Tuesday, December 1, 2015

These 12 Refugees Were Vetted And Allowed Into US

These 12 Refugees Were Vetted And Allowed Into US… But Obama Won’t Tell You What Happened Next

Sen. Jeff Sessions recently released a list of 12 vetted refugees who joined jihad plots to attack America to raise awareness of just how dangerous these individuals can be.

“This list — which only covers 2015 and not the many jihadis from prior years — illustrates just how incapable our government is of vetting refugees or predicting post-entry radicalization,” a Washington aide to the Alabama Republican told Breitbart.

The list of refugees who decided to support terrorist plots is below.

Liban Haji Mohamed, a native of Somalia, was wanted for allegedly providing material support to Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda.

Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim, from Somalia, was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for conspiring to provide material support to Al-Shabaab.

Abdullah Ramo Pazara, a Bosnian native, received legal status in America but left to join the Islamic State group after being in the country for only 11 days. Pazara was reported killed in Syria, which was why he was never formally charged.

Ramiz Zijad Hodzic and Nihad Rosic, both from Bosnia, were charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists and conspiring to kill and disfigure people in a foreign country.
Sedina Unkic Hodzic, Ramiz Zijad Hodzic’s wife, was charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists.

Armin Harcevic, Mediha Medy Salkicevic and Jasminka Ramic, all from Bosnia, were charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists.
Abdurahman Yasin Daud and Guled Ali Omar, both born in a Kenyan refugee camp, were charged with conspiracy and attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State group.

Fazliddin Kurbanov, from Uzbekistan, was found guilty of conspiracy and attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization and for possession of an unregistered destructive device.

And yet the Obama administration assures the American people time and time again that we have nothing to fear from the “widows and orphans” it wants to import into the country from Syria and other hotbeds of radical Islamic terror.

Sounds reasonable.



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