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Exclusive public outlet for documentation and notices from The Original Jurisdiction Republic 1861 circa 2010.
Benjamin Netanyahu says he is ready to release thousands of documents proving evidence of a Washington pedophile ring
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just declassified 400,000
documents that expose child trafficking and a child sex ring in
Following Obama’s decision to abstain at the U.N. Security Council
earlier in the week, Netanyahu has warned him that he is willing to
release information that will potentially damage powerful people in
“From now on,” Netanyahu said, “with
one touch of the keyboard everyone will have access to the documents and
can trace what happened to the children.” reports
Israel on Wednesday made public for the first time some 400,000 pages
of documents related to the fate of the missing Yemenite children of
the 1950s, something Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said was meant to
“correct the historical injustice” of hiding the fate of the children.
“It is difficult to believe that for almost 70 years, people did not
know what happened to their children,” Netanyahu said. “And as difficult
as the reality may be, we are not willing for this to continue.”
Netanyahu’s comments came at a ceremony in the Prime Minister’s
Office, where a website was launched with the documentation about the
The documents are those that three inquiry committees had at their
disposal over the years in investigating the case of the missing
children – in 1967, 1988, and 1995.
From now on, Netanyahu said, “with one touch of the keyboard,”
everyone will have access to the documents and can trace what happened
to the children.
In June, Netanyahu appointed Regional Cooperation Minister Tzachi
Hanegbi to reexamine the evidence in the three previous inquiries, and
in November the cabinet decided to release the classified documents.
This decision overturned a 2001 decision to seal the documents until
During the early days of the state, from 1948 to 1954, hundreds of
babies and toddlers of families of Mizrahi descent, mostly from Yemen,
mysteriously disappeared during the massive wave of immigration at that
In the vast majority of cases, parents were told in the hospital that
their children had died, though they never received any official
Over the years, families have claimed that their children were in
fact kidnapped and given away or sold off to Ashkenazi families.
The archives opened some 3,500 case files which contained original
background materials collected by the committees, including hospital
records, death certificates, photos and personal testimonies.
As such, the collection includes some 1,248 documents regarding
hospitalization of the missing children, 1,226 death certificates, 923
burial records, 202 records of surgery following their deaths and 358
birth certificates.
Despite the massive amount of documents released, the majority of
families still did not receive closure or new information regarding the
whereabouts of their lost family members. Still, the opening of the case
files was hailed as a major win and a step forward toward
acknowledgment of the affair.
At the ceremony on Wednesday, Hanegbi termed this a “big day to correct a big injustice.”
The reason this is happening now, he said, “is that we feel a moral need to reveal the truth.”
Hanegbi acknowledged that the matter was a trauma that haunted
families for decades, and expressed hope that transparency on the matter
will help people reach closure.
“Hopefully, this will give some relief to the families,” he said.
The public database will reduce “suspicion and distrust that the
establishment is hiding information,” Hanegbi stated. “We’re not hiding
information; there is transparency.
Evidence has emerged that Hillary Clinton is connected to the
pedophile ring recently uncovered in Norway, involving 51 people,
including politicians, teachers and doctors.
Following the arrest of 20 people connected to child abuse scandal,
Clinton Foundation donors in Norway have withdrawn their support for
Hillary Clinton amid rumors that Hillary has connections to the
pedophile ring.
Last Sunday, as reported by the Associated Press and a variety of
both independent and corporate news sources, a large pedophile ring
involving 51 people was busted in Norway, leading to the arrest of 20
people, three convictions and a search for the others in different parts
of the country. One of the most detailed reports so far came from
Turkey’s Daily Sabah, reposted below:
Norway launches probe on pedophile network involving 51 people, 20 arrested By DAILY SABAH WITH ASSOCIATED PRESS
Norwegian police said on Sunday they
are investigating a grotesque pedophilia ring suspected of involvement
in the abuse of at least 51 people, which includes the abuse of infants
and at least one case of a suspect acknowledging abusing his own
children. The latest incident is considered one of the largest child
sexual abuse cases in the country’s history.
Deputy Police Chief Gunnar Floystad
said that in they have arrested 20 men so far, with three convictions,
in western Norway. The 31 other suspects are from other regions in
Norway. Those facing charges are to receive a maximum penalty of up to
15 years in prison.
Floystad told reporters Sunday that many of the suspects are highly educated, and include lawyers and politicians.
Two current or former elected officials, one teacher and a lawyer are
allegedly among the accused. He said he could not reveal more details
pending the conclusion of the investigation, known as “Dark Room,” which
began in 2015. Prosecutors said the perpetrators met in the dark web,
using encryption and anonymity to hide their tracks.
