Tuesday, August 25, 2015

TNT Dinar Guru - Guilty Plea

TNT Dinar Guru - Guilty Plea
Tony Renfrow....

Tony plead guilty on May 21 for a plea deal that he provided an affidavit against Sterling whom he used to be on the payroll for. Then on June 3rd, 13 days later Sterling gets raided.

​It too bad ALL of this fake government and all the queens horses and all the queens men and the poop aren't joining Tony and his bologna....​

​I ​
shared a video with you on YouTube
TNT Dinar Guru - Guilty Plea Renfrow - TNT Tony - Docs 14 daily plus Pyramid Scheme Scam
TNT Tony (TNT Dinar Guru) pleads guilty http://globalcurrencyreset.net/tnt-tony-dinar/ Subscribe to newsletter for updates http://globalcurrencyreset.net/subscribe-newsletter/
Here are some of the documents http://www.slideshare.net/global-currency-reset/tnt-dinar-tnt-tony-court-case-update
US District Court - Kansas Website: https://ecf.ksd.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/ShowIndex.pl
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE PRESS RELEASE http://www.justice.gov/usao-ks/pr/california-man-pleads-guilty-operating-16-million-internet-fraud
0:36 Document 80 for Anthony Renfrow
Court Case 2:12-cr-20041-CM
0:49 Petition to enter guilty Plea TNT Tony
1:07 Count 1 of Indictment Count 1 conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud & engaging in Monetary transactions of more than $10,000 in Criminally Derived Property - 18 USC 371 & 1349
01:44 "Guilty" and to have the Clerk enter my plea of "GUILTY" as follows
01:56 (23) I offer my plea of "GUILTY" freely and voluntarily
02:09 Signed May 21, 2015 by Tony Renfrow
02:17 Plea Agreement - Analysis of Document 81
02:36 $1.676 Million judgement against Tony
02:57 Factual Basis for the Guilty Plea - Pyramid Scheme
14dailyplus.com 2006
03:09 Archive.org for 14 daily plus -
03:48 Kansas promotion with William Fox
03:55 Funds were paid in cash up to $9,000 (avoiding the $10k IRS From 8300) see
04:10 Matt Becker Conference Call Tony lied to investors, 202 victims identified.
04:42 Proposed SENTENCE.
05:16 Slide-share link to recent documents:
05:48 Withdrawal of plea only if - assessment fee - full disclosure
06:21 Identification of Assets - polygraph possible
06:45 What stands out to me, 20 years, $250,000 fine
07:14 Arrest warrant for Anthony Renfrow - counts 1 and 2
07:50 Proposed Sentence (c)(1)(C)
08:10 Subscribe to my newsletter for updates
©2015 YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066


Anonymous said...

So when is his next update ?

Dan said...

The Cabal is still trying to keep control as this was to be let out that the Dinar RV is a Big SCAM and everyone involved is an Accessory.
This is to keep You the People to go ahead and try to sell your Dinar now so that the Cabal can buy it up and then later when the RV/GCR is to take place then they become Trillionaires, and the Rothschilds Quadrillionaries, and you people to survive on $100 a month or less.
There are things going on world wide for the proper currency markets to handle and to get rid of the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE, so when the Cabal has control of the US courts then Lies can be made in them along with threats made on the Families of Tony and others to Plead Guilty, just like they did with the West Virginia men.

Freewill said...

When there is factual evidence to report on. We do not post guru lies.

Anonymous said...

This don't effect the status of the Dinar one way are the other.