Thursday, June 8, 2017

Designate the Muslim Brotherhood As A Terrorist Group


Demand That Congress and President Trump Designate the Muslim Brotherhood As A Terrorist Group

You can 'thank' muslim traitor Obama along with the about 28 unlawful muslim brotherhood 'czars'  (and Cair - Richardson, TX) appointed by Obama for the heavy infiltration of muslim jihadis in to the US.  
If America does not export the muslims, confiscate their training manuals and weapons, and destroy their American 'training camps,' then we had better make some serious preparations for the coming terrorist events such as are taking place throughout Europe, Sweden, Africa and elsewhere.  
President Trump, Dunford and military - if you do nothing about this imported terrorist population planned, financed and directed by American 'congressmen' traitors (John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton and others), some serious sh*t will happen.
There are 22 Islamic Jihadist Training Camps across the United States with open FBI investigations into terrorist operations now in all 50 states.

It is time to demand that Congress and President Trump designate the Muslim Brotherhood and its umbrella group - Muslims of America – as terror organizations, so that federal law enforcement can adequately investigate their activities before more Americans are murdered.

Please go to bottom of page:     to sign the petition!!  Thank you!   

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