“We have the clear perception that
like-minded individuals met with each other in the so-called dark net,
where they could talk with one another and cultivate their interest in
children in peace,” Hilde Reikrås, the head of Operation Dark Room, said
at a press conference on Sunday, the Local Norway reported.
“There are several highly educated
[individuals] with high IT skills. They’ve used encryption and anonymity
to hide their tracks,” head police prosecutor Janne Ringset Heltne said
at the Sunday press conference, adding that all of the perpetrators
involved are allegedly men.
“The material shows the abuse of
children of all ages, including infants,” Reikrås said. She also gave
examples of the scope of the horrific abuse.
Coincidentally (or perhaps not), on the same day this story broke,
another story involving Norway was widely reported among mostly
independent and alternative sites. The following example is from The
Daily Caller:
Norway Donations To Clinton Foundation To Fall Nearly 90% Off Peak By Chuck Ross
The Norwegian government’s planned
contribution to the Clinton Foundation next year will be nearly 90
percent off its peak, news outlets in Norway are reporting.
Norway will donate 35.9 million
kroner this year — or around $5.1 million — to the Clinton Health Access
Initiative, a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation, according to
the Norwegian news outlet, Hegnar.
The Scandinavian nation will slash
its donations by 36 percent next year to 23 million kroner. That marks a
87 percent decline from the 2015 peak.
The drastic cut could be a signal
that other longtime Clinton Foundation donors will reduce donations in
the wake of Hillary Clinton’s presidential loss.
Hegnar reported that Norway gave an
average of 40 million kroner each year between 2007 and 2013. That
jumped to 129 million kroner in 2014 and 174 million kroner — or $25
million — last year.
Norway’s ministry of foreign affairs
said that it has not renewed pledges it had with the Clinton Foundation
which ended in 2015.
“Norway has signed several agreements
which aimed to help reduce maternal and child mortality in countries
with high mortality burden to ensure progress on the [Millennium
Development Goals],” Guri Solberg, the communications adviser for the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Finansavisen.
“Most of the agreements expired in
2015, in parallel with completion of the [Millennium Development Goals].
This is why the payments were particularly high in 2014 and 2015.”
Of course the reasoning behind this decision could be based on
Clinton’s defeat and fears that the Trump administration might possibly
investigate the pay-to-play scandal, but the timing coinciding with the
pedophile bust is suspicious. What if, rather than being an outcome of
Clinton’s defeat, the recent news from Norway are late-breaking
indicators of what may have caused her defeat?
It’s no longer a secret that the U.S. electoral system is highly
corrupt and susceptible to tampering. Both major parties are reluctant
to change the status quo because both take advantage of it in varying
degrees to retain a duopoly and for greater control over primary,
general and local elections. The Trump victory was an anomaly because he
didn’t seem to have support from the Republican establishment while
Clinton had the backing of the neocons and the majority of corporate
interests. Clinton was primed to win, and the fact that she didn’t (and
is not directly challenging the results) is reasonable cause to suspect
she may have been forced to stand down. The fact that earlier today
Trump announced he would not be investigating Clinton gives further
credence to the notion she was offered a “deal” (or ultimatum) by
Given what we’ve learned already from the Podesta emails, it’s not
beyond the realm of possibility that powerful elites in the U.S. had
strong motivation to prevent four years of Clinton and Podesta in the
spotlight. Any political figure connected to pedophilia, human
trafficking or a host of other crimes can be easily controlled and
manipulated through blackmail, but once the secret gets out they’re no
longer effective salespuppets. Meanwhile, elites in Norway could be
attempting to distance themselves from the Clinton Foundation for the
same reasons. More information is needed to solidify this possible
connection which is why the ongoing open-source investigation by
multiple internet communities is essential.
President Obama's lame duck administration poured on thousands more new regulations in 2016 at a rate of 18 for every new law passed, according to a Friday analysis of his team's expansion of federal authority.
While Congress passed just 211 laws, Obama's team issued an accompanying 3,852 new federal regulations, some costing billions of dollars.
The 2016 total was the highest annual number of regulations under Obama. Former President Bush issued more in the wake of 9/11.
The proof that it was an overwhelming year for rules and regulations is in the Federal Register, which ended the year Friday by printing a record-setting 97,110 pages, according to the analysis from the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
The annual "Unconstitutional Index" from Clyde Wayne Crews, CEI's vice president for policy, said that it was much higher under Obama than under former President George W. Bush.
