Thursday, June 8, 2017

Holder & DOJ botched up 'Fast and Furious' Operation


June 7 2017

Wednesday morning saw the release of a scathing report from the House Oversight Committee that former Attorney General Eric Holder and the DOJ tried to hide the facts of the botched ‘Fast & Furious’ operation.

The operation, which involved allowing marked firearms to be sold in Phoenix-area shops with the intention of tracking them once they made their way to Mexico, went off the skids when 1400 of the 2000 guns used in the attempted sting went missing.

Two of them were recovered at the scene of Brian Terry’s death. Terry was a Border Patrol agent.

From Fox News:

More than five years after Brian’s murder, the Terry family still wonders about key details of Operation Fast and Furious,” the report states. “The Justice Department’s obstruction of Congress’s investigation contributed to the Terry family’s inability to find answers.

The new report states that the Justice Department knew before Terry’s death in 2010 that the ATF was “walking” firearms to Mexico and knew the day after the agent’s death that weapons from Fast and Furious were involved in the shootout, despite denying these facts to the media.

The report also says that Holder’s Justice Department stonewalled inquiries from Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and deceptively told him that the “ATF makes every effort to interdict” firearms purchased by straw buyers. 

The controversial act of straw purchases – where a person who is prohibited from buying firearms uses another person to buy a gun on his or her behalf – has been a popular method that Mexico’s drug cartels use to obtain guns.

We’ll have more on another revelation about Holder’s DOJ in a few minutes…stay tuned.   

1 comment:

790 screw you MSM!!! said...

Yeah well they tried to hide the facts and they did. Do you see CNN reporting this story? Nope mission acomplished.