Government expanding its oversight over America’s farms - AGAIN! UNLAWFULLY!!!
New produce safety rules from the government today are intended to help prevent the kind of large-scale outbreaks of food-borne illness that occurred over the past decade linked to fresh spinach, cantaloupes, cucumbers and other foods.Under the rules, the government soon will have new oversight of the farms that grow Americans’ food. That means, for example, making sure workers are trained to wash their hands, irrigation water is monitored for harmful bacteria and animals do not leave droppings in fields. (This while they SHUT DOWN farms UNLAWFULLY - CONTROL the food and you CONTROL the masses. THIS IS NOT 'GOOD'. WHAT GIVES THEM THE LEGAL RIGHT TO DO THIS? U.S.A. corporation cabal 'Government' employees in charge when they don't know the difference between a banana and a grapefruit, can't read or write, can't spell and themselves don't know proper toilet practices.)
The majority of farmers and food manufacturers already follow good safety practices, but the rules are intended to give greater focus on prevention in a system that has been largely reactive after large outbreaks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 48 million people — or 1 in 6 people in the United States — are sickened each year from food-borne diseases, and an estimated 3,000 people die.
The regulations are tailored to cover foods and growing methods that pose the greatest risk, and they target produce such as berries, melons, leafy greens and other items usually eaten raw and more prone to contamination. A farm that produces green beans that will be cooked and canned, for example, would not be regulated. There are also exemptions for smaller farms.
The Food and Drug Administration has haggled over how to write the rules since Congress approved them in 2010. The agency has tried to find a balance between food safety and regulating farms with safety measures already in place.
The rules are new territory for the agency, which has never before had such broad authority to oversee how food is grown on farms. The FDA originally proposed the produce rules in 2013, but rewrote them last year after some farmers said they would be too burdensome. The final rules largely follow that rewrite.
The rules require farmers to test irrigation water quality, regularly train workers on the best health and hygiene practices, and monitor wildlife that may intrude on growing fields, among other measures.
Compared with the original proposal, the final rule requires less stringent standards for irrigation water quality and reduces the frequency of testing, in some cases. The organic industry had expressed concerns about the rules, especially because many organic farmers use raw manure as fertilizer and try to treat irrigation water with fewer chemicals.
Advocates for food safety laws have cited the pressing need after several high-profile food-borne illness outbreaks. In 2006, E. coli in fresh spinach was linked to several deaths, including a 2-year-old. A 2011 outbreak of listeria linked to cantaloupes killed 30 people. This year, four people have died in a salmonella outbreak linked to Mexican cucumbers. (Most likely ALL food borne illnesses are due to IMPORTED CROPS because this mafia 'government' has pretty well shut down ALL industry and business in this nation.)
Also on Friday, the FDA released new rules to ensure the safety of food imported for the U.S. market. (Most ALL is imported now - most from Mexico, central and south America. China does the 'processing', especially of meats and poultry.)
These rules could help prevent against outbreaks such as the salmonella in Mexican cucumbers or cyclospora illnesses linked to Mexican cilantro. The FDA said the cilantro was grown in fields where American investigators found toilet paper and human feces.
The FDA issued separate rules aimed at food manufacturing facilities in September. The 2010 food safety law also authorized more inspections by the FDA and gave the agency additional powers to shut down facilities.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Organic Farmers should know that they are supposed to compost the manure first before using it, because in composting it heats up and kills off bacterias, etc. from the manure. Foreign countries are using pesticides that have been banned here in U.S.A. and sending the produce in to our country. Mexicans using the bathroom in the field create raw sewage right there out in the fields, which are actually getting into the tissues of the plants. Where are these e coli, salmonella, listeria etc. tainted foods actually coming from? If from Mexico, then what are they going to do? Regulate farms in America when the problem is coming from Mexico? The reason I don't buy Green Giant is because their company went over to Mexico and the standards in Mexico are not like the standards in our country. Why don't we start buying vegetables from our own country instead of having them shipped in from foreign countries? The only reason to have foreign produce is to be able to buy out of season vegetables and fruits. You still have to remember that their standards are sub-standard and not as strict as our country and yet our country allows them to be shipped in here to pollute and poison us. There are too many busy body do nothings working in our government who are accomplishing nothing of importance, but only trying to gum up the works in a field where American Farmers know what is required of them already. I'll go check them out and hire my own crew to help, but I'll want lots of money, and I won't burden the farmers, but help them to put out quality produce. In our country, they irradiate the produce to "keep organisms out, and help it to have longer shelflife" so they say, but it destroys all the enzymes in your food so it doesn't digest right and your body doesn't have the benefit of the enzymes in cell building for your body. It's really time folks for everyone to learn how to grow their own food, organically, and get a few chickens for eggs, etc. and learn how to save the seeds from your food. One more thought.... it's very possible that our own government should be sued for contaminating the farmer's crops out in the fields with chemtrails fallout because they are putting several different kinds of bacterias and viruses into the chemtrails and spraying it out in the air to fall on your food and water supplies. What they are trying to do is to spray these several types of bacterias and viruses all over you so that it will cause your immune system to spread....fighting so many different things all at once...so it severly weakens your immune system and then when they come out with the biological warfare such as anthrax, small pox, etc. it will kill you. This is why they use HAARP on us too... to spread the immune system and weaken it.
"Give me control of all food resources and I will control the world" Killinger
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