Sunday, July 22, 2018

Trump Invites Putin to Washington

(From AP News)

Unbowed by swirling criticism of his summit encounter with Vladimir Putin, President Donald Trump swiftly invited the Russian leader to the White House this fall for a second get-together. Putin’s ambassador to the U.S. said Moscow is open to discussing such a meeting, even as confusion abounds over exactly what they discussed the first time.
Cleanup has continued from Monday’s two-hour private meeting in Helsinki, Finland, with Trump belatedly saying Putin’s “incredible offer” of shared U.S.-Russia investigations was no good after all.

A White House meeting would be a dramatic extension of legitimacy to the Russian leader, who has long been isolated by the West for activities in Ukraine, Syria and beyond and is believed to have interfered in the 2016 presidential election that sent Trump to the presidency. No Russian leader has visited the White House in nearly a decade.
Click here for article.



Anonymous said...

just some dude with dsl said...

President Trump is winning!