Saturday, June 3, 2017

It's Spring. Look at the Garden....

By Anna Von Reitz

When you look outside your window at the magnificent Creation beyond, what do you see?
Just one kind of flower?
Just one kind of tree?
One species of insect?
How many kinds of fish in the sea?
Our Creator loves diversity. He loves all the differences.
Isn't it silly to suppose that He values a violet less than a rose?
What is this craziness that people have, when they think and apparently believe, that one man is less than another because his skin is black?
Or think that a woman is less than man?
Or that the old are not as good as the young?
Sometimes I look at my garden with all it's different living plants, all their flowers and fruits and forms, and I see my Father's hand in them and know how He must delight in creating all these different variations.
I think about how they serve so many different purposes, too: to feed us, to delight our senses, to heal us from our ills, to fill our world with color and texture and fresh clean air.
If God were stingy or stodgy or lacking in imagination, why not just plug in a single big grey and black air conditioner and call it good?
Even the common grass beneath your feet is a miracle.
And even the grass you cannot create.
Love the Creator. Learn what He teaches. If you have eyes and ears and heart, then open them up.
Take joy in all your kinds and all your nations, in your rich palette of colors and forms, in your multiplicity of gifts and talents, in your own special, one-of-a-kind self, a creation both like and unlike any other.
Let gratitude and wonder overwhelm your soul and think: there are billions upon billions of stars in the sky, and not one of them the same as any other....
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

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