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Wednesday, April 3rd 2019 at 2:30 pm
Written By:
Josh del Sol Beaulieu
Views 68781
Great news. A Belgian government minister has announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans due to health effects
The statement was made by Céline Fremault, the Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy. From an interview last Friday, with L'Echo:
Ms. Fremault accurately identified that a 5G pilot project is not compatible with Belgian radiation safety standards (9 V/m, or 95 mW/m2 according to this online converter), and stated that she does not intend to make an exception. (In the Building Biology guidelines, the threshold for extreme concern is
1 mW/m2. However, many government agencies still only consider thermal
effects, instead of the cumulative body of thousands of peer-reviewed
scientific studies.)
Perhaps with Brussels heading up the European Union, and with one of the two major 5G appeals being addressed to the EU, officials there are better informed and motivated to protect themselves.
May support increase for Ms. Fremault and all officials who are hearing the call to sanity and prioritizing the people over the technocratic oligarchy.
2-MINUTE ACTION: To send a brief note of support to Ms. Fremault, go here; and to Brussels city councilors, go here. Encourage them of the importance to keep this ban permanent, despite industry's forthcoming pressure.
The 5G Situation in Summary
There is almost no question that a 5G-world would place us all under an unprecedented level of surveillance and control; granting unheard-of powers to soulless corporate algorithms.
That should be enough to permanently delete the agenda right there, filed under "useful technology gone bad."
Though perhaps an even bigger question for our time is: does 5G pose a major threat to all biological life? The independent evidence overwhelmingly indicates that it does.
That is, unless you ask wireless industry sources, who own the FCC and who recently put out this CNBC propaganda/commercial in a thinly-veiled attempt to quash pushback.
The talking heads of the wireless industry even brashly admit - when forced, in a US senate hearing - that they have not done any safety studies… and they don't plan to.
The fact is, hundreds of scientists are trying everything to sound the alarm.
One such voice, Dr. Martin Pall, the WSU Professor Emeritus whose research actually lays out the mechanism of how wireless radiation causes harm in our cells, calls 5G "the stupidest idea in the history of the world."
However, within the corporatized halls of government, there is a well-worn pattern of voices of reason being drowned out by the frothed frenzy of technocratic corporations, who envision 5G as an unprecedented economic opportunity for the full-on commercial exploitation of reality.
But 5G pushback is starting to get viral. The compilation of truth assembled in videos on 5G like this one provides a much-needed reality-check on the shocking state of greed and depravation among the agenda-pushers in our world.
While it may sound stark, after observing this for a long while, to me it honestly now appears that those pushing this agenda are stuck in a type of hive-mind syndrome, so frenzied with dollar-signs and "us-versus-them" progress-obsessions that they are in a mode incapable of self-corrective thought. Or at the very least, incapable of seeing where all of this is obviously heading - for them and their kids, too.
When the industry sheep are being presented with an avalanche of scientific evidence for a catastrophe-in-the-making, and yet they refuse to listen and instead continue to tow the profit-pushing line, what becomes visible is the shadow-expression of utter disdain for life. That may sound harsh, but I encourage you to consider this deeply.
Perhaps it's the global, unconscious ‘death wish' that is at the core of the 5G push. Perhaps this is also at the core of the desire to darkly exit the human condition via AI and transhumanism. Apparently this thought-form sees its escape and salvation through technology, instead of through humanity and/or our connection with divinity.
In any case, to any sane human with normal values, the situation is indeed bewildering. Though once we get over the distress, we are called into a kind of soul-led response. Perhaps it's first a resolve to be sovereign in our thoughts, and to be steward of our mind. Then, inspiration and true Connectedness come when we become involved in manifesting the bigger solution - the choice of a positive future.
On this path, our root challenge is to remember: the power in our individual reality is truly within each of us, because who we are is not limited to the realms of duality and separation that we experience here.
If you're reading this, be welcomed into the humanity protector's club.
Where You Live: The Pushback Against 5G is Going Viral
While Brussels becomes the first major international city to block 5G, dozens of local governments have passed legislation to prevent or restrict 5G rollouts due to health effects. Environmental Health Trust lists legislation from 21 local governments in the USA.
And on March 13, the Portland (OR) city council demanded that the FCC update its research on the health and environmental impacts of 5G.
Websites such as EMF Safety Network, and My Street, My Choice provides guidelines for how to put the brakes on 5G where you live.