"The multiple did tend to be higher during Obama administration. Bush's eight years averaged 20, while Obama's almost-eight have averaged 29," said his report, first provided to Secrets.
His index is meant to show that it is the federal bureaucracy, not Congress, that levies the most rules.
"There's no pattern to any of this, since the numerators and denominators can vary widely; there had been 114 laws in 2015, and a multiple of 39. The multiple can be higher with fewer laws, or with more regulations, holding the other constant. The point is that agencies do the bulk of lawmaking, no matter the party in power," he wrote. President-elect Trump has promised to slash federal regulations, even pledging to cut two current rules for every one he imposes. Congressional leaders have also promised to slash rules and regulations that have escalated under Obama.
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at
The late LaVoy Finicum's widow, Jeannette, was not allowed by the BLM to turn her cattle onto winter range this summer despite her fees and fines ...
Five Bundy men remained incarcerated over the Christmas holiday for participating in protest movements against the federal government’s land management strategies.
The patriarch, Cliven Bundy, who became well-known in 2014 when the Bureau of Land Management attempted to gather his cattle off BLM range, is being held without bond at Pahrump, Nevada on nine charges.
According to his wife Carol, Cliven is being charged with:
– conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States
– conspiracy to impede and injure a federal officer
– assault on a federal officer
– threatening a federal law enforcement officer (“none of this was done,” said his wife Carol)
– use and carry of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence
– obstruction of a due administration of justice
– Interference with interstate commerce by extortion
– interstate travel in aid of extortion
– aiding and abetting
Cliven’s charges stem from his opposition to the BLM’s gathering of his cattle. The BLM made known their plans to gather and market his cattle in the spring of 2014 because Cliven had stopped paying his grazing fees years earlier. A new BLM director gave orders to release the cattle, after a chaotic gather including helicopters that left a number of cattle dead, water sources destroyed and baby calves motherless since the gather happened during calving season.
“We didn’t threaten anybody. We didn’t assault anybody,” said Carol, regarding the protest event that included individuals from around the country showing opposition to the BLM’s attempted cattle gathering.
“They tasered Ammon three times, threw my sister in law to the ground, threw my son Davy to the ground, held him and arrested him and then let him go. My question is, ‘where does the federal government get the authority to have an army to hire contractors who carry guns when it was a peaceful protest?’” Carol said she can prove that Cliven and her sons “were trying to keep it peaceful.”
Besides Cliven, four of her sons are in prison for their roles in the 2014 protest activities. Ammon and Ryan were also charged for their participation in the Oregon protest in support of the Hammond family, but were acquitted of those conspiracy charges. Ammon has six children, Ryan has eight.
Mel and Dave, fathers to five and six kids respectively, are also in prison for taking part in the 2014 protest on their ranch.
Carol said she helps her daughters-in-law financially as she is able, to allow them to continue to live at home with their children.
Cliven is allowed one short call per day so husband and wife do often visit for about 15 minutes per day. “It’s all taped and monitored. A lot of times it’s cut short,” Carol said.
“This is a man who has not been proven guilty and he’s been treated with harsher restrictions than if he was convicted. They let murderers and rapists out. This is unheard of that they would not let these men on a 'conspiracy' charge come home to their families.”
Son Ardon has been helping with ranch work in the absence of Cliven but he will be leaving for a church mission soon, so a son-in-law will help fill the gap, Carol said.
Her husband will never return to trail the cows to winter range again, but Jeanette Finicum is determined that she will get the job done, eventually. Although she’s provided a check to fully cover fines assessed over the last year, the Arizona rancher continues to be locked out of both her winter and summer grazing ranges.
Jeanette, whose husband Robert “LaVoy” Fincium was shot and killed by Oregon State Troopers last January, has managed grazing decisions on their northern Arizona ranch alone since his Jan. 26, 2016 death.
Pounding staples, doctoring sick calves and putting out mineral are on Jeanette’s list of tasks to complete throughout the year. Those are the easy jobs. She can soon add a much more painful item to the list: filing suit against the Bureau of Land Management. She plans to file suit within the next two weeks.
“My husband is dead because he went out to help the Hammonds. He stood for them and now they (the federal government) are trying real hard to make an example out of my husband. This is what will happen if you dare stand up. It’s like they are saying ‘you get in your place and don’t get out of it again or we’ll put you in solitary confinement or we’ll kill you.’ That’s what I see happening — innocent people are in jail right now.” Jeanette Finicum
The Finicums manage two separate grazing permits – summer and winter. Their 16,000 acres of winter range is to be grazed between Oct. 15 and May 15.
