Wednesday, June 22, 2016

BOMBSHELL About Paul Ryan - The TRUTH is FINALLY coming out about TRAITOR RYAN

TRAITOR: Tucker Carlson  Exposes  BOMBSHELL  About  Paul  Ryan

House Speaker Paul Ryan and presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump haven’t exactly seen eye-to-eye on several issues, which has caused tension in the GOP.

Many Republicans have criticized Ryan for not wholeheartedly supporting the party’s nominee, but the conservative speaker has continued to voice his concerns about Trump.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson alleged on Sunday’s “Fox & Friends” that Ryan’s vocal disapproval of the GOP candidate essentially means that the speaker has been “working” for the Hillary Clinton campaign.

For a moment, it appeared that Ryan and Trump had put their differences aside. However, recent developments show that the two leaders are far from an alliance, despite Ryan’s endorsement of the candidate.

On Friday, the speaker told the Huffington Post that he would “sue” any president that overstepped his boundaries, as allowed by Article I of the U.S. Constitution, according to WND. (VERY interesting in that Trump has NOT yet been 'elected', but Obama has committed so many treasonous acts during his term that if anyone should be 'sued,' Ryan should have already begun the process of suing bozo. Ryan speaks and works against the GOP while supporting the Nazi democratic party, its treasonous 'leaders' and its candidates.)

In particular, Ryan was speaking about the possibility of a Trump administration that attempted to issue a total ban on Muslim immigration into the country, something he doubted was legal. ('Doubted'? When a law was passed in 1954 outlawing muslims immigration in to the U.S.? WHO does TRAITOR Ryan work for - REALLY? )

“That’s a legal question that there’s a good debate about,” he said. “On the broader question, are we going to exert our Article I powers and reclaim this Article I power no matter who the president is? Absolutely.”

Then, on Saturday, Ryan told House Republicans to “vote their conscience” when determining whether to back Trump as the party’s nominee.

“The last thing I would do is tell anybody to do something that’s contrary to their conscience. Of course I wouldn’t do that (??),” he said, according to CNN.

That statement prompted Carlson to accuse Ryan of helping Clinton by not fully backing Trump. “Oh yes, Paul Ryan working for the Hillary campaign,” he said.

Meanwhile, Trump has also been frustrated at the lack of support from top Republican lawmakers (ALL TRAITORS TO THIS NATION), and he addressed it at a recent campaign event in Las Vegas.

“We’re going to beat Hillary,” Trump said. “And it would be helpful if the Republicans could help us a little bit.”

Watch the “Fox & Friends” segment here:

 Tucker Carlson: Paul Ryan Is Clearly Campaigning 
for Hillary Clinton 

Published on Jun 19, 2016
On Sunday Tucker Carlson shot back at Speaker Paul Ryan, He is "Clearly campaigning for Hillary Clinton." 


marie said...


Anonymous said...

As a former cia agent explained in a seminar: "There is a war going on inside the government.... There are those who support the (Bush)Senior and Cheney NWO agenda, and those who don't... and there are NWO supporters in both Parties.... Thinking that you have a choice in voting is an illusion."
This is why Jesse Ventura said to dump both parties. Then later he had doubts of even the Independants.
One day the Democratic and Republican National Committees' members need to be exposed and arrested for foisting these traitors onto America. (btw: who the H are they? I never see their names.)

SB said...

We have to remember all that we are being fed by the media is the same old show. I don't believe anything I see on TV or read in the papers. You have to read between the lines, I think. Paul Ryan was on CNN last night, and with all the questions that were thrown at him, the one thing I got from it all is, we need to follow the constitution. Now that was a small thing, hidden in a bunch of usual stuff. He is speaking of the original constitution, now that is a breath of fresh air. We haven't followed that for over a 100 years.

Unknown said...

It doesn't matter who anyone votes for in this election/selection because they are all running for the office of President of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Until we get our Republic back we still have corporations for governments; be it federal, state, county, city, you name it, it's all corporations acting as de facto governments. Personally, I wouldn't vote for any of these crazy's because I would have to fill out a voter registration card and check a box that says: are you a citizen of the UNITED STATES, and I'm not about to do that! I'm an American Citizen, the UNITED STATES is a corporation. I think that should be sinking in by now. At least, for people who read this blog.

SB said...

John.. I agree, but there have been changes going on behind the scenes to restore the Republic. I don't believe we will see drastic changes all at once, but subtle ones like Ryan's talking about the constitution. Not just once, but many times. So,keep watching for these subtle remarks and changes that are about to occur. Things are changing for the better...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To what leaders we may have.... DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH SNAKES....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

Anonymous said...

Hey Republic 'leaders' - your method of attempting to get the announcement out to the public has FAILED. If you always do what you have always done, you will ALWAYS GET what you have ALWAYS GOT. Haven't you figured that one out yet?? You are supposed to be generals and 'leaders'. Take the igmo in to a enclosed room, cuff his hands behind his back and to a chair, secure the room, put the teleprompter in front of the bastard - that which you want announced - and if he does not read it and do the job in a way as to be received by the public - then begin the procedures you would use to get info from the enemy - because either one of these bastards - BO or PR - ARE the ENEMY??!! We are tired of your repeated excuses and shows of ineptness. Get a grip on the situation and GET ER DONE!!!!

Anonymous said...

Democrats are for the most part all crooked sleaze bags.

Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Madeline Albright, John Ashcroft before he switched, Charlie Rengel, the list never ends....

Paul Ryan probably too since I never heard of this one. Hopefully their actual voting base wake up to these frauds before its too late, I find it hard to believe that all democrats are this awful.

But they elected Jesse Jackson to be their leader in the south so who knows, any guess is just as good.

Anonymous said...

The republicans are no better - they are just as much sleeze bags and traitors as the demorats. They have had it easy, doing their thing unchecked by the people, selling their souls to the crooked corporations, and their 'winning' being accomplished by fraudulent computer voting schemes by the likes of Soros. The entire 'government' needs to be permanently retired and all involved tried for treason. Only a new government, the restoration of the Republic, can give our nation another opportunity to start over and hopefully this time have enough wisdom to know how to run it and keep it in check.

Anonymous said...

I disagree that the Republicans were EVER openly crooks on the level of the Democrats. This whole party was infiltrated by the other side.

Lets face it, the RNC didn't take alot of time to start taking the orders of the DNC and not opposing them much at all.

Let us count how this insidious agenda got started - 1920 meeting of the communist league in Europe. Many Democrats twisted the arms of Republican leaders to take over the conference, most of these leaders including Reagan were former Democrats.

By the 1920's it became nigh impossible to tell them apart, but the Democrats never successfully destroyed the Republican party with their paid-for hacks.

Do I think Nixon or the like needed to ever exist, no. But they taught middle America one big thing: Never let your political party be infiltrated by career criminals!

The GOP up until that time in history was very watchful of the Democrats and protected people's private property. Because the North East liberals wouldn't be defeated so easily, it was a shame they got compromised after that.

But never forget who got both these parties to give up all adherence to Fairness or appearance of Justice- it was assuredly the Democrats who successfully took over both ends.

Both with their One World democratic mainstream views and iron-fisted approach to pushing their north eastern philosophy on the rest of the populous.

Anonymous said...

One thing's for sure, at least with Republicans you still get honest real Americans elected such as Darrell Issa and Rand Paul- with the democrats that's all been a pipe dream for decades due to anti-american party rules.

p.s: democrats are the most corrupt party that exist.
with them there will be more wars and fake expansionism for israel only to invite Isis killers back home.

all in the name of fairness and equality of course !