Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Killer Meteorite Strikes Concealed by Media/Gov't Imperils Populace

 Iran confirms meteorite strikes on their nation, but U.S. media
 fails to report these and other increasing meteor incursions.
 The U.S. media, under government auspices, is endangering
 the lives of North Americans by keeping them unaware of
 increasing meteor and asteroid threats.   JD

 Noted Ohio outdoorsman, Tom Lupshu, warns of a government
 cover-up regarding several meteorite strikes on Iran in recent
 days. Extreme meteor showers may be coming in August . . or in
 September or in October or in November  . . . or in December or
 in January or in February . . . .  We just do not know!  Similarly,
 while cruising down the highway on four bald tires, you just do not
 know when a tire will blow. Some will cross their fingers and pull
 the blankets over their heads, and go back to sleep. They will thus
 be counted among the casualties.
 Do you have enough food, water, and medicinals to keep you and
 your family alive for a month?  I doubt it.
 Observant forthright scientists tell us that when our fragile
 infrastructure goes down, it will not be down for a week; it will not
 be down for a month; it will not be down for a year -- but for years.
 This is what the outspoken scientists are telling us, folks!   After
 listening to Prof. James McCanney's survival alert, please listen to
 noted outdoorsman and Earth trauma researcher, Tom Lupshu, who
 reports that current Earth perils are understandably being covered
 up by the government and by the mass media.     JD
  Prof. James McCanney: "Leaks are coming out all over the place . . ."

 Tom Lupshu reports as to the Government and Media blackout on
 the current meteor incursions and meteorite strikes.   JD

"News: was just confirmed the news of the impact of a meteorite
 near Qazvin, Iran, not too much distance from the capital of the
 state Tehran iranian. The news of meteorite in Iran was just
 confirmed by all the major news agencies iranian, many of which
 speak of considerable damage (at the moment injured, or the
 victims have not been confirmed, even if on the web are circulating
 rumours)." [translated from Italy's Media] No U.S. Media report.

 Iran's Government announces that a large meteorite plus smaller
 meteorites struck their nation. Major damage was inflicted upon
 Iran's citizenry. The U.S. Media deliberately ignores this and
 other meteorite strikes. Consequently, many North Americans will
 suffer and die due to Government/Media inflicted ignorance.   JD

 Our Government/Media is suppressing the citizenry's life-saving food
 and water storage enthusiasm by suppressing reports of meteorite hits
 occurring around the World, and by falsely reporting diminished sizes
 of threatening comets.    JD

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