Monday, June 6, 2016

Bridging of Two Worlds

A “Grassroots” Movement
By: Oshawanna White Eagle
Blackfoot Nation – Texas Tribe of Bidais / Sun Clan

Our Native prophecies tell us that we came to this earth plane to have an experience as an “Animal” & to experience “Separation” from the ONENESS of Creation. Humanity has lived under the “Laws of the Jungle” where is has been everyone for themselves & survival of the fittest. The birth of the “White Buffalo Calf” was symbolic that this WHEEL OF LIFE for humanity had been completed; for 2 DNA bloodlines had been merged. Our ancestors knew that the “Mysteries of the Universe” were not to be CHALLENGED, but rather understood. For our teachings tell us of 2 kingdoms and how in the end times we will become the ONE tribe of Humanity. The RAINBOW TRIBE; a tribe of many colors. Our prophecies state that how one will survive these end times, will be by the condition of our HEARTS.
Our teachings tell us that we must walk in BALANCE upon our Earth Mother. For Mother Earth is the “Bride” of this “Natural Law”, for as humans we share the same DNA markers as every tree, plant, insect, & animal. Balance is where there is EQUAL & PROPORTIONATE STATION that CREATION entitles them or otherwise it will FALL. (False doctrines will tell you that Mary the Mother of Christ is the bride of the “church”. The ritual done on the church alter is symbolic of the womb. Our ancient teachings tell us that a child in the womb who carries 2 DNA’s of the Mother and Father can on be brought forward in Creation through the womb. This explains why our ancestors acknowledged the Mother Earth & the Father Sun.)
Our ancestors understood that we are like a child in the WOMB of a MOTHER and that the HUMAN COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS is SYMBIOTIC with her. To understand the concept of “Medicine” in the Native culture, the word must be redefined for it is anything that improves the connection to the Great Spirit and mysteries to all of life. This includes healing of the BODY, MIND, and SPIRIT. This medicine is also anything which brings personal power, strength, and understanding. It is the constant way of living life that brings healing to our Earth Mother, its creatures, and to our family of humanity for walking in “Balance” brings HARMONY to the UNIVERSE. (False doctrines will tell you that instead of the body, mind, & spirit that it is the holy trinity known as the Father, Son, & the Holy Spirit.)
Healing must first begin with the “Physical” body. We are of this Earth therefore we only use the medicines of the Earth. Then one must come FULL CIRCLE to heal the “Spiritual” by taking a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY that can only be done by learning to connect with the energies of our Earth Mother & walking away from the life of MATERIALISM & POSSESSIONS. The journey takes us to the “Underworld” to dive deep into the human emotions in order to see our own inner darkness from within so that we may transform it to the light. For only in a time of darkness can one look for the LESSONS to be LEARNED in order to make the transformation of fear to courage, defeat to perseverance, arrogance to humility, & even hunger in order to appreciate abundance. For in prophecy this is having the FREEWILL CHOICE of taking the “Left Path” (darkness) or the “Right Path” (Light) Our ancestors recognized the weaknesses of a child & then nurtured them so that they may turn those “Weaknesses” to “Strengths”; which led the child to discover their soul’s purpose & destiny here on this earth plane. (Many prophets came to Earth such as Christ to bring forth the “KEY” of these very teachings which were manipulated by man-made religions. The death & resurrection is a “spiritual death” where one dies in order to become someone new. Our ancient teachings tell us that it takes 3 to 5 days after returning from the underworld that the resurrection of the new person takes place. For in the underworld the sins of our flesh are revealed through spiritual attacks of black magic that reveal our emotional weaknesses of pride, arrogance, anger, and etc. These spiritual attacks feel as if one is being crucified due to the stabbing pain that is afflicted upon the flesh.) For the greatest war in history is upon mankind, but it is a SPIRITUAL WAR of good vs. evil from within. It is time for humanity to evolve to the “Divine Beings” we were meant to be of integrity, honor. Loyalty, & etc. For humanity does not need man-made laws to give them “Morality & Sound Principles” to live by.
