Clinton Supporters Totally Want To Repeal The Second Amendment…Because It Was Written A Long Time Ago
Campus Reform is back, with Cabot Phillips asking Clinton supporters whether it’s time to abolish the Second Amendment at a campaign event in Annandale, Virginia. Of course, most of those willing to participate in these interviews were young liberals, who obviously supported the proposal.
The reasons for the elimination of one of our oldest civil rights ranged from it was written a long time ago, people are flawed (and it was hundreds of years ago), and because the value of life is more important than the right to bear arms. Yes, life is precious, which is why you’re all members of a party that supports abortion, but that’s a debate for another time.
Hillary Supporters want to repeal the
2nd Amendment!!!
Published on Aug 15, 2016
Others were more measured in the sense that they would support a movement to repeal the Second Amendment, but wouldn’t know where to start, or what they would actually look like—a tacit admission maybe that this is never going to happen any time soon.
Nevertheless, while Millennials are probably the most pro-Democratic Party-voting bloc ever, they trend more with the mainstream on gun rights and gun control.
They’re not lining up to join the NRA anytime soon, but they’re certainly not a demographic that is lost to the inaccurate talking points the Left spews out about the Second Amendment.
On the other hand, a lot of Millennials’ political views don’t make sense so, as always, we must remain vigilant.
But this is a silver lining for groups, like the NRA, to reach out to young people in gun rights because they’re not hard-core anti-gunners—at least not yet.
There's room for successful outreach here.
1 comment:
Al Adab - It is essential in this coming battle, and the battle over other rights as well, to remember that the bill of rights does not grant us our rights; they do not come from government, instead the document enumerates certain of the inalienable rights which people hold by virtue of their humanity not by favor of law or government. Indeed the people who ratified the Constitution and later adopted the bill of rights understood the language to be quite specific. we must remember that government exists to defend the rights of people, not to give them for what government gives, government can rescind. Should the government attempt to limit or revoke the rights of people, then those same persons are free, indeed may be obligated to, find and organize a government more to their liking. The documents are not a living one, but rather mean today what they meant when ratified. If not, then there is no compact between the People and their government and that government becomes only a tyranny. This nation is a nation which established a government, not a government ruling a nation.
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