Friday, March 23, 2018


By Anna Von Reitz

A lot of people are getting confused by reading old articles and trying to follow along. For example, I originally suggested sending Authenticated Birth Certificates to the Secretary of the Treasury because we were trying to help expedite processing ahead of a looming deadline. Well, the deadline is past, and there is no reason to provide Authenticated Birth Certificates to Mnuchin anymore. Just send regular old BC's and let the Treasury officials work out the rest.
Keep your Authenticated Birth Certificates for your own records.
These unambiguously establish your Priority Creditor status for the courts or anyone else who cares to ask. Remember that Mnuchin has no money to dispense and that at best he can get your property transferred out of THEIR bankruptcies, which is the real point of the exercise.
Also, the process I described referring to "Twelve Steps" is actually a process of rebutting unstated legal presumptions that kick in when YOU are actually already involved in court cases and have nothing to do with correcting your political status per se. They were being talked about because so many people were already deep in the Kim Chee and searching for means to deal with these courts. We have since developed very efficient means to avoid these presumptions and entanglements in THEIR court system altogether, so please ignore the old article about Twelve Steps and follow along. Knowing the information in that article is a good thing, but mistaking it as a general means of correcting political status is not.
The importance of recording your actual political status is to safe-guard yourself from false charges and entanglements in THEIR courts, to protect your property and identity, and to allow you to restore the lawful government you are owed. Irishmen can't run the Spanish government, and neither can "US Citizens" run ours. We have to get our political status straight before we take up the issue of restoring first the Counties, then the States, then the National Government we are owed.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

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