By Anna Von Reitz
It's New Year's Eve. Where I am, the skies are leaden grey, the
temperatures cold, and the days are dark. I am holed up like some small
furry animal in a burrow watching the swirling snow and everything is
very quiet. The day has been spent making whatever progress could be
made in a mountain of correspondence and on house cleaning----getting
ready to greet 2017 and make a clean start.
I suppose people don't remember this, but besides being "Judge
Anna" I am also a woman with a house to keep, dust bunnies to chase, and
an endless fight against dog hair that has been ongoing since 1956.
Many great things have happened in 2016. Jural assemblies have
been re-established in many counties and American Common Law courts have
begun functioning again throughout these fifty states. A great many
people have awakened and they are now engaged in awakening others.
The Living Law Firm has made great strides in unraveling the
mechanisms of the Great Fraud and its many symptomatic results----
unlawful foreclosures, corrupt banking practices, kidnapping, unlawful
taxation and more. I feel more encouraged than ever that we shall soon
have the keys to unlock the central identity theft upon which these
evils depend.
Gallant research groups all over this country and abroad have made
stunning progress. Thanks to researchers in Australia we now know for
sure exactly what the All Capitals Name is and how it is being used to
defraud us. Thanks to researchers in Canada we now know how the Queen
and the Vatican have siphoned and laundered American assets through
Canadian banks. Thanks to researchers in this country we now know for
sure that the "American Civil War" wasn't actually a war at all, but was
instead an illegal mercenary conflict staged on our soil-----and an
international crime.
We have come to understand the depths of British perfidy and
depravity. While obligated by most solemn international treaty to act
as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, the
British Monarchs from George III onward have steadily and secretively
acted in Breach of Trust against the American people and have sought the
overthrow of our lawful government and sought to replace our lawful
government with a system of commercial feudalism similar to the Raj in
We know for sure that the American Bar Association has acted in
breach of the Bar Association Treaty of 1947 and that they have been
instrumental in the effort to mischaracterize, defraud, and enslave the
American people. Researchers in New England, Georgia, Texas, and
California have proven without a doubt that Bar Members have been barred
from holding any office in our government since the early 1800's and
that they have finagled the British-controlled "federal government" to
create a system of "federated states" called "States of States" to usurp
upon our lawful government.
Indeed, the process of defining "The Problem" is well-advanced and
the secretive enemies of the peace and the people are now clearly in
view. These undeclared foreign agents, members of the Bar Associations,
have been wrecking havoc and pillaging and causing trouble on our
shores for a hundred and fifty years. For this, we have the Lord Mayor
of London, the Lords of the Admiralty, the Queen, and the Pope to
As we bring 2016 to a close, it's time for Americans to stop
"shooting ourselves in the foot" and apply ourselves to creating remedy
for this circumstance.
Donald Trump has been elected to serve as President of the federal
corporation(s) and he clearly has a new policy agenda, but that is what
it is--- a policy agenda of a CEO. While it is to be sincerely hoped
that he will bring the so-called United States Congress to its senses
and clean up the mess in Washington, DC, we must realize that reform of
the federal government is only one part of the solution we need.
We are called upon to self-govern in this country, and it is
axiomatic that if we fail to govern ourselves, someone else has to do
the job for us. The permanent solution requires declaring our proper
political status as American state nationals, forming our lawful county
jural assemblies, forming our lawful state jural assemblies, and
finally, choosing fiduciary deputies to convene an actual Continental
Congress to act in behalf of the states on the land.
There's a lot of work in front of us and the members of the Bar
Associations will be trying to gainsay and discourage and disparage our
efforts to keep us from doing it every step of the way. The ascendancy
of the people's government will spell the doom of their own hegemony,
for while they have been claiming to be our stewards, we have been
defrauded of our rights and our sovereignty, our land and our labor.
When we appear in our true capacities, their claims against us
fail--- and they are revealed to be faithless, dishonest,
self-interested servants of the British Monarch and British Crown
engaged in illegally pillaging American public trusts. It is completely
understandable that the members of the Bar Associations would try to
portray us as "Tin Hats" and seek to hide from these facts to avoid
their own guilt and culpability, but the facts are nonetheless the
Whatever government they are running on our shores, it isn't our
government. It has nothing to do with us and it has no right whatsoever
to make any claims against us or our assets, no ability to regulate us,
no public delegation of authority to rule over us and no valid private
contract to do so, either.
The American Bar Association is running the biggest racketeering
scheme in history on our shores and getting away with it, simply because
millions of Americans are still asleep, still waiting for "George" to
do it all for them.
This is your 2017 wake up call.
A dozen times a day I have people asking me --- what's going on?
And I turn to the culprit and say, "I dunno. What are you making
George Washington has been dead over 200 years. There's nobody here but us chickens.
If you want to see things change for the better in 2017, get busy and make them change.
Declare and record your lawful political status. Expatriate from
any presumption of federal citizenship. Rescind all voter registrations
and powers of attorney issued effective with your first birthday.
Create a witnessed record of your action and establish it either by
publication in the local newspapers or recording with the county land
recorder's office.
You and like-minded people in your county are now ready to convene
your actual county jural assembly and to choose among yourselves a
county sheriff to enforce the organic and public law, justices of the
peace to run your American Common Law courts, and all the other county
offices you may need or see fit to create.
Having restored your county government, it is time to do the
outreach and gather together the other counties to restore the lawful
and actual state government.
It's a lot of thankless work, but it has to be done.
The other thing that you can do is to support those who support
you. The Living Law Firm and the Research Groups need ongoing funding
to continue their vital work. Some of our best people are men in their
30's and 40's with young families to support and they have given up
lucrative careers as attorneys to do the right thing. Others are
retirees on fixed incomes who are traveling many miles on research
assignments and having to pay for certified copies of documents out of
their own pockets.
All of these people are continuing the work despite being attacked
on every side by paid agents of these rogue federal corporations and
harassed by their hired mercenaries acting under color of law. If all
you can do is send these guys $5 and a prayer, at least do what you can
I want to thank all those who have taken the plunge and made the
commitment to take action in their own behalf and in behalf of their
country in 2016. I want to thank all those who have taken the time to
read and think for themselves. I am deeply grateful to fellow
researchers near and far---from Queensland and Alberta, from Glasgow and
Mombasa, from New York and Shreveport and many other states and places
throughout the world where men still cherish freedom.
Happy 2017 to you all!
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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