Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Two Are Not Two. They Are One.

by Anna Von Reitz

There are two factions--- the UNITED STATES and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA --- fronted by two competing international banking cartels, the primarily French-based IMF and the British/German/American Federal Reserve.  They have both been preying upon us, innocent Third Parties, and plundering our country in the process.  It is key to understand this.
It is also key to understand that these banks, no matter where they were chartered in the world, are all ultimately linked through the Vatican Bank--- so at the end of the day, what appear to be two conflicting forces are in fact one---- like two fists slamming you from different directions, but all emanating out of one central power base. Similar to the apparent fight between the "Democrats" and "Republicans", it is all for show and leads to the same results.  It is the actual modus operandi of these manipulators to always present "a pillar" and "a post" and keep us running back and forth between them for their own profit.
Who are these Masters of Deceit?  They are the Roman Pontiff's Bill Collectors, the members of the Bar Associations and the politicians who they manipulate to enact "legislation" which then is used to empower them and give them coercive power over the masses. 
In our case, the Pope is obligated to act as our Trustee and is bound by solemn oath to the Holy Mother Mary to do so. However, when he changes hats and becomes and acts as the Roman Pontiff, he has been preying upon us in the guise of Satan and offering us a "deal we cannot refuse" ---because we don't know that such a "deal" has ever been offered and therefore have no means to refuse it.  He and his minions, the bankers and lawyers, have been laying surreptitious and improper claims against us and our earthly estates --- and doing it with the appearance of our consent. 
They claim that we have "voluntarily" and privately contracted with them to donate our estates to their organizations in exchange for benefits that we are then made to pay for ourselves by coercive force.  They also use this false claim and presumption as the means to allege that our lands are forfeit to them.
We must see through all of this and bring effective action against it.  The lynch-pins in their system are the politicians and the politicians can be brought to heel by bringing enough public opinion against them.
They may not care what you say as individuals, but they will pay attention to whatever is going to advance or tank their reputations and political careers. Making it clear that this is the most important issue in America today will go a long way toward solving the problem.  

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