During the fall of 2015, LaVoy decided to utilize one pasture of his of winter range that hadn’t been grazed in six years. “The grass was really tall and he said, ‘I’m going to let the cows use the grass.’” Although his range allotment agreement allows him 169 AUMs, LaVoy had never turned out more than 70 head of cows on his winter range – in fact, many years it was less than that. He put his cattle on this pasture about 40 days before Oct. 15.
In order to best utilize the grass, some of the 70 cows remained on that pasture throughout the winter, and others were moved “on top” to the “mountain” where the rest of the winter range is located. “As ranchers, we take into consideration all of these things – we want to use the grass in a way that is best for the grass,” Jeanette said.
Jeanette explains that the land that she and LaVoy always considered their “summer” range is actually a small allotment that allows for maintenance of 35 AUMS year round, but they only used the land in the summer.
“It wouldn’t serve that property well (to graze it year round). We want to be good stewards of the range,” she said. “I know there are bad apples out there but most ranchers want the land to be well taken care of to be able to produce and stay healthy.”
The Finicums’ grazing fees have always been paid in full, she explains. Before traveling to Oregon to join protesters in opposition to the arrest of federal land ranchers Steven and Dwight Hammond, LaVoy had announced his plan to begin to pay his grazing fees to the county rather then the feds. He believed that constitutionally the state and county should be managing the land. “He made the announcement that he was no longer going to sign the contract, but the contracts were still in effect.” Because of LaVoy’s untimely death, the contract remained intact and grazing fees were paid, Jeanette said.
Jeanette said that the BLM fined her trespass fees for the days the cattle were on the winter allotment prior to Oct. 15, and fees continued to accrue, even after the Oct . 15 turn-out date came and went. In an effort to reduce the trespass fees to a more reasonable figure, Jeanette negotiated with the BLM throughout the spring. It came to her attention that she would not be allowed to use her “summer” range and she began to look for alternative pasture. Finding none, she felt like she had “nowhere to go,” and finally decided to dry-lot her cows and calves, taking them off winter range the first weekend in July.
Although Tri-State Livestock News asked Arizona state BLM representatives a number of questions relating to this subject, their response was brief:
“The Bureau of Land Management has been in contact with attorneys representing Jeanette Finicum and LaVoy Finicum’s estate since May 2016 in an attempt to resolve fines associated with a nearly year-long grazing trespass on the Tuckup Allotment,” said Amber Cargile, director of communications for Arizona’s BLM department.
Jeanette continued negotiations with the BLM to not only lessen the trespass fines, but also to complete other paperwork the BLM was calling for because they were not recognizing her as the allotment owner. Rather than allow Jeanette to take over the grazing allotments after LaVoy’s death, state BLM representatives said she was not considered the heir to the allotments, even though she was the widow of one. They told her the grazing permits terminated upon his death and that she would have to start at square one with the application process to graze her (their) cattle on the allotment. Jeanette said the BLM also told her that her grazing rights are not “inheritable,” but she and her attorney disagree. “It is property and an asset to our estate,” she said.
The BLM said an environmental impact study would have to be conducted to determine whether or not she was eligible to graze the allotments.
Jeanette’s attorney advised her that under BLM rule 43 CFR 4110.2-3, the BLM is required to provide her two years to meet any paperwork requirements, and must allow her to continue to graze her cattle during those two years. Jeanette said she and her attorneys brought this law to the attention of BLM representatives and were told, “we don’t do it that way.”
“The BLM recognizes that Mrs. Finicum is a personal representative of her late husband’s estate. The BLM has been working with Mrs. Finicum and her legal counsel on issues related to both the fees associated with her husband’s estate as well as the future of the permit. Due to the ongoing nature of these discussions, we’re not at liberty to provide additional details at this time,” said BLM’s Cargile.
Jeannette drylotted the cows and calves throughout the summer to avoid selling the entire herd. She worked to meet BLM requirements, planning to turn her cattle out on winter range at the proper time without incident. Fines of over $12,000 had mounted over the trespass and when negotiations continued to dead-end, Jeanette decided to pay those fines in full.
With a 50-mile trail to her winter range, Mrs. Finicum had begun moving cattle on Oct. 13, planning to make about 15 miles per day until she arrived. Her mother in law had agreed to deliver a check for $12,355.47, the amount of the trespass fines, and her application required for the BLM’s environmental impact study. “I was told we had a deal with the BLM,” she remembers.
About one full day into the trail, a messenger arrived telling her that the BLM would not take her check and that she would not be allowed to turn her cattle onto her BLM winter range allotment. “They said they weren’t accepting my check. I’m 14 miles into the middle of the desert with cows and calves and nowhere to go,” she recalls.
