Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Prepare for the Coming Crash & Collapse

Prepare for the Coming Crash & Collapse
An Audio Prophetic Warning

By Nathan Leal
Aug 15 2016 

A crisis is coming folks. It is going to arrive in waves and consist of several events including an economic upheaval, a collapse, and a divided nation. When it arrives it is going to shake America to its core.
I saw it happen. The vision consisted of several key events approaching. One of the events was an approaching CRASH of a divided house.
The divided house will include civil war, political unrest, and a disruption in Washington DC. The election outcome  is going to play a role in some of these events, but while people are watching the daily polls, time is slipping away to get ready for the approaching crash that is in the rear view mirror.
It is important that God’s people begin preparing for it NOW!
This message will share a prophetic warning and explain many of the things that God’s remnant needs to know.
Time is running out and it is time to stop waiting for what’s coming and instead prepare for what’s coming.  
This message also contains the beginning of a new sermon topic about preparing spiritually. Please share this with your friends and family.

This Audio Message can be found at this webpage link: http://watchmanscry.com/?p=6017

Download the Audio by right clicking this link to save to you PC.

or listen here: http://watchmanscry.com/audio/Sermon_planting_part_1.mp3

In His Service,
Nathan Leal –
Watchman’s Cry

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