Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Last Chance to Wake Up before September 25th? Please post

 Last Chance to Wake Up before September 25th?
Is anyone awake yet?  Are you even looking at the big picture of what is going on?  HAARP has been very busy affecting California into a devastating drought and in the last 2 months over Washington state. (Prior to this it was the breadbasket and before that the East with SNOW)
It is unheard of for us to go over 2 months without rain and 80-90 degrees weather for days on end in JUNE!          We are the EVERGREEN state, the rainy state!..Now that everything is totally dried out, here comes the "wildfires" ALL AT ONCE so that there are not enough firefighters to put them out.  I believe this was PLANNED in lieu of the UN meeting in September on the 25th. THE DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY AGENDA by the UN that is to usher in the NEW WORLD ORDER. World control over all food and food distribution...hello? Moving everyone into set areas and restricting access to nature..hello? Google it, there are maps specifying where you can live. California is one of the bigger food producers as is Washington and of course all the mid states....
they want to end or control that.
It is so blatant. The fires have been started in all the areas that they DO NOT WANT PEOPLE.  All the homes, trees, FOOD GARDENS and animals destroyed(they probably believe that the trees will grow back, no big deal)..people, having nowhere to live..there is a huge FEMA camp between Tonasket and convenient, but I believe the ultimate goal is to press people into the cities citing how much more sense it makes for them to be protected and safe" from such destruction. THEY CAUSED THE FIRE DESTRUCTION AS YOU CAN SEE BELOW FROM A WITNESS ACCOUNT.
People are looking for and speculating for some "disaster" to happen ( and more may happen if they have their way), but it is going on all around us already and no one is paying attention. Everything is geared towards the goals of this UN meeting (Agenda 21 on steroids), where the Pope will attend and speak to the nations.  Go here and read them--click on the + sign and the details show
And especially notice goal 11--exactly what I just said-to protect you we must CONTROL where you live and what you do. They also will control ALL food, food production and distribution.  Why do you think they won't pass the labeling of GMO's?11.
"By 2020, substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement, in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, holistic disaster risk management at all levels"
There are over 100 fires right now, 19 in Washington alone. They have created the disasters, now they are going to bring the answers that the sheeple will embrace with open arms. These people need to be brought to justice for murder of wildlife, who knows how many people or other animals and for destruction of property and livelihoods. Treason against the people.
At the very LEAST, people need to get a clue and quit speculating because the net is closing fast. So much more I could say..

From a post by Dr Mount:

UN Seen Starting Fires in North Central Washington

Excerpt:"I just received a report from an eye witness that watched a White Colored UN Helicopter land on a mountain near Republic Washington and 2 men got out and started a brush fire.
This eye witness (Infantry Veteran) also sighted another odd looking aircraft fire a light beam into the woods and a forest fire erupted shortly afterwards.
These reports are spot on when it comes to location of the fires and is identical to reports of other fires starting across Washington State I have received.
Basically: These fires are being started by US and UN aircraft."
And here is a review or education below of HOW we got here--CONDITIONED,MANIPULATED ETC,,the soon to be announced NEW WORLD ORDER, in a UN Conference on September 25th in New York which the Pope is coming to attend and speak....Historically the first time HERE.
People are speculating about meteors, earthquakes, and all kinds of stuff--that may be a TOTAL DISTRACTION --because this meeting is NOT SPECULATION AND CANNOT BE EXPLAINED AWAY! IT WILL LITERALLY CHANGE THE WORLD WE LIVE IN AND NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT!
This movie will change the way you see your world.


Published on Feb 2, 2015
What is The Scariest Movie Ever Made? The one you are living in and don't even know it.
KJ Ozborne created The Scariest Movie Ever Made 7 years ago after having a personal awakening to the true nature of our shared rigged reality. It has been online in several different places throughout the net, most recently on Youtube. It has found it's way here as it was removed from Youtube.
If this movie moves you, or teaches you something new, please share with others.
Thank you.

May God supply you abundantly with His amazing grace.

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