Sunday, January 8, 2017

OPA – Sunday January 8th!

Well, I told you so, here we wait for TRUMP!
I told you the Chinese and our Military has no stones.  Rather, they are keeping everything undercover. Based on the total population in America, it is probably the best solution.  Most folk don’t even know that they been hoodwinked for their entire life.
What I would say to Grandfather, General Dunford & Donald Trump, quit lying to us, just tell the story, the real story, the truth, with no sugar coated covering.  Quit playing us, you should have said, WE aren’t doing a thing until Obama is out of office.  Most of us would have said, fine and not read the BS intelligent you all have been publishing.
You know you had a financial impact on America during its buying do dads period, lots of stores in January still have inventory, some of which is your shit, and cannot off load it, so they got lots of sales going on with no buyers since they maxed out their credit cards. 
Thanks for the BS of not shutting down the IRS who takes private and public company workers funds every payday from them without any right to do so, they quote US codes which congress never approved to be used buy IRS but they keep on poking at people.  You allow them to steal funds during this whole time; I hope you make it up to everyone.
George Bush was right, if the population found out how the “elected” government has screwed the everyday tom, dick or harry, sally, sue, they just might find themselves at the nearest light pole since rope is on sale these days.
You guys, Chinese, done playing games, are we really going to do business and GCR – RV – GR – Prosperity packages – Gold Certificate Lawsuit Payouts – New Asset backed USA Currency?  Alternatively, are we going to hear about more BS from your puppets?
I see you do not even take care of your own, what Great spiritual leaders you are!
One Pissed Off America, signing off for now.  Remember, you too believe the same way, just too scared to say or do anything, time to buck up and man-up, so let us change this together! 


Anonymous said...

oink oink

Anonymous said...

Improper punctuation
Improper sentence structuring
Confusing thought patterns
Difficult to follow and understand
No understanding of what is really going on
This guy must work for the 'government'

Anonymous said...

You sir are a government shill since only the government believes in that theory, when the entire Federal government itself is a cancer.

Anonymous said...

We cannot believe anything we read anymore nor even promises verbally made and recorded in videos we watch on line.

But one truth that can be dicerned is a lot of the rich and elite and thier minions they control very unhappy and scared Trump is the president-elect and the battle to stop him from being sworn in is greater than any other president-elect.

While it has been suggested Trump is a puppet too, the rich elite and their minions have never put up such a fight in the past to stop a President-elect from being legally sworn in and it is this exact drama that is the only thing that gives me any hope at all for real change or at least partial truth and change for the 99% of the world.

Call me stupid, call me a dreamer, but if the billionaire Trump whose personality offends almost everyone at some point can use his huge ego to make good on his promises to work for the 99% instead of himself, the banks and the corrupt elite corporations, then I am going with all I have and hope that Trump wants a better world for his young son to live in along with the rest of the 99%.

It Trump was a bought and paid for puppet we would not be seeing the dramas and mud slinging lies going on since he won the election.

The criminal, corrupt, greedy elite .5% still have power to harm us all with their money and blackmailing influence.

And it personally appears to me they are running scared of the truths finally being exposed to the 99% who will insist on the same laws that apply to the 99% being equally applied to them.

I do not believe in the death sentence as this is too easy, but hard labour doing service to humanity earning their room and board for living the rest of their lives in a bare empty jail cell with nothing to occupy their time but regrets would be justice for many who have ignored the harm to others they have done for personal greed and power.

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:26 is truly dreaming an utter fantasy and the delusions of these fools like him need to be eliminated. They'll destroy the rest of the idiots who follow them.

Just another show with all the same treasonous frauds on stage. After so called Trump removes the existing cabal a new one will take its place.

What folks like him need to finally understand and recognize, is that 90% or close to 70% of all federal government offices are criminal and illegal to begin with. Not just a few, rather the entire organization instead. They're all engaged in treason, the entire lot of them. That means there isn't a single legitimate federal office. And until they get that, they will reap nothing but disappointment. It needs to all be eliminated, the entire UNITED STATES INC. needs to be abolished all together and that means all its departments as well. There is nothing else actual religions teach, or the Bible included, other than the government itself is all a criminal act.