Our ancestors understood that “Everything” is ENERGY & carries a vibrational FREQUENCY; even the very words we speak. So when we allow ourselves to become UNBALANCED with anger, jealousy, or etc. the negative frequency will have impact on our Earth Mother; this is not philosophy but rather “Physics”. For this is the KEY to altering the state of consciousness (Shamanism) in order to walk out of the SHADOW world into the REAL world. What you “Put Out” into this Universe is what you “Get Back”. Our ancestors knew that with spiritual energy that there is EQUITY & INEQUITY which basically means are you just a “Taker” or do you “Give Back” what you take from the ONENESS. To die and have your spirit leave the body is to say that a DEBT was due (or more commonly what the bible refers to as SIN; for FEAR is only of the SHADOW world). Do you plant weeds or flowers with your thoughts? Our ancient teachings gave us many SPIRITUAL PRACTICES such as herbs, smudging with sacred plants, spiritual baths in holistic herbs, spiritual clearings, essence oils, meditation, prayers & blessings in order to keep our physical bodies SPIRITUALLY CLEAN of “Negative Energies”. Our ancestors also knew that there had to be a balance of the FEMININE & MASCULINE energies; for only masculine energy works from ego which was needed to be a warrior for protection of the women & children. The feminine energy is a nurturer & brings temperance; therefore will always put the children first. (In the bible the word CURSE is written over 200 times. Our ancient Hebrew teachings tell us that when we put out anger & hatred we are committing a form of sorcery or a curse due to the negative energy transfer that could be inflicted upon another. As a Native Healer I have a “spiritual gift” of sensing energies; when I am around someone who carries a great deal of darkness from within due to “emotional pain” such as abuse, war, or even a broken heart; I can feel their pain on my body as well as their negative emotions. It requires me to “clean” that negative energy from me or otherwise it can become mine.)
The SHADOW world is “Anything” that creates “Separation” within the ONENESS of CREATION. That includes all “Man-made GOVERNMENTS” & “Man-made RELIGIONS”. For it is our teachings that tell us that the GREAT SPIRIT is in “Me” and in “You”, in the “Ground” we stand upon & in the very “Air” that WE breath. For the trees & plant life were not intended to be moved for not only are they a food source, but also a source of air. As humans, we are all created EQUAL & FREE and there is not one of us that is better than another. For we are all at different levels of SPIRITUAL MATURITY; therefore when one is on that “Left” path of their journey, we must give them “Compassion” and remember when we were on that same path ourselves. With spiritual maturity, one must not allow that energy of darkness of others to enter our SACRED SPACE. Our ancestors knew that to do so would only give away one’s energetic POWER & lower your vibrational frequency, for true “Strength” comes from WITHIN. To walk around with the lower vibrational frequencies of negative emotions over a long period of time will only manifest sickness & disease within the physical body. Our ancestors knew that the HIGHEST POWER of the Universe was LOVE. (More wars have been fought over the name of GOD than all wars combined; during these times of war the “church” stole all arts & antiquities. Today they spend billions in insurance premiums protecting these works of art rather than ending world hunger centuries ago. It man-made religions the answer to the problems of humanity or rather is it the “Creator” of all problems that created the “SEPARATION” of the ONENESS?)
Could it be that the SHADOW world of today with greed, corruption, power, control, war, & disease be the inner darkness of the consciousness of humanity staring right back at us? A world where a child at school who can pay for breakfast get a hot biscuit, but where an innocent child cannot pay only gets a dry piece of toast. When will humanity slow down & go to the GREAT VOID as taught by our ancestors in order that they can become OBSERVERS rather than PARTICIPANTS. Yes, this is the reason for all the destruction of earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, flooding, & tornadoes taking place on the planet. Is this how humanity will learn to understand CREATION in order that WE may all see what it is that we have done to ONE another? What rises must fall in order that the “Lessons” bridge faith, mind, and spirit. . . For these are THE LAWS OF CREATION.
Our ancestors used “Ceremony” to bring forward GRATITUDE. Researchers of today have discovered that by living in spiritual balance with a high sense of gratitude brings “Quick Healing” to the “Physical Body”. Our ancestors gave gratitude for they understood what they put in the earth she gave back. They knew that this was a CO-CREATING Universe and that our GREAT SPIRIT would manifest through us. For this explains why the “Medicine” of a MEDICINE MAN who has walked the long “Spiritual Journey of Love & Compassion” is so energetically high & powerful. For they understood that what we create is done with SPIRITUAL ENERGY. Have you ever heard a song that made your hair stand on the back of your neck? If so, could it be the person that created was full of darkness? Or for those who do not recover well from a surgery, could it be an energy transfer of the surgeon who was not in spiritual harmony?