“I had to find another range. My attorney and I, at that point, were still trying to negotiate. We thought it would be less than 30 days and I’d be back on my range. Finally my attorney said, ‘Jeanette, this is ridiculous.’ They won’t even follow their own laws, you need to do something, you need to move forward.” So she decided to file suit.
Jeanette said her sister in law stepped in and offered pasture for her cattle for now.
While she and her late husband always maintained a cordial working relationship with their local BLM office, the state office has now been in communication with her regarding all of these issues, Jeanette said. “My husband and I liked the local range conservationists. We always got along with them. But their hands are tied.” She said that the state BLM office only communicates vaguely, such as offering to negotiate but not following through. “They say they want to work with you but then they do nothing. “They don’t want my cows back out there.”
LaVoy was shot to death during last January’s protest headquartered on the Malheur Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon. While traveling with a caravan of peaceful protesters to a community meeting about federal land issues in nearby John Day, Oregon, state and federal officers arrested all members of the party except LaVoy, who they killed after he exited his vehicle at a police stop point.
The Oregon State Police later claimed that LaVoy was reaching for a weapon. The Oregon State Police were cleared of any wrongdoing in March when the 'local investigators' determined that the state troopers’ fatal shots were justified. But two shots from FBI agents remain under investigation. Initially FBI agents denied taking the shots toward LaVoy as he exited the vehicle with his hands in the air, but it was later proven that the shells were deployed from FBI weapons.
Jeanette said she has filed an intent to sue for wrongful death over LaVoy’s murder.
On December 15, after a five-year investigation Maricopa Country, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio released new forensic analysis evidence confirming that Barack Obama’s alleged birth certificate
is a forgery. This was verified by completely independent forensic
experts who discovered an authentic birth certificate from which forgers
created a computer-generated modification transforming it into an
official Obama birth certificate. The counterfeited document was
released in 2011.
Arpaio noted that the fraud was a
major violation of federal law—regardless of where Obama was born—and
sent his findings to Congress. Predictably his conclusions were ignored
by the mainstream media.
But Obama has been confessing
unconsciously to his illegal presidency for some time in exactly the way
Jesus and cutting-edge psychoanalysis reveals—in one “log in his eye”
projection after another. Remember the new understanding of the human
mind. A person’s subconscious, far more astute than we ever realized,
quick-reads himself in the blink of an eye. So we listen to Obama’s
projections which are both his quick-read take on himself and a model of
This monumental paradigm shift in
psychology allows us to understand unconscious communication and the
human mind’s startling super-intel awareness of conflicts and
resolution. This new knowledge about the human mind allows us to fully
grasp a man’s meaning. Understand the new science of
unconscious communication provides the exclusive hard evidence—apart
from circumstantial evidence (fraudulent birth certificate, refusal to
release any records, etc.)—that Obama is an illegal president. His
unconscious super-intel mind has specifically confessed in its unique
Projection confessions Looking back at Obama’s recent
comments, we find distinct projection confessions. While in Germany on
November 17 he spoke about false news (a projection in itself) and how
to determine the truth.
Obama declared, “In an age of so much
misinformation—packaged very well…if we’re not serious about facts,
about what’s true and what’s not, if we can’t discriminate between
serious arguments and propaganda then we have problems.”
In other words, he has disseminated
misinformation about the legality of his smoothly packaged presidency,
lied about the facts and propagandized America from the beginning of his
Obama’s super-intel reports exactly
where his deceit led. If we don’t discriminate between the truth and a
lie and spot the propaganda, “we won’t know what to protect. We won’t
know what to fight for.”
When the media, the Congress and the
courts—all the way to the Supreme Court— submitted to Obama’s
propaganda, together they carried out the biggest birth conspiracy of
all: accepting his U.S. birth and Hawaiian birth certificate as true
Indeed, they didn’t know what to
protect or what to fight for—our very foundation, the rule of law.
That’s how close we are to losing America. No wonder Congress can’t face
Arpaio’s findings.
Obama’s super-intel warns us, “We can
lose so much of what we’ve gained in terms of democratic
freedoms…prosperity we come to take for granted.” He’s hinting that we
can lose our democracy. We can take our prosperity for granted as great
nations invariably do before they fall from within.
We return to Obama’s admonition to
get the facts—precisely what Sheriff Arpaio has just provided. Facts are
determined by reality, and our leaders have consistently ignored the
reality of Obama’s phony birth certificate.