This industry-promoted summary of state-by-state 5G legislative actions is also useful, and gives an insight into their modus operandi.
Below is a partial list of resources where you can learn more and get involved. We applaud everyone out there who is taking the reins and leading from their heart.
Documents the UN Secretary General being notified of harm from 5G and wireless proliferation.
The statement was made by Céline Fremault, the Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy. From an interview last Friday, with L'Echo:
I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not. The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt."
- Céline Fremault, Minister of the Government (Brussels-Captial Region), responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy
<Click the little, "Read More," button>
Perhaps with Brussels heading up the European Union, and with one of the two major 5G appeals being addressed to the EU, officials there are better informed and motivated to protect themselves.
May support increase for Ms. Fremault and all officials who are hearing the call to sanity and prioritizing the people over the technocratic oligarchy.
2-MINUTE ACTION: To send a brief note of support to Ms. Fremault, go here; and to Brussels city councilors, go here. Encourage them of the importance to keep this ban permanent, despite industry's forthcoming pressure.
The 5G Situation in Summary
There is almost no question that a 5G-world would place us all under an unprecedented level of surveillance and control; granting unheard-of powers to soulless corporate algorithms.
That should be enough to permanently delete the agenda right there, filed under "useful technology gone bad."
Though perhaps an even bigger question for our time is: does 5G pose a major threat to all biological life? The independent evidence overwhelmingly indicates that it does.
That is, unless you ask wireless industry sources, who own the FCC and who recently put out this CNBC propaganda/commercial in a thinly-veiled attempt to quash pushback.
The talking heads of the wireless industry even brashly admit - when forced, in a US senate hearing - that they have not done any safety studies… and they don't plan to.
The fact is, hundreds of scientists are trying everything to sound the alarm.
One such voice, Dr. Martin Pall, the WSU Professor Emeritus whose research actually lays out the mechanism of how wireless radiation causes harm in our cells, calls 5G "the stupidest idea in the history of the world."
However, within the corporatized halls of government, there is a well-worn pattern of voices of reason being drowned out by the frothed frenzy of technocratic corporations, who envision 5G as an unprecedented economic opportunity for the full-on commercial exploitation of reality.
But 5G pushback is starting to get viral. The compilation of truth assembled in videos on 5G like this one provides a much-needed reality-check on the shocking state of greed and depravation among the agenda-pushers in our world.
While it may sound stark, after observing this for a long while, to me it honestly now appears that those pushing this agenda are stuck in a type of hive-mind syndrome, so frenzied with dollar-signs and "us-versus-them" progress-obsessions that they are in a mode incapable of self-corrective thought. Or at the very least, incapable of seeing where all of this is obviously heading - for them and their kids, too.
When the industry sheep are being presented with an avalanche of scientific evidence for a catastrophe-in-the-making, and yet they refuse to listen and instead continue to tow the profit-pushing line, what becomes visible is the shadow-expression of utter disdain for life. That may sound harsh, but I encourage you to consider this deeply.
Perhaps it's the global, unconscious ‘death wish' that is at the core of the 5G push. Perhaps this is also at the core of the desire to darkly exit the human condition via AI and transhumanism. Apparently this thought-form sees its escape and salvation through technology, instead of through humanity and/or our connection with divinity.
In any case, to any sane human with normal values, the situation is indeed bewildering. Though once we get over the distress, we are called into a kind of soul-led response. Perhaps it's first a resolve to be sovereign in our thoughts, and to be steward of our mind. Then, inspiration and true Connectedness come when we become involved in manifesting the bigger solution - the choice of a positive future.
On this path, our root challenge is to remember: the power in our individual reality is truly within each of us, because who we are is not limited to the realms of duality and separation that we experience here.
If you're reading this, be welcomed into the humanity protector's club.
Where You Live: The Pushback Against 5G is Going Viral
While Brussels becomes the first major international city to block 5G, dozens of local governments have passed legislation to prevent or restrict 5G rollouts due to health effects. Environmental Health Trust lists legislation from 21 local governments in the USA.
And on March 13, the Portland (OR) city council demanded that the FCC update its research on the health and environmental impacts of 5G.
Websites such as EMF Safety Network, and My Street, My Choice provides guidelines for how to put the brakes on 5G where you live.
This industry-promoted summary of state-by-state 5G legislative actions is also useful, and gives an insight into their modus operandi.
