Saturday, August 8, 2015

Corporations are planning to harness the “idle capacity” of utility smart meters by connecting them to an enormous supercomputer platform.

Insanity: Turning Smart Meters into a Supercomputer Platform

 Utilities support this plan because smart meters are idle over 95% of the time. Running them at full capacity would be a bountiful source of additional revenue. On the down side is the fact that bursts of radio energy from these meters already are causing health distress to thousands of people, and the cumulative effect lies ahead. Health risk would increase significantly with constant duty cycles. Smart Grid Awareness posted 2015 Aug 1 (Story)


Anonymous said...

I prefer Mr Keshe's Energy; not more health hazards and control over humans as greedy corporations profit, when will this evil ever stop..........

Anonymous said...

It will never stop until we, the people take it into our own hands and force it to stop.

Anonymous said...

It will never stop until we, the people take the matters into our own hands and force them to stop.