Here is where the breakthrough to the
magnificent super-intel comes into play. Projections identify accurate
unconscious facts someone wants to hide. The bottom line is that our
brilliant super-intel picks up on the facts. It’s vastly superior to our
conscious minds which remain prone to blind spots.
Imagery of illegality Unconsciously Obama’s consistent
projection imagery presents the deeper fact of his illegal presidency
almost daily. In Obama’s extensive interview with Rolling Stone magazine
one day after the election, he said the way to bring the country
together in the face of false news “is how we create a common set of
facts.” Note the repetitive projection that he has created “fake news”
about his presidency, but he points again to the answer—get the facts.
In the interview, he specifically
points to his illegal presidency, and he spontaneously links Trump’s
surprising election to his own election. Early on election night in 2008 his
key advisors told him, “We don't think we're gonna win this thing.” Read
his super-intel imagery; he didn’t think he should have won the
election and didn’t really win because he had been ineligible to run. Confirming his hidden confession,
Obama then told how he would advise Trump, “Number 1, however you
campaigned, once you're in this office, you are part of a legacy dating
back to those first Revolutionaries. And this amazing experiment in
democracy has to be tended."
It’s another projection confession.
Obama campaigned as the first revolutionary illegitimate president and
took office as such. He failed to tend to—protect—America’s amazing
democracy. Instead he experimented with it, breaking the rule of law,
our nation’s very foundation—and got away with it.
Don’t overlook his continued
unconscious instructions to Trump: tend to democracy by enforcing the
rule of law. Unknowingly Obama continues to instruct Trump to
investigate his illegal presidency. As demonstrated in my recent book, The Stockholm Syndrome President: How Trump Triggered Obama’s Hidden Confession,
Obama intuitively pleaded with Trump to hold him accountable and free
him from his secret control by radical Islam. This led to Obama’s
illegal candidacy and attack on America. Now Trump has new factual
evidence: Arpaio’s proof of a forged Obama birth certificate.
Immigrant president In the Rolling Stone interview, Obama
makes a familiar reference to immigrants secretly referring to himself.
The 2016 election results showed that “Democratic immigration-rights
activists failed to realize borders mean something to the majority of
Americans,” he said. His super-intel is saying he
was an immigration-rights activist about his illegal presidency
entitled to make up his own rules and assault millions of Americans who
knew that without borders we have no country. His super-intel functions
as a “rule of law” activist correcting him and confessing to his great
misdeed. His denial confession reveals his
contradictory thinking. He insists that “the rule of law and values
that stay true to our (his) immigrant roots…don’t have to be
contradictory.” Notice Obama’s illogical thinking—he can both break the
law and keep it at the same time as his key imagery declares, “I am an
immigrant rooted in an illegal presidency.”
This matches his earlier comment that
fake news created a “dust cloud of nonsense”—a perfect description of
his fake presidency.
Ban illegal presidency In rich projection imagery he then
tells of people on Facebook “passing crazy stuff about [how he] has
banned the Pledge of Allegiance.” Again secretly he admits that he
behaved in a crazy way running as an illegal president and totally
destroyed his allegiance to America. He reveals how
distorted—“crazy”—his conscious thinking is so that it allows him to
severely violate the law and it means nothing. His reference to the
“Pledge” points to the oath of office he specifically violated on his
Inauguration Day in 2009. He knows his presidency should be banned. He
should still be impeached. In the end Obama’s super-intel
provides the antidote to his misleading of America with his illegitimate
election. The answer—come back to the facts. The interview took place in the Oval
Office. Obama commented, “Sitting behind that desk is sobering…it will
have an impact on him [Trump] as it has on every president.” Obama
soberly and solemnly acknowledges his true legacy as America’s only
illegal president. He cannot live with himself without telling the truth
Informed citizens only hope to constrain Obama His super-intel reveals the stunning
solution now, “I think the most important constraint on any president is
the American people themselves, of an informed citizenry that is active
and participating and engaged.” It’s as though he’s advising, “American
citizens—of which I am not one—get the facts about my horrendous
illegal presidency. Hear my super-intel telling you that secret fact
again and then constrain me. Match it with the circumstantial facts of
my suppression of my records. Match it with my forged birth
certificate—now an undeniable fact.
Even our conservative leaders can
suffer Beltway blindness. One leader—an outsider—saw it. Donald Trump
was certain Obama was an illegal citizen. Can he now return to that
belief for America’s sake? Obama himself tells us how important it is
that he be brought to justice—America’s rule of law restored to its
rightful place. Obama’s super-intel speaks not only for himself but for
all America—to fight for and protect our nation. Arpaio has done his part, now it’s up to the citizens.
