Friday, June 17, 2016

My 10 yr old daughter and the Dinar at state capitol! ~Freewill

Last week my 10 yr old daughter went to Lansing Michigan state capitol for a field trip. She went to the planetarium then to the state capitol and got to spend some time listening to the legislators in session. She was listening to them discussing the Dinar and maybe adopting the Dinar for a new money system here in Michigan. The legislators were discussing if and how they could get the banks and the stores to accept it. The other kids had no clue, but my daughter sure did!!! This is huge news! Everyone here in Michigan needs to call and pressure the legislators to push it! Other states too!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of people have them.
Until they can use them, they are worthless.
I remember a time in Texas there were some businesses that accepted the Mexican Pesos, it was highly devalued against the dollar, but at least they didn't have to lose money on the currency exchange.

The merchant figured so many pesos per dollar, and the one with the Pesos paid that many for what they got in return, and their change was in dollars, so the currency they gave was fully converted.

If you have $1000 worth Dinar, instead of it being stuck in Dinar, someone should be able to accept it and give you dollars for it without you selling it back to the vendor that sold it to you, at more of a loss.

That's my two cents.
The Formula from the movie Revolver

1. Were you fed pieces that you thought you took on your own?
2. In every con, there is always an opponent and there is always a victim
3. The more control the victim thinks he has, the less control he actually has.
4. The opponent simply distracts their victim by getting them consumed with their own consumption.

Did you get caught up on the formula?
Accepting another country's currency by independent vendors has happened before, I believe Canada accepts US Dollars at Canadian exchange rates.