Below is a partial list of resources where you can learn more and get involved. We applaud everyone out there who is taking the reins and leading from their heart.
Brussels story - sources:
- Brussels Times
- L'echo [English translation here]
- [English translation here]
Scientific Evidence on 5G Harm
- EHTrust: Scientific Research on 5G, Small Cells and Health
- Dr. Martin Pall's free e-book: "5G: Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them" (PDF, 90 pages)
- Dr. Joel Moskowitz: "5G Wireless Technology: Cutting Through the Hype"
- Electric Sense: "5G Radiation Dangers - 11 Reasons To Be Concerned"
- Health resources summary from
- Health resources summary from
- EMF interview by Luke Storey: Dr. Jack Kruse
- SaferEMR: Summary 400 new EMF scientific studies, Aug 2016 to present (EMF in general)
- Research from Magda Havas
- News from Clear Light Ventures
- Articles from BN Frank at ActivistPost
Grassroots Communities & Organizations
Note: Several of the organizations listed below
are still promoting actions limited to contacting your elected
representatives and pleading for help. With that being said, there is a
resounding increase in awareness that a firmer response is now required.- 5G Space Appeal: An International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and In Space (sign it)
- Environmental Health Trust
- Parents For Safe Technology
- Physicians For Safe Technology
- EMF Safety Network (California)
- Our Town, Our Choice
- Americans For Responsible Technology
- InPower Movement Episode 1: A Mass Action of Liability
- Scientists For Wired Technology
- Dr Jack Kruse (website & community)
Documents the UN Secretary General being notified of harm from 5G and wireless proliferation.
Thanks to Dafna Tachover of We Are The Evidence for helping to break this story.
Josh del Sol Beaulieu is the creator of Take Back Your Power,
a documentary about “smart” meters which won the AwareGuide
Transformational Film of the Year, the Indie Fest Annual Humanitarian
Award, and a Leo Award. In 2017, Josh co-founded InPower Movement,
pioneering a process using commercial liability to halt harmful
technology such as “smart” meters, 5G and mandatory vaccinations. Josh
is passionate about human rights, consciousness, decentralized energy,
safe technology and being a dad.
This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or
treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of
GreenMedInfo or its staff.
Biological Effects for 5G Frequencies, i.e., millimeter
waves, in the Low- (0.6 GHz – 3.7 GHz), Mid- (3.7GHz – 24 GHz), and High-band
frequencies (24 GHz and higher):
- International Journal of Oncology: “International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection” is dominated by industry-loyalists with serious conflicts of interest, resulting in little or nothing being done to reduce exposure and educate people on health hazards from RF radiation.
- "Biological Effect of Millimeter Radiowaves" CIA-Declassified Russian Research: “Millimeter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitative changes in the blood and bone marrow composition, and changes of the conditioned reflex activity.”
- Bioelectromagnetics: Skin exposure to low intensity millimeter waves caused the release of endogenous opioids, transporting them in the bloodstream to all parts of the body.
- Health Physics: “International Council on 5-G Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines may lead to permanent tissue damage after even short exposures”
- Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Biological effects of millimeter waves potentially include antibiotic resistant bacteria, but also offer potential new therapeutic practices, and food protection technologies.
- Environmental Research: Sweat ducts in skin form a helical antenna that is tuned to 5-G radio-waves, leading to a high specific absorption rate.
- Environmental Research: The addition of high frequency 5G radiation to the complex mix of lower frequencies, will contribute to a negative public health outcome from physical and mental health perspectives.
- International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health: 5-G radiation yet to be evaluated, but evidence suggests it poses risks including cancer and non-communicable diseases.
- Environmental Research: Wi-Fi radiation causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload.
- Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine: Smart meters may have unique characteristics that lower people's threshold for development of electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
- International Journal of Radiation Biology: 2.856 GHz microwave exposure causes cognitive impairment with significant deficits in spatial learning and memory in rats.
- Toxicological Sciences – Society of Toxicology: Short and long-term 2.45 GHz microwave exposure causes neuronal/nonneuronal apoptosis associated with spatial memory loss in mice.
- Toxicological Sciences – Society of Toxicology: 2.45-GHz microwave radiation suppresses signaling mechanisms of hippocampal memory formation in mice.
- International Journal of Radiation Biology: 2.856 GHz-exposed rats showed consistent long-term deficiencies in cognitive impairment, spatial learning and memory.