Obama’s encouraging Americans to
become informed and then take action. Constrain him by
urging—insisting—their congressional representatives restore the rule of
law. Deep down Obama knows he should be impeached—it’s the only way for
justice to be satisfied.
Because of that unconscious fact he
promises “that is going to be something that I will, in my own modest
ways, continue to try to encourage for the rest of my life." Obama will
continue to confess subliminally. His inner God-given moral compass
demands it.
Chicago has plunged ever further into chaos as gang violence gripped the city for yet another weekend.
the rule of Democratic Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the city has seen some of
its worst violence in over two decades. There have been more than 750
shooting deaths in 2016 alone. Over the Christmas weekend, 50 people were shot, and 12 were killed
— double the number from last year. Gang violence accounts for most of
the killings — nearly 90% — and the perpetrators all had long criminal
histories. Most are “targeted attacks” between rival gangs, according to
Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson.
During his press
conference on Monday, Johnson said they recovered 45 guns from the
streets over the holiday weekend. These guns didn’t come from
law-abiding Chicagoans who face some of the strictest gun laws in the
country, but from hardened criminals who don’t obey laws. Johnson knows
that stricter gun laws never stops violence:
“These gun offenders have repeatedly shown us that they’re not going to play by society’s rules.”
So, he’s calling for tougher penalties for repeat gun offenders. It’s painfully obvious more gun laws will do nothing.
time Democrat ghetto hellholes like Chicago pay attention to what’s
happening in their pro-gun controlled cities instead of learning the
hard way that criminals don’t care what laws are on the books. It’s
never acceptable to take away the rights of good people to offer the
illusion of safety. Crack down on crime, make the punishments severe,
and allow law-abiding citizens protect themselves.
.... once the people that actually built the countries of North
America get to a certain age ...(Italian, German, eastern europeans, UK,
etc.) then the zio garbage throws us on the trash heap and tries to
exploit the next bunch of immigrants (Chinese, Phillipinos,
etc.)....People need to be educated on who the filth at the top REALLY
is....GET ready, if club Z is pulling this crap in Mexico, and is going
to attempt a coup here in North America, through the bought and paid for
homosexual military scum bags, not the good
guys defending the republic, the game is about to go live, and hot.
Russian diplomats deported by Oburner???? wtf? but Russia is playing
cool, and good for them, for the Oburner/Soetoro crowd is worried, very
worried, the net is full of truths now that they
don't want out there, and if Trump gets in, and actually drains the
swamp the way I think he would, those guys are all either going to get
iced or go to jail..... so just be ready, we might et some off world
help but...why would they>??? and as Ihave siad
for over 20 years now, the scum bags are not going to arrest
Drudge back up. He tweeted it was a DDOS attack and it must be over now.
Internet problems today, so I have to be brief.
Chris Kitze sent another message. Chris is one of the front runners
in the information wars, and runs both and Beforeitsnews. If
he speaks on this topic it is PRIME INFO, HERE IT IS:
Chris sent: Jim, Chris Kitze from Unseen and BIN here. Personal communications
are starting to be cut and this is obviously in conjunction with the
cyber attacks on Drudge and other sites. Several people have
reported that they can't get through to my cell phone
for the past couple of days. One person connected with me on a voice
call using, which works fine and my phone was sitting on the
desk in front of me (two bars, so decent signal). He called me with his
speakerphone on so I could hear everything he
heard as he dialed my phone. It played a message that "this caller is
not available". This was Verizon and I have had a second contact have
the same difficulty reaching my phone. Everyone needs to have back up communications and multiple accounts and formats.
Get extra free accounts with different email and chat/calling
services and share the info with others so you can communicate. Many of
these accounts are free (like those at Everyone should
double check their bugout bags and be ready to go.
We are now at the most dangerous time, as the bad people try to
disrupt the inauguration and do the military coup. The only question now
is how much control Obama can exercise over the military command
structure. I was told that this time it won't be like
Benghazi, where the 2nd in command who were CIA plants "kept things in
line" and stopped things in their tracks. The good guys know who these
people are and what they are up to and they will be taken out along with
their families, if necessary, that's how
serious it is.
Things could go hot very soon." My response: A very well established political lawyer in
Mexico has stated directly to this Mexican family that the crap is going
to hit the fan BADLY in early January and he has insider contacts in
the Mexican government that told him. It is all
part of a huge plan. He did not know what it was exactly, but he said
and he said only that it was "Because you won't be able to get it
anymore". Spooky. Don't know what to say about the
food part of his warning, other than "spooky". I have enough food to go
for a couple months. What more can I do on short notice?
