Saturday, December 1, 2018

Q GHWB Died USSS Code Name [Timber Wolf] Pain Coming

The Patriot Hour


Anonymous said...

Is he really dead? Or another faked death like his Enron buddy. Trying to avoid Gitmo and that noose he talked about. Look of him at the Bush 300,000 acre Hitler-style getaway in Paraguay?
"George Bush Sr is the biggest pedophile in America." -- David Icke

Anonymous said...

I hope you know about Cathy O''Brien. Bush Jr took Cathy and her daughter to Camp David. In a cold March day, Bush Sr and Cheney stripped the mother and girl naked and hunted them with rifles. Bush told them that if they caught them they would be shot. Later, when they captured them, Both Bush and Cheney raped the little girl.
See: TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Philips.
"These people are sick." -- Q
His death should not be a free pass to ignore his crimes.