Monday, August 24, 2015

Silver Will be the LAST to be Set Free

Don't get too excited about the crashing markets..yet. The system riggers can just as easily place the DOW at 20,000 as they can down to 5,'s just a click of a mouse!

This still has a long way to go to play out. The idea is to DESTROY the current system - not get the Banksters rich by having their shorts pay off. This is an END game so expect some very, very strange and wild moves in all markets.

Silver will be the LAST to be set free because it is the MOST manipulated and will be the most destructive to the Bad Guys. After over a century of being rigged the price of silver is going to blow the roof off all expectations when the manipulation ends.

Word is that the US Mint is barely giving out ANY Silver Eagles anymore and any authorized distributor with a big order is being told NO.

So just sit back and wait. And wait. And wait for the games to end.

I talked about this time in both of my books but here's some specifics on how this game may play out from Book 2: "Out of the Darkness":

Page 120...

Me: There is an urgency to release this book now isn’t there.

God: Yes, there is urgency for you to get this book out at this point in the transition process. Much of what you discuss in both of your books is manifesting as we speak and it seems the universe is pushing the process forward.

Me: Yes, I think it is time and the transition is clearly coming to a head. How long will it take for it to happen?

God: How long will it take for what to happen?

Me: How long will it take for the transition to be over?

God: Many lifetimes.

Me: No, I mean how long will it take for the chaos to be visible, the destruction to be finished and for us to move on.

God: Again, many lifetimes.

Me: Really? I thought this could be a quick process.

God: It is possible for the really big things to happen quickly but the transition will last many lifetimes.

Me: Ok, just the big stuff. How long will it take for the big stuff to play out?

God: Be more specific.

Me: How long will the economic crash take and how long will it take for us to be back on our feet again?

God: The timing is really up to you and whatever timeline you desire to fulfill your planned goals.

Me: You are so difficult when pinning down time frames! Let’s try this: give me a number that you think I would create for the amount of time the transition will take to manifest

God: Six months for the big stuff, and four years for the rest.

Me: Do you mean six months of full-on chaos and four years to get everything operating smoothly again?

Conversation continues...

There's much more info in the books and you can order your PDF book here:

Book I: "Silver, Gold, Bitcoin...and God!"

Book II: "Out of The Darkness"

We are in the final battle for our freedom. Stay out of the system as they will try to shake you out of every asset you own. I don't know if they will place the price of silver at $0/oz or $1M/oz before they shut the markets down for good.

Now is the time to be OUT of their system with your physical silver, gold and bitcoin OUT OF THEIR REACH.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

PS - Those of you who like collectibles I am offering both the books signed and numbered in high resolutions softcover matte form here(who knows what they will be worth in the new system if the Road to Roota Theory turns out to be 100% correct!):

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