By Anna Von Retiz
George Washington divided the country into districts for the
purpose of administering the duties of the federal government. He has
been accused of treason for doing so by those who never comprehended the
organization of the government in the first place.
While George's detractors rightfully object that he deployed
foreign government via the districts established upon our shores, they
fail to recognize that the states allowed this by subscribing to the
constitutional agreement and delegating the enumerated powers (which are
really services to be rendered by the federal entity) to the federal
Foreign it was and foreign it is, but as long as we adhere to the
actual Constitution, the Federales are allowed to establish their
foreign administrative units, called "districts" as they please.
The first districts on this continent, however, were not
established by George Washington. They were established by Benjamin
Franklin operating as a private contractor and Post Master. Well-prior
to the Revolutionary War, Franklin established a network of "Post Roads"
which he surveyed himself, and a system of Postal Districts served by
these Post Roads and by Post Offices.
Post Roads, Postal Districts, and Post Offices are all
international service conduits and service areas established on the
jurisdiction of the land of the host nation for the purpose of providing
postal services. These all exist under Postal Treaties allowing their
presence on our soil.
George, for his part, just piggy-backed his foreign, international
service districts called "United States Districts" and later municipal
districts doing business as "US DISTRICTS" on top of the pre-existing
Postal Districts. Taken together these are sometimes grouped together
and called "Federal Districts", but over time, the common usage has also
been separated along more functional guidelines--- with "United States
Districts" coming to be associated with military and constitutionally
mandated service functions and "Federal Districts" more often referring
to non-military international service areas and facilities such as Post
Offices and Free Trade Zones established by treaty on the land
jurisdiction of the various states.
Thus, United States Districts are administrative service areas
established on our land for the purpose of organizing and delivering the
constitutionally mandated functions of the federal government entity,
and Federal Districts are underlying administrative international
service areas created by specific treaties, most importantly postal
treaties, that are held by the states and which pre-date the Revolution.
Now, as you are reading the actual Constitution you will notice
that the Founders very carefully excluded the federal government from
having any functions or duties related to the land jurisdiction of the
states. In this way, they sought to maintain Checks and Balances, so
that the federal functions were cordoned off in the international
jurisdiction of the sea, and the prerogatives of the states were
jealously guarded on the jurisdiction of the land.
The only clause in the entire Constitution that allows any function
affecting the administration of the states to the federal government is
the infamous "interstate commerce clause"----and even that, properly
understood, is merely a guarantee against the various states using
tariffs and import restrictions against the free flow of goods from
other states of the Union. That is, the interstate commerce clause
exists to ensure free trade between the states, and not for any other
purpose of regulation.
Thus, the United States is restricted from interfering with the
land jurisdiction of the states and the people by the actual
Constitution, and all other Federal functions are limited by treaties
with the states acting under the international powers retained by the
states and people in Article X---the most venerable of which, the Postal
Union Treaties, are still in effect.
This brings up a very, very important point--- the states and
people have retained international jurisdiction over all "non-delegated
powers". Anything that is not specifically and explicitly delegated to
the federal government, remains the exclusive right and prerogative of
the states and people.
As a result of the foregoing circumstance the United States needed
its own district and its own postal treaty and its own postal service
called the United States Postal Service in order to form a separate seat
of government -- hence the need to form the District of Columbia.
When you use the "United States Postal Service" you are using the
federal government's in-house postal service, but in order to provide
service throughout the country, they are piggy-backing on your state's
separate postal contracts, post roads, and post offices. They are
making use of your state Postal Districts. This leads to a bifurcation
of services under one roof.
In Federal-ese, federal government mail is "domestic" with respect
to the United States Government and its employees. Take a look at Title
39 United States Code Section 3003, 1341, and 1342. The use of a ZIP
CODE is voluntary, per Domestic Mail Services Regulation Section 122.32
"Non-discrimination for NON-USE of Zip Codes". Also see ZIP CODE per
Public Law 91-325, Section 403.
These citations make it clear that for people living in the states
who are not federal employees or dependents known as "citizens", the use
of the ZIP CODE is entirely voluntary --- and we are free to
reinterpret it as we see fit, should we decide to note it on our
correspondences as a "Postal Code Extension" or as a Rural Route Number
existing outside the federal government's domestic (in-house) system.
You can address your mail like this:
John Michael Doe
1040 Mayberry Street
Rural route 54615
Black River Falls, Wisconsin
Or like this:
John Michael Doe
1040 Mayberry Street
Black River Falls, Wisconsin
Postal Extension 54615
Instead of:
John Michael Doe
1040 Mayberry Street
Black River Falls, Wisconsin 54615
The first two addresses are private non-domestic mail and the
sender has just been kind enough to reference the postal code to
expedite mail service. The third version is domestic mail with respect
to the federal United States -- that is, government mail at an in-house
government address.
Obviously, if you are not functioning as a government employee or
dependent, you don't want your mail incorrectly addressed, but more
importantly, this whole situation points out the underlying dichotomy
that has caused us and our nation so much harm.
By allowing the "United States" to presume upon us and to assume
that we are one of their "citizens" we become subject to their foreign
government(s) both corporate and municipal, and allow them to accumulate
evidence against our claim to be "free and independent" men and women.
Thus, through our ignorance and their self-interested Bad Faith,
the federal government operating as a succession of "governmental
services corporations"
has usurped upon us and upon our lawful government and contrived
to paper over our very natures and identities, pretending that we are
mere franchisees or worse, franchises, of their own corporations instead
of their benefactors and employers.
The so-called federal government and its agency contractors have
failed to discipline themselves appropriately and failed to properly
inform both the public and their own employees concerning their nature
and limitations which has led to corruption and mis-administration on a
staggering scale.
The Postal District of your state on the land belongs to you and is
operated under Article X of the actual Constitution. This unique
land-controlled international jurisdiction belongs to you and your state
on the land --- which is a state, e.g., California State, and not a
"State of State" such as the "State of California".
Just as there are "United States District Courts" operating in the
international jurisdiction of the sea with respect to constitutionally
mandated duties, there are "Federal Postal District Courts" operating in
the international jurisdiction of the sea with respect to non-delegated
prerogatives of the states and people.
One of the non-delegated prerogatives is anything whatsoever to do
with your actual body and actual estate on the land, which includes the
use and possession of your actual trade (given) name---which has been
commandeered under false pretenses and misused to create no end of
mischief "in your name" without your knowledge or consent.
This infringement upon your identity and credit is a form of
identity theft resulting in personage and copyright infringement
practiced by trademark enclosure. This is a war crime of "genocide on
paper" being practiced against us by gangs of thugs who have also
misrepresented the so-called "American Civil War" as an actual war--
instead of an illegal mercenary action-- in their attempt to disguise
and justify their actions.
Well, folks, now you know all the basics. Use your Federal Postal
District Courts to kick the ever-loving stuffing out of these vermin and
send them packing back to Washington, DC to consider their sins. You
will need to organize yourselves, repudiate the false claim that you are
any form of "United States Citizen" or "citizen of the United States",
reassert your birthright standing as American state nationals, and
reclaim your county and state governments. As you are forming your Jural
Assemblies you may also form a Jural Society to operate the Federal
Postal District Court your state is owed.
Get started.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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Listen to this and start following it, your only path.
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