Do This EVERY Morning With Coconut Oil
(unusual trick)
February 24, 2015 The Alternative Daily
Let’s face it, we are exposed to an alarming amount of toxins on a daily basis. From the BPA that lines your canned goods to the pesticides liberally sprayed on anything alive these days, our bodies are constantly absorbing an outrageous amount of chemicals.
Even though you may try to live as pure a life as possible, sneaky sources of dangerous metals are everywhere, even in the so-called “all natural” products that fool consumers into believing these ingredients are safe. These "all natural" pre-packaged foods are usually the worst of them all!
Over time, high concentrations of metals build up in our systems and can lead to a wide variety of conditions, including, but not limited to: Anemia, Dizzniess, Fatigue, Dry Skin, Joint or muscle aches, Loss of appetite, Blood pressure issues, Nausea and even Vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Try as you may, there’s just no getting around the obscene amounts of toxins we are exposed to daily.
Modern naturopathic practitioners are joining with ancient Ayurvedic health practitioners in an understanding of just how powerful a detoxification and healing tool oil pulling really is. Although coconut oil is not the only oil that can be used to oil pull (others include sesame, sunflower and olive), we love its long list of health-promoting properties (for both oil pulling and/or coconut oil ingestion), listed below:
- Antibacterial—stops bacteria that cause gum disease, throat infections, urinary tract infections and ulcers in their tracks
- Anticarcinogenic—keeps dangerous cancer cells from spreading while boosting immunity
- Antifungal—destroys infection-promoting fungus and yeast.
- Anti-inflammatory—suppresses inflammation and repairs tissue.
- Antimicrobial—inactivates harmful microbes and fights infection.
- Antioxidant—protects from free radical damage.
- Antiparasitic—can help rid the body of tapeworms and other parasites.
- Anti-protozoa—kills protozoan infection in the gut.
- Antiviral—helps to kill dangerous viruses that cause influenza, measles, hepatitis and more.
may include the following:
- Overall strengthening of teeth, gums and jaw
- Plaque prevention
- Prevention of halitosis (bad breath)
- Prevention of cavities and diseases such as gingivitis
- Prevention of lip, mouth and throat dryness
- Possible remedy for jaw soreness and TMJ
- Relief of migraine headache
- Hormone imbalance correction
- Inflammation reduction
- Support of normal kidney function
- Relief from sinus congestion
- Relief from eczema
- Improved vision
- Pain reduction
- Aids in detoxification
- Helps with insomnia
1. Oil pulling should be done on an empty stomach (preferably first thing in the morning)2. Use one tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil – you may want to start with ½ tablespoon and work your way up to a tablespoon.3. Swish the oil around in your mouth slowly and be sure that the oil reaches all parts of your mouth – do not swallow.4. Swish for five to ten minutes. Try to work up to twenty minutes if you can.5. Spit out all of the oil when you are done and rinse your mouth with water.6. Brush with a natural toothpaste afterwards.
Note: Some people may feel a bit ill during or after oil pulling – this is generally a good sign that your body is removing toxins and should dissipate as you become healthier.
Daily oil pulling with organic coconut oil along with consuming a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise and sleep will help your body stay sharp and ready to defend the onslaught of toxins you face each day! And your dentist just may be amazed at your next appointment in a few months at how much better your oral health is becoming!
Not only is coconut oil a great oral health and detox tool, its other benefits will amaze you. But unfortunately this tropical treasure has become one of the most falesly villified superfoods that mainstream media has continually bashed. That's because the mainstream ideas of health and nutrition couldn't be further from the truth. Here's why...
The REAL Truth About Coconut Oil
Plus, Four “Common Yet Dangerous” Oils You Should Never
Eat... If You Want to Heal, Beautify and Restore Your Body!
Here's a newsflash I'm sure won't surprise you... nothing concocted in a laboratory can ever replace the value of what is found in nature!
Mother Nature is incredibly generous in the way she provides - offering a bounty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients to nourish your body so you can enjoy a long healthy life.
One fruit in particular - the coconut - is so abundant in its healing properties it's referred to as "the tree of life." And before World War II, people living in island countries, like the Philippines, consumed a diet that consisted mainly of rice, root crops, vegetables and an abundance of the ultra-healing superfood, the coconut.
The coconut is a "functional food" rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber - the essential nutritional building blocks for perfect health.
For generations, island people considered it "The Cure for All Illness" and consumed the meat, milk and coconut oil daily. Although this diet was high in saturated fat, Western conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease were virtually unheard of.
Filipinos and islanders were instead rewarded with a lovely youthful complexion, soft wrinkle-free skin, almost no skin cancer - even with excessive exposure to year round sun - and abundant good health.
Coconut oil in particular has been shown to protect you from viruses, bacteria, infection, cancer, thyroid, brain and heart problems... plus beautifies your skin - and even burns fat!
Coconut oil - a saturated fat - is chock-full of health-promoting properties - and is in no way responsible for high cholesterol, obesity, heart disease and the bad effects you've been led to believe.
Finally, modern medicine and science are starting to realize this fundamental truth... and it's been a long time coming. But sadly not before heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and a whole host of other catastrophic diseases have reached epidemic proportions!
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Great post !
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