Thursday, January 5, 2017

Please consider signing the petition below!


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There's a new petition taking off on, and we think you might be interested in signing it.
Petitioning Jerry Brown, U.S. Congress

Congress: require veterinarians to give drug side effect information when prescribing anim

Petition by Brandi Ryals
Wildomar, California

My dog was recently diagnosed with a health condition that required medication for treatment. His veterinarian prescribed an antibiotic, a steroid, and a drug to suppress his immune system. I received no written information about any of the medications. The vet told me my dog would experience increased thirst and urination. But I received no other information about potential medical side-effects.
My dog had been taking his medications for two days when he suddenly leaped from the couch and attacked my 3-year-old son who was walking nearby. My son’s injuries required a trip to the emergency room and plastic surgery. He was emotionally traumatized by the attack.
A friend later asked if my dog’s sudden aggression could be linked to any of the medication that I’d given him recently. That’s when the light bulb went off in my head. I remembered that one of the drugs was a steroid -- Prednisone. I did some research and discovered that “sudden aggression” was a common side-effect. I was stunned.
Had I been informed about this dangerous behavioral side-effect of the medication, I would have asked the veterinarian for an alternative. I also could’ve taken steps to keep the kids away from the dog while he was on the medication. What I didn’t know caused me to put my own family at risk.
I believe that every pet owner should be fully informed of any potential side-effects or interactions of a medication on their pet.
Please sign my petition and tell Congress to mandate FULL WRITTEN INFORMATION about pet medication to pet owners today.   ·   548 Market St #29993, San Francisco, CA 94104-5401, USA

1 comment:

Olive Oyl said...

Readers - I read and signed this petition. Having had pets during the years and observing myself reactions to various meds, I beleive the point of informing pet owners is a very important one. It is not fair to put this precious family pet down when the problem came after 3 days on the drug cocktail - more than one drug dispensed and that changes entirely the potential side effects. Please help us pet lovers to intervene on their behalf!