Sunday, September 30, 2018

Magic Words

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

Faced with Foreclosure?  Child Custody theft?  Federal taxes when you aren't a federal employee, corporation, or dependent? 

Fine.  Here's what you do. 

You immediately request a "Status Hearing".  

You walk in and when your NAME is called, you stand up right where you are -- don't go through the gate and "cross the bar" at all --- and this is what you say: 

"There has been a mistake.  I am here today in my true and natural capacity as one of the living people of ______ (your birth state) and 
I wish for this entire case to be dismissed with extreme prejudice and eliminated from the court record. (That gives the judge his Hold Harmless to act in your favor.)  

I am the priority creditor and the employer in this courtroom and I am fully indemnified against loss or damage by Indemnity Bond AMRI 00001 RA 393 427 640 US on file at the U.S. Treasury. 

I am exercising my reversionary trust right and my exemption from the jurisdiction of this court effective _____________(your actual birthday). I wish to be paid treble damages by the prosecutor in compensation for my
time,losses and inconvenience."

This is about as cut-and-dried as it gets.  Chances are they will stare at you like a talking horse and may ask you to repeat what you just said.  Repeat it. About that time, sphincters are closing.  

If the Judge (Court Administrator) asks for additional instruction, say, 

"I wish for any and all charges to be offset by mutual offset credit exchange as guaranteed by the Congressional Intent of House Joint Resolution 192 and established as Public Law 73-10 and UCC 3-104 (c). 

I wish for the Regulations to be followed to the letter by the claimant and the claimant's bank. You must obtain my signed acceptance of the billing on the face of the billing statement and the claimant's bank TTL Officer must return it directly to the Secretary of the Treasury for certified funds deposit in that amount in the claimant's account. 

When the original signed Billing Statement is received by the Treasury as indicated by the date on the green Return Receipt card used by the bank TTL Officer to send in the claim, the clock starts running according to Federal Window Regulation J and Federal Reserve Regulation Z - Truth in Lending, 12 USC 226.1.  On the sixteenth day after the green card is returned, the claimant's bank TTL Officer is enabled to credit the deposit to the claimant's account.  

And that bit of bookkeeping settles the account.  I have been greatly inconvenienced and wish for just compensation from those responsible." 

In the case of the seizure of your children, this "Billing Statement" is going to be astronomical and no judge in his right mind is going to want to present it to you, but you must insist on seeing the Billing Statement related to the case or there is no case ---- which is the logical "out" for the judge.  Simply dismiss with prejudice and beat feet.  Otherwise, the losses to The Company will result in him losing his job. 

Since you are dealing with a bankruptcy on top of everything else, you will want to bring certified copies of your BC and your Deed of Re-Conveyance and your Certificate(s) of Assumed Name to Court with you. If you are in a child custody matter, you will want to bring certified copies of your Baby Deed, too. 

If the judge wobbles, wave the Bailiff over and give the certified documents to him to deliver to the Judge for the Judge to review. 

These are very powerful Intellectual Property and Private Property issues.  If they get caught pillaging Americans they can be fined $250,000 and spend ten years in jail.  If they get caught mis-characterizing and kidnapping Americans in violation of the Geneva Conventions, they can face a firing squad. 

The more people who exercise their exemptions, the quicker we will all get court reform.  

Assuming that they decide to play ball, the Judge will return the Bill to you for your acceptance.  

Write "ACCEPTED for full and complete settlement" 
           AMRI00001 RA 393 427 640 US (Ohio) [for example]
           by:  Your First Middle Last Signature

Give it back to the Bailiff.  

The Prosecutor is required to bring his check book to Court and to be ready to write you a check.  So look at him expectantly.  If he doesn't have his checkbook, he is in critical melt-down condition.  He suddenly owes you three times what he was claiming against you.  The Judge is going to be extremely disgusted.  The Company profits just took a dump. 

Let it all roll.  If anyone says anything to you, you just bat your eyelashes and say, "I have exhausted my Administrative Remedies."  and keep saying that until the scurrying and bobbing and dodging has ended.  

Then say, "Good day, gentlemen."  -- and walk out without a backward glance and despite whatever they might say or call after you.  You are the sovereign.  They are the employees.  Whatever difficulties they have, you have done your part. 


Anonymous said...

Ask anyone whose children were removed if they signed documents.
Answer: yes, but I thought I had to.
Or Answer: They told me to sign it to show they have my kids.

Its the same with jail.
They take your freedom and put a price on it.
You contract over the phone for bail. (Bahl)
Bail(Bahl) contracts with court.
You are contracted to court through your contract with Bail(Bshl)
Pronounce them the same Bay-el/Bail/Bahl.

You contract.
You think the only contract is for rent or credit card or work
Marriage is a contract.
Friendships/Relationships are verbal and gesture contracts
(that's how common law marriage exist)
When you put yourself out there as Mr. and Mrs., Mr. and Mr, Mrs. and Mrs.
Speaking in court is a verbal contract.
A court has to have venue ( be the right place for the dispute)
Most courts are the wrong venue.
If you remove a traffic case to small claims, you can bring the accuser to court to explain how they stopped you with no probable cause.
Why they accuse you of moving people or property for profit at the time of the stop.
You and the city or state employee or judge can be face to face.
Most small claims have mandatory arbitration (Administrative Procedures Act) before the case is heard by a judge.
Their side will want to settle if they are not really elected to represent the entity they collect for.
No cop represent the city. The cop represent the police station that doesn't represent the city. The mayor is elected to represent the city and did not tell the cop to stop you. The cop made a personal decision to stop you.
They WANT you to go to court to fight the contract. If you signed the ticket or anything without stating your duress, you are in contract.
Get out of that contract.

Doug said...

This is Article 1162 from Has been there for quite some time, now, but when you add it in with some of the others, you can begin to build a sword with which to free yourself from the tyranny.
One of these days, I am going to take the stuff I have gleaned from Anna's and other's works, put it together and make a single document that I can keep in possession to be used at any time, for any purpose at hand.
But, when you look at it, the irony of it is that you have to . . .file . . .paperwork. . . in *their* system to free yourself, but then you are subject to carrying your "papers" with you to prove who you are, why and where you are, how you got there and the list goes on. . . so how is it that filing documents actually frees you? You will be accosted by a uniformed policy officer if you don't have license plates on your car, and that rascal likely won't understand (or pretends not to anyway) or accept your "papers" and will cuff-n-stff you anyway.
Let the games begin!