Friday, June 12, 2015

ZeroHedge Frontrunning: June 12

Frontrunning: June 12

  • Razor-edge U.S. Congress vote to decide fate of Obama Pacific trade pact (Read More)
  • EU Readies for Default as Tsipras Drives Greek Finances to Brink (Read More)
  • Greece Can't Plan a Barbecue, Let Alone a Currency, Nielsen Says (Read More)
  • IMF quits Greece talks amid 'air of unreality' as deal unravels (Read More)
  • Greece Counts Cost of One Man's Gamble (Read More)
  • Merkel urges Greece and creditors to keep pushing for deal (Read More)
  • Fearful ECB starts countdown on Greek funding lifeline (Read More)
  • Greek stocks suffer further pummelling (Read More)
  • Shares, euro numbed by Greek drama (Read More)
  • Pentagon again asks China to end island building, seeks more military contact (Read More)
  • Emerging market funds suffer biggest outflow in 7 years (Read More)
  • Morgan Stanley Sees $400 Billion China Inflows Over Five Years (Read More)
  • Germany drops probe into U.S. spying on Merkel (Read More)
  • EU Competition Watchdog Investigates Amazon Over Electronic-Books Business (Read More)
  • War-Weary Ukraine Shutters Cash-Starved Banks as Trust Falls (Read More)
  • Facebook Offers a Glimpse of Virtual Reality Goggles (Read More)
  • Hong Kong public warned that they could face prosecution about false Mers reports (Read More)


Anonymous said...

You must be related to Freewill/Popeye/Olive Oyl. They love to call people morons too, which is really a way of hiding their own stupidity and ignorance. They deflect their own moronic ways onto others so nobody will notice they do not know what they are talking about. So whenever you see someone calling another person a moron, you know it is a cover for their own stupidity.

Freewill said...

what the hell is this dipshit talking about?

Anonymous said...
