Thursday, May 17, 2018

Hateful Jimmy Kimmel - BOYCOTT HIS PROGRAM

Hateful Jimmy Kimmel 
Just Paid Massive Price After What He Did 
To Melania In The Hospital 
With an apparent warped 'sense of humor,' this creep has no kind words to say about
much of anyone, including the President Trump's wife when she is undergoing emergency surgery.  Over 50,000 viewers signed a petition to the network protesting Kimmel, encouraging he be released from his 'job' of insulting people.  Maybe its high time to encourage the network to force Kimmel to find another job?


Anonymous said...

Along with Anderson Cooper, this guy is another ignorant, self serving aho- He never cared who he hurts, or insults, and it needs to stop now-- He needs to be SHOT----DEAD-

Anonymous said...

Anderson, Kimmel, Colbert are all Israeli shills peddled to the public by a Zionist controlled Hollywood. TMZ needs to out them all on theri "Jew or Not Jew" segments.
Veterans Today has been reporting for a very long time on how Israel controls the US Congress and previous WHs.
Isreal designed the US spyware for NSA and other alphabets. ALL DATA is routed through Israel - in effect, Israel is spying on all Americans and collecting their data to control all future politicans through bribes and blackmail, as they now do.
45 + members of Congress with dual-citizenships with Israel need to resign immediately.
The Billions of free US Foreign Aid, and the Millions to their Army, must stop immediately.
Lying Netenyahoo must be arrested for War Crimes (and for illegally owning a building at the WTC site with buddy Silverstein.
It was the Bush WH, Larry Silverstein and Israeli Mossad who murdered NYers and bombed the WTC (3 Towers!), and the pentagon. See: CIA Asset Susan Lindauer 911 Truth on Youtube.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Kimmel and Anderson Cooper both scum bags.

The poster 11:55 has an interesting idea, an accident at the range. Ken T.

Anonymous said...

Hateful at 1:15 PM - would you please inform everyone about WHY you went on your diatribe about Israel when it has absolutely nothing to do with Kimmel? GROW UP for pete sake. Your hate and bias literally screams at all readers, and it makes some of us totally discount every word you spew out of your demon filled mouth. The First Amendment is one thing, but using it to spew out one's hate and bias is entirely another, and such 'spewing' will be closely monitored. This blog was and is not intended for such abuse, and most of what you spewed out in your comment has been spewed out multiple times here, most likely by YOU. Stick to the subject and reserve your hate and bias for your like kind friends.