He made it perfectly clear that the situation was 100 percent
rooted in corruption, and that it did not need to happen but they were
going to do it for reasons he did not know. He said it is related to the
gas games they have been playing which are only
games and nothing more.
I have BIG internet problems today. That might be related to the
problems you are having. I can connect, but at a cost of $50 USD per
gigabyte. That is really bad when you have to do a site like this one. I
did it anyway, because what else can I do? I have
system monitor open and am being careful, that is all I can do.
As far as cell phones, within two months of publishing the Fuku
report every cell I have ever used has been denied incoming calls and
everyone thought I was full of crap. And if I carried a phone, all I
ever did was dodge cars that almost hit me and get
followed. So I stopped paying for cell service just to give them a way
to kill me and have not had a phone for years. I could talk to only ONE
person I was in constant contact with for a short time in the beginning
of it all, and no one else. Then, 4 years
ago, even that person was gone. Cell phones are worth ZERO now as far
as I see it.
If they are cutting yours off now, we are probably in DEEP SH*T.
I will be VERY difficult to take down, because I have so many ways to
play. As far as others go, well, I don't know. Your .is sites will
probably stay up provided they are actually hosted overseas. You had
better put re-directs in and cache BIN in Iceland
RIGHT NOW. You might be one of the last few standing if you prep NOW
and get everything put on a server there so it is a simple redirect, or
you can tell people ahead of time to go to if the main
site goes down. I'll certainly post any changes
you or anyone else manages to do if they really do pull the plug. I
plan to be here or at least be the last one standing.
Russia is not playing the deportation game
The U.S. is kicking out Russian diplomats, and Russia is not doing the
same. Yesterday the U.S. decided to kick out 36 Russian diplomats, and
there are rumors today that the number has been increased to more than
70. The reason cited was the "russian hacking"
anyone with more than 5 synchronized neurons knows is B.S.
Obviously the expulsion of the diplomats was done as a provocation
to Russia. Guess what? After reports that Russia was going to in
response expel American diplomats, the latest reports are now saying
that Russia is not going to play the political games
in any form whatsoever, and is NOT going to expel ANY American
diplomats. And there you have the Russian chess methodology, which has
now sent a clear message: Create whatever provocation you want to
trigger war before Obama is out, and guess what? We will
not play that game. We will tolerate ANYTHING until that loser leaves.
Great strategy.
According to Semiramis (also known as the "Queen of Heaven", the
"Great Abomination", the "Mother of All Whores" and the inventor of
idolatry) if you want to rule over people, all you need is a "pillar and
a post".
What you do, is you take one object---- a tall vertical supporting
column--- and you label it a "pillar" and you take another tall vertical
supporting column, and label it a "post", thereby creating a difference
between them.
Even if the difference is merely a name or a label, it is enough to fool people into thinking a difference exists.
This is the essence of "divide and conquer".
You divide people using the same methods. You apply labels to them
and exploit their differences: black and white, rich and poor, short
and tall, Catholic and Lutheran, Republican and Democrat, Palestinian
and Israeli.
This is one of the essential esoteric teachings of Freemasonry
worldwide and it is the foundation plank of the Babylonian Slave System
which is now masquerading as the lawful governments of the world.
Just call it something different.
Exploit the differences.
United States v. United States of America.
But what happens when we wake up like the dumb beasts on Christmas Eve and decide to look and think and talk?
Then we notice that Russians and Americans are indistinguishable
until they open their mouths, that black people have five fingers and
toes just like white people, that most of the time the voting records of
Democrats are the same as the voting records of Republicans.
We've been fed a line. Old Semiramis has been at it again.
Having recognized the lies and enslavement of the Babylonian
System, and having recognized the "pillar" and the "post" routine being
played upon us, what do we do about it?
We see through it.
We stop believing the lie---stop seeing differences where none
exist. It's not a pillar or a post. It's a tall vertical support
We stop paying any attention to the labels.
We stop playing the game.
We aren't "United States Citizens" and we aren't "citizens of the United States" either.
We aren't "vessels in commerce".
We aren't names or labels or numbers.
We aren't members of political parties.
And at the moment you realize who you are, you set yourself free of
all this Babylonian idiocy. The illusions are shattered like a magic
spell, and the simplicity and beauty of life is revealed.
So don't wait another moment. Sit down right now and look at what I
am telling you and say----- WTH? What have I been thinking?
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website
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The DUKE - Patriot!
Born in 1948 Died in 2015
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