Thursday, October 8, 2015

We Are Entering the Time of Financial Collapse

We Are Entering the Time of Financial Collapse Point-V the Guerrilla Economist....

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 9:1

(Before It's News)

By Greg Hunter’s

“V, the Guerrilla Economist” says we have reached the point of no return in the global financial system. “V” explains, “We are entering a time which I call the collapse point. At the collapse point, there is going to be massive systemic shock. Why? Because you have one paradigm and one system being done away with, which is the dollar. It is going to be replaced by a new system. During that transition period, you cannot expect to trade anything because what do you trade it in? That’s why the Chinese are gearing up their own gold price fix. Once that collapse point happens and the world reels from the systemic shock, the Chinese gold price fix and the BRICS system will be there to fill in that vacuum. That is what’s being set up right now.”
“V” uses an anonymous name because he says if his cover is blown, he would lose business and his global high ranking financial sources. So, what will the collapse look like for the man in the street here in America? “V” says, “I was on a conference call at the beginning of the year. On that call were seven guys and some of the smartest people in the world.   They work in various sectors of government and various sectors of the military, and the question was asked what does an economic collapse in the United States look like? The initial, unanimous answer was you can expect anywhere from 25 million to 50 million dead in the first 90 days. I almost fell off my chair. Then they said, it’s real simple. You are going to have people dropping dead from violence, looting, rioting, lack of medication; we are the most medicated country on the planet. People also will be dropping dead from starvation, dehydration and disease. That’s going to kill a large swath of people. If you look at the big population centers: in New York you got 8 million people, in L.A. you got a couple of million. It would be very easy to rapidly build those death numbers up.”
Can you survive the crash here in the U.S.? “V” says, “My people say you need to have enough food and supplies for three months. I say to be safe, you should have supplies for six months. . . . My hope and prayer is “We the People” get this government and these things under control and prosecute these criminals at some point. . . . You cannot stop what is coming. You cannot stop this collapse. It’s too far gone and too far forward. You are not going to stop it, but right now, the race is for who is going to win on the other side. Is it going to be us, the American people? Or is it going to be the criminal cabal that is running D.C. right now. They have already made a pact or a promise to do whatever it takes for them to hold on to power on the other side of this thing. You’ve got to understand, the economy is weak and these guys are weak, as well. They have never been weaker.”
So, does the collapse point happen this year? “V” predicts, “No crash this year. You will have major geopolitical events. The dollar will be undermined. The petro dollar will come to an end by the end of 2015. There will be no market crash this year.”
What about gold and silver prices? Will they vault higher this year? “V” says, “No, but I expect them to vault higher by the middle of 2016.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with “V, the Guerrilla Economist” of
(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview:
“V” adds one caveat to the “no collapse this year” prediction. He says if Saudi Arabia stops selling oil exclusively in dollars or if the Kingdom gets overrun and falls—all bets are off. A financial collapse would begin almost immediately. “V” says keep an eye on Saudi Arabia. There is free information and articles on

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