In order to “Create” the REALITY of the REAL world you first must match that FREQUENCY. We first must give the SHADOW world our “Love, Understanding, & Gratitude” for without it we could “Never” transform it to the LIGHT. Our ancestors teach us that only TRUE WISDOM is gained when we learn the lessons of the past in order to ensure that “History” does not repeat itself. As prophecy states, there will be a RE-BIRHTING of HUMANITY. The Big Bend of Texas is considered to be the “Belly-Button” of our Earth Mother. For it is the umbilical cord of a Mother that is a life source to the child in the womb. Every geological formation in the world is in the Big Bend & modern day Geologist have determined that it is the “True” FOUR CORNERS based on the 4 “Volcanic Eras”. I propose that the BIG BEND would be a starting point of sharing our ancient teachings & knowledge in order to assist humanity & our PLANET EARTH. For the North American Native Indians are of the bloodline of Cane as in mentioned in the bible (Could this be more false doctrine that states evil will destroy evil?). Interestingly enough the BIG BEND is referred to as the “Devil’s Playground” & the “Badlands”. For the Texas Native Tribes are the LOST HEBREW TRIBES as written in prophecy; for “Healers & Medicine People” are CHOSEN based upon spiritual hierarchy; therefore we are ready to “Step Forward” & share our “Spiritual Gifts” and bring forward our ancient principles of LOVE:
  1. To have equal regard for another’s well-being.
  2. To have unconditional commitment to humanity.
  3. Passionately being of service to others including making self-sacrifices.
For it is the SHADOW world that stole the LANDS of our INHERITANCE; but now as the ONE TRIBE of HUMANITY we are all considered “Indigenous People” which basically means anyone who has a historical tie to the land. “Indigenous Rights” are those “Rights” that exist in recognition of the specific condition of the indigenous peoples. This includes not only the most basic human rights of physical survival and integrity, but also the “Preservation of their Land, Language, Religion, and other elements of “cultural heritage” that are a part of their existence as a people. This can be used as an expression for advocacy of social organizations or form a part of the national law in establishing the relation between a government and the right of “self-determination” among the indigenous people living within its borders, or in international law as a protection against violation by actions of GOVERNMENTS or GROUPS of PRIVATE INTERESTS.
The Native drum is symbolic of the heartbeat synchronization of its people to the Earth Mother. To our ancestors, HEALING was a “Work of Art”. For they understood that even “Colors” carried frequencies as well as “Precious Stones” in jewelry used for healing of the physical body. Music, instruments, dance, artwork, singing, & chanting were part of this ceremony. For the SUN DANCE is symbolic of the strength to overcome the PAIN. To heal does not mean the damage never existed, but rather that is no longer controls our lives! It is time to bring back the “Feminine Energy” of the BEAR SIRIT:
To the Natives the “Bear” is symbolic of WISDOM. Because of this potentially furious storm brewing just under the surface of bear’s spirit, native ancestors were extremely cautious and respectful of this animal. Even tribes inclined to peace honored the “Spirit of a Warrior” and witnessing the bear seemed to embody that kind of blind, powerful surge of courage and strength that every warrior wants to tap in to.
One such connection to “Bear” meaning was the Shoshone Tribe who set out to BRIDGE WORLDS of their young. The “Sun Dance” where the Bear is a central figure of the ritual symbolizing protection, strength & continuation of the progeny of the tribe.
Native “BEAR” meaning & symbolism:
*Power *Courage *Freedom
*Protection *Discernment *Child Bearing
*Resourcefulness *Unpredictability *Motherhood

Native WISDOM the “BEAR” imparts to us:
*Because the BEAR is cautious, it encourages discernment to humankind.
*Because of a fierce spirit, the BEAR signals bravery to those who require it.
*Because of its mass & physical power, the BEAR stands for confidence & victory.
*Because it prefers peace & tranquility (in spite of its size), BEAR calls for harmony and balance.
Are you ready to be a RAINBOW WARRIOR in order to bring “Healing” to HUMANITY and to our EARTH MOTHER & to all her “Creatures”? Only when humanity brings balance & harmony back to Mother Earth will she be able to clean her own waters & her own air. It is time that we as humanity “Lead by Example” for the CHILDREN of this world in order that they may teach them their “Responsibilities” to the ONENESS of all CREATION going forward.

1 comment:

Freewill said...

I tried to make the font bigger but the html from the text editor will not do it.