Nothing illustrates how the times are changing quite like an 11-year-old boy filming the police and shutting down a speed trap.
Mikey, an 11-year-old boy from New Hampshire made an awesome video this week showing him holding up a sign to warn motorists that there was a speed trap ahead. Within only a few minutes, this mini rights-flexing guru shuts down the officer and forces him to move on.
But holding the sign to warn motorists was only half of Mikey’s awesomeness. When the state trooper came back to intimidate the tike, Mikey held his own better than some adults would have done.
Without batting an eye, Mikey continued to film and refused to answer questions, thereby ending the stop before it even began. Below is that amazing video.
Matt Agorist is the co-founder of TheFreeThoughtProject.com, where this article first appeared. He is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world.
Kudos to Mikey! ALL Americans should be taught what Mikey knows and practices. Our defense and our battle weapons are knowledge and having the balls to exercise that knowledge in the face of tyranny.
I love it. See it only takes one person to change the world image what we could do if the whole world stood up for their rights what we could do. I hope this goes viral
Give me a break. What over-hyped garbage. The officer was civil with the kid. Speeding idiots deserve tickets.
The cops pursue profit by claiming traffic offenses as crimes. By definition a crime has to have an injured party. Traveling faster than a suggested speed does not qualify as a crime as there is no injured party. Because even an 11 yr old boy can figure out the ponzi scheme. I am surprised you haven't figured it out Anon 5:19 PM.
The States have the authority to regulate commerce. If you are not a commercial driver or a corporation operating for profit the vehicle codes don't apply to you anyways. Go Mikey!
Freewill, that is one of the dumbest replies I've ever seen. Maybe those speeding idiots will slow down the next time if they get a ticket. This can be about the safety of the populace, too, correct? We already know about corporate fraud perpetrated on Americans at the federal and judicial level. That is no excuse to speed to detriment of others. Wake up. Over-hyped garbage. I am surprised you haven't figured that out, yet.
A fraud is a fraud. Majority of the people traveling on the public thru-ways respect other travelers and don't become a hazard. That is common sense. Those corporate policy enforcers are profiteer pirates out for any excuse to apply bills of attainer upon you. Even if you are 1 or 2 mph over, they use that as an excuse to search you for any other violations that only apply to employees of their bankrupt defunct corporation.
Like I said.. a fraud is a fraud no matter how nice you make it look.
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