By Anna Von Reitz
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2017 2:31 PM
Notice was sent internationally to the owners and operators of the, which is serving as a registration platform for DTCC,
which is a spin-off of the original DTC/DTTC, etc., operation. This and
similar platforms are where "you" and every aspect of your life have
been bought and sold to profit the perpetrators of this scheme.
assets "borrowed" from us, the American states and people, without our
knowledge or consent, were "securitized" and traded and used to secure
debt accumulated by the monsters responsible for this entire racket and
also used by their foreign franchises--- foreign government "service
organizations" and other innocent people worldwide who were preyed upon
in like manner.
responsible for this deplorable circumstance have attempted to seek
bankruptcy protection for themselves, assuming that because their
victims never knew about their activities, we would never step forward
and claim all the "unclaimed assets" attached to our estates, that in
turn would allow the criminal international banks to come in as
"Secondary Creditors"--- claim that the Priority Creditors (all of us)
had "abandoned" our assets, make a claim favoring the banks, and skate
Notice (below) issued in my capacity as a Federal Postal District Judge
puts an end to this venal scheme, which can only succeed under
conditions of secrecy and "lack of objection". This is one form of
objection made in behalf of the would-be victims, and in behalf of the
lawful land jurisdiction government of the United States of America,
Unincorporated, representing the public interests of the American states
and people:
am making this correspondence public so that everyone in America and
worldwide has proof that this was done, an explanation of why it was
done, and evidence concerning when it was done.
| ||||
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2017 12:11 PM
Subject: Notice of American Claim
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2017 12:11 PM
To: CustomerService@GMEIutility.
Subject: Notice of American Claim
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
is your Notice that your partner, DTTC, is the holder of illegally
obtained securities. This is also your Notice that all the “unclaimed”
securities on your system and the MERS System belong to the
unincorporated United States of America--- the doing business name of
the actual American states and people, whose assets were invested and
put at risk as securities underlying all these instruments without their
knowledge or consent.
value of all the securities held by all the corporations and franchises
that have been formed under the auspices of the UNITED STATES, INC.
(Municipal Level) and the USA, Inc. (Territorial Level) in fact belong
to the United States of America, Unincorporated, which is the Paramount
Security Interest Holder and Priority Creditor of all these corporations
and all of these securitized accounts identified by numeric and
alpha-numeric codes within your system.
include Social Security and SIN numbers, Employer Identification
Numbers, MERS contracts, Licenses, Leases, Labor Contracts, Construction
Contracts, Insurance Policies, Court Case Contracts, Bonds, Stocks, and
all else that naturally derives from these securitized instruments as
derivatives are debts owed by the corporations and franchises to the
living people and are credits belonging to the living people.
are virtually no “unclaimed” credits, because we have established and
cured UCC commercial claims and non-UCC liens including Agricultural
liens on everything associated with the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA,
Inc. and their franchises in preparation for discharging all debts and
cleaning up this mess.
enter this “Challenge” against all accounts on your system, including
accounts which have been claimed prior to this, as far back as your
records go. This circumstance is the result of a vast multi-generational
fraud scheme which is now being addressed.
with 390-66-2350 and 574-12-3413 and progressively challenge, enter,
and claim all similar account designators, all related licenses, leases,
labor contracts, construction contracts, court bonds and contracts,
corporate bonds and securities, mortgages, utilities and utility
accounts, and set them aside as assets belonging to the unincorporated
United States of America.
much as possible, sort the securities attached to the Masterfile
Numbers according to country codes to expedite the return of purloined
assets to the lawful governments and people to whom these assets
I may be reached at the email shown above, by telephone at (907) 250-5087, or by mail, in care of Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska, 99652. Please provide an update of your progress on a daily basis.
Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
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