK INDONESIA Certificate with several World Leader's signatures shown at 10:30 on the "Public Statement By Tracy Davison" video.
The one problem I could see is that THE UNITED STATES, INC. will not accept the Debt Payment Gift, but will go for the loan with interest payments which in turn the people would have to pay possibly $1 Million per year in taxes, as this Clear the Debt Payment is Income for all residents, yet the elite and government officials will be exempt (318 Million Americans x $1 Million per year = $318 Trillion USA elite Revenue).
Maybe you should just push for the We The People that are associated with the rumored USA Republic return, for which those names on the BANK INDONESIA Certificate were all Corporation Officials, to then come forward with our True Republic government and Debt payoffs.

Charleston Shooting Hoax Was a Confirmed Active Shooter Drill (Redsilverj)
Published on Jun 21, 2015

Charleston Shooting: Liberals Call for Disarming All White People
"Let's just take away the white people's guns"
 by Paul Joseph Watson | June 18, 2015
Liberals reacted to the tragic shooting at an Episcopal Church in Charleston last night by calling for an immediate gun ban in order to disarm all white people.

Primary website for Tracy Davison videos:
60 Second Millionaire TV - M1 Show

60 News Flash
Published on Jun 10, 2015

60 News Flash Update!
Published on Jun 12, 2015

Tracy Davison - 60 Second Millionaire TV - "Public Statement By Tracy Davison" - 6/19/15

Interview w/ M1 - 01
click on the 'More videos' below the comments to then go to the other videos if they are not on the right.



Dan said...

Global Currency Reset Commences...? Not Sure.
Mr. A1.SINO signs uncut US $2 bills on March 11, 2014 as he stated in his #09 video with Tracy Davison.

Jeannie said...

Apparently someone is spreading more Fear Porn,or we have the Anti-Christ,the Peace maker on our hands.This is a matter of being vigilant.This Professor Doom1 hasn't really proved anything with this Video.For 1 he didn't let us here the interview in it's entirety.And his Document has much to be desired,it has no seal,or heading,he only shows a piece of paper that could have been written anywhere by anyone.I don't know what to think,but one thing for sure,it requires much more and deeper research.I am very familiar with Mr.Sino and Swissindo,from way back,3years atleast, and watching and reading Removing the Shackles,where,Mr.Sino and Swissindo has been the topic of many conversations.A couple of years ago,I had a Guy show up to friend me,he was more than eager to destroy,Swissindo thenn,but what happened was everything about this guy ended up being fake,he disappeared as fast as he appeared,using an alias.Sure would like some input and any proof about this Sino man,anything at all. Thanks here is Professor Doom1 video.UN Swissindo Group a Danger to our Existence !!

Jeannie said...

Here is another Video of Sino WT Hell 1XlObOHAA07RfRJgy7aSGZ4plMmvm1y71Qp924hjQ7yY

Jeannie said...

Here is another Video with Sino,Please Listen Carefully to all his Words and,Please I would appreciate all and any input.What do you think about all of this.