Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Smell of the Rose - Anna Von Reitz

The Smell of the Rose - Anna Von Reitz

When I was a child of maybe 2 or 3, I remember tearing apart a rose blossom, trying to figure out where the smell came from?
If only it were so easy.....
When we ask such questions the answer leads us down a rabbit hole that leads to the center of the Universe, only to find that the center of the Universe is empty.
Light, which illuminates and gives life to everything, is itself completely invisible.
So it is with God. We cannot see with our eyes. We cannot fathom with our reason.
And this is why the teachings of Ignatius Loyola, the Founder of the Jesuit Order, can be so profoundly destructive.
Loyola was a soldier and he thought in terms of war.  His vision was to create Heaven on Earth by force.  If men would not accept the Pope as King and give their lives in devotion to the Church, then they must be forced to kneel and believe, or else.
He had no respect for Freewill, which is the problem confronting Islam, too.
The idea that you can force a man to believe something is like tearing a rose apart to find its smell.  All you are left with is a handful of crushed petals, shame for being ignorant, and regret.
When this same simplistic approach to life and religion is allowed to prevail we are left with nothing but the basis for endless war as one gang of knotheads tries to enforce their beliefs and moral code on another gang of knotheads at the cost of prejudice, ignorance, bloodshed, and fear.
Whoever wants to go back to the Bad Old Days of the Inquisition or the Jihad does not do this for the sake of our Creator or for the sake of their religion, either.  They do it because they feed like Harpies on negativity and grief and destruction and most of all, war profits, and because they are criminals and thieves who wish to kill rather than pay back their creditors.

The last two major World Wars have been about bankers finding excuses to kill their creditors.  Are we really so stupid as to allow this to happen again?


Anonymous said...

It is Written-What Good is it to Conquer the World & to loss your soul in Doing So-As many Have (Governments around the World,Media,Ins.,Globalist Lies,Religions & Corporations-Etc) Just Saying

Anonymous said...

People need to Wake up-The Koran is a Book of "SATAN" one of Many-Remember The Devil is a Copycat-Mohammad is a Ant-Christ & a FALSE PROPHET-The Jewish kick Mohammad out for his racial ways & the Christians Kick he out for his racial ways & disbelief that Jesus was *GOD* in the Flesh-Who was rised from the Dead on the Third Day & that through Him all Sin are Forgiving By *GOD*