Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Bring Our Troops Home To Remove National Debt!

Bring Our Troops Home To Remove National Debt!

The time is now that the Wars by the Government Corporations need to STOP altogether, and those that are in charge need to be given Notice that President Obama makes those decisions along with removing Foreign Troops inside the 50 States.

If you people do NOT want peace in America, and for the people that are elsewhere, then you will have to suffer the consequences whenever the time comes you meet your maker, and it isn't the Cabal making you the clone.

For the National Debt that is Frozen, then how are your Government Corporation Officials getting paid and their expenses are being paid for, yet it may be like the banks with your signature for a loan is that they get Money Out Of Thin Air, and they can continue to do so when it is backed by NOTHING?

Since the major Debt in 1933 came about and THE UNITED STATES, INC. became Bankrupt, then how did it get out of it unless We The People became the collateral of that corporation and our personal Debts were to be paid for per the House Joint Resolution 192 of JUNE, 1933, but our Government Officials fail to tell us so they can keep the money and we only have unknown contracts with our Birth Certificate, thus we have only Privileges as SLAVES?

You need to confront your Government Officials with many of your residents to get them to comply with getting the Republic back the way it was in 1861 or you have them removed from office.

As long as you have a State Driver's License or Official ID then you are a Slave owned by them.


Anonymous said...

It was Israel that attacked and bombed that US Battleship and murdered the crew.
It was Israeli Mossad and Larry Silverstein that planned and bombed WTC and Pentagon.
Currently, US Congress gives Israel $18.5 MILLION per DAY in Free US Foreign Aid.... Plus $3 BILLION per Year in aid to Israeli military, and last Fall Harry Reid pushed for another almost half billion to thier military because they were whining that killing Palesinians was costing too much!!!
Sheer madness reigns in Israel's take over of the US government. See Veterans Today and Veterans Truth Network for reports. For who did 9/11 - See Youtube: CIA Asset Susan Lindauer 911 Truth

Anonymous said...

Maybe they aren't using our credit anymore.
Maybe they aren't treating our energy as their collateral.
When did their pope say to redistribute the wealth and treat everyone equal and lift up the poor or whatever that speech was?
Maybe they are spending the money on the other accounting or black budget?
Maybe they were never dealing with money and only credits zeros and ones.
So many maybes.