Obama’s State Dept Caught In The Doggone Dumbest Waste Of Taxpayer Money On… What?!
Who the heck sets the spending priorities for the obama administration!!?
Yes, a pleasing work environment is certainly better than a dull, drab one. And if you’re trying to impress visitors with your work space, putting artwork on the walls is generally a good idea.
But when it’s a 'government' building, and the American taxpayers are picking up the tab for those decorations, the decision about what to hang should be made responsibly, smartly, conservatively…right?
Wait, did I actually use the words “government” and “responsibly” in the same sentence? Okay, but my bad can’t compare with the State Department’s super-bad in what it bought and how much it spent to “beautify” a portion of a single wall in a new embassy in Pakistan ... with colored balls of thread and yarn!!!! (And Hitlery says she is going to raise the taxes on the middle class?)
As the Washington Free Beacon points out, Obama’s State Department shelled out $185,000 for a work called “Lares and Penates” by an American artist living in Paris.
Purchased for the New Embassy Compound in Islamabad, the work consists of 98 balls of thread and yarn — described on an art site as “found materials” — attached to a plain background.
And this is no isolated case of 'government' officials who can’t seem to fork over our money fast enough, even as the nation’s economy remains on shaky ground.
The article in the Free Beacon notes:
'Government' spending on lavish art has come under scrutiny in recent weeks after a report revealed the Department of Veterans Affairs spent $20 million on artwork while veterans died waiting to see doctors. (Folks, something BIG is WRONG here - the heads of these departments need to be FIRED ASAP AND HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR IRRESPONSIBLE LACK OF PROPER PERFORMANCE. These positions should be replaced with PROVEN QUALIFIED, LOYAL AND EXPERIENCED REPLACEMENTS WHO WILL BE MONITORED FOR THEIR PERFORMANCE. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THE GOOD OLE' BOY PRACTICES OF THESE CRIMINALS in this cabal U.S.A. corporation 'government'.)As for the Hicks’ piece in the new embassy in Pakistan that reportedly cost $699 million to build, equip and decorate, maybe the bureaucrat buyer who approved the purchase price was looking at how long the artist said it took to find and roll into balls all that multi-colored fiber — some 23 years, as “Lares and Penates” was created between 1990 and 2013.
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