- Physiology and Behavior: 2.856GHz microwave exposure could cause dose-dependent long-term impairment of spatial learning, memory, and hippocampal structure injuries.
- Biomedical Environmental Sciences: Hippocampus can be injured by long-term microwave exposure, which might result in impairment of cognitive function due to neurotransmitter disruption
- Chinese Journal of Cellular and Molecular Immunology: Electromagnetic irradiation of 2000 μW/cm(2); exposure can impair the learning and memory abilities of rats.
- Mutation Research: 2.45 GHz has excessive mutagenic potential at the prescribed “safe limit”.
- International Journal of Radiation Biology: Acute exposure to EMF at 2450-MHz
- causes single- and double-strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells occurred 4 hours after exposure.
- Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics: Exposure to 2.45 GHz microwave radiation at 5 or 25 W kg is twice as effective as 27 MHz radiofrequency radiation in inducing cell cycle alteration.
- 25th European Microwave Conference (1995): Low-level exposure to non-thermal 2.45 GHz microwave radiation significantly increases cell wall permeability, resulting in hemoglobin loss.
- International Atomic Energy Agency, Malaysian Nuclear Agency: 2.45 GHz microwave radiation kills rat brain cells, and causes weight gain proportional to exposure.
- Bioelectromagnetics: 2450 MHz exposure associated with a marked increase in chromosome aberrations and fragments.
- Bioelectromagnetics: Low-intensity microwave exposure increases single-strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells.
- Oncology Letters: Among eleven thousand radiofrequency radiation measurements throughout Stockholm, Sweeden in 2017, all exceeded the target level of 30-60 µW/m2 criteria established for non-thermal exposure. Exposure levels will increase with 5G service.
- Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry: Brains of 2 week old mice are very sensitive to 10 GHz microwave exposure, causing impairment to spatial memory, enzyme activity, and histopathology.
- International Journal of Radiation Biology: Exposure to 10 GHz microwave radiation decreased the ability of mice to learn, which coincided with decreased protein levels in the brain.
Biological Effects, for
typical "Smart Meter" and wireless frequencies around 900 MHz:
- Journal of Psychosomatic Research: Patient management strategy should distinguish between patients with electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms (i.e., anxiety, depression, somatization, exhaustion, and stress) and patients with symptoms related to specific EMF sources.
- Reviews on Environmental Health: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is an EMF-related health problem that warrants a new designation under the “International Classification of Diseases”.
- Neurological Sciences: Mobile phone radiation could affect emotionality of rats without affecting general locomotion.
- Clinics (Sao Paulo): Mobile phone EMF induces oxidative stress and reduces sperm motility in rats
- International Journal for Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Medicine: Electromagnetic radiation-induced oxidative stress could be one of the underlying causes for the behavioral deficits seen in rats after RF-EMR exposure.
- International Journal for Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Medicine: Electromagnetic radiation-induced oxidative stress could be one of the underlying causes for the behavioral deficits seen in rats after RF-EMR exposure.
- Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine: Long-term exposure to 900 MHz RF radiation alters reproductive parameters in rats.
- Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine: 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation increases carbonyl protein in rat brains
- International Journal of Radiation Biology: EMF frequencies of 900 and 2100 MHz have differing effects on proteins in the hippocampus of Wistar rats.
- International Journal of Radiation Biology: Neuronal hippocampus damage from prenatal exposure to 900 MHz EMF can be mitigated by melatonin and omega-3.
- International Journal of Radiation Biology: Prenatal exposure of rat kidneys to 900 MHz EMF resulted in increased total kidney volume and decreased the numbers of glomeruli. Melatonin and omega-3 prevented adverse effects of EMF on the kidneys.
- Bioelectromagnetics: 915 MHz cell phone radiation affects expression of genes in rat brain cells.
- International Journal of Andrology: Exposure to 900 MHz results in significant genotoxic effect on epididymal spermatozoa in mice.
· Science of the Total
Environment: 900 MHz
cell phone radiation inhibits root growth in mung beans.
Brain Research:
900 MHz electromagnetic fields cause blood-brain barrier damage
and cognitive impairment in rats
Mutation Research:
900MHz radiofrequency fields cause mitochondrial DNA and oxidative
· National
Toxicology Program: Increased malignant schwannomas and cardiomyopathy
found in the hearts of rats after exposure to increasing levels of RFR at and
above allowable limits for cell phone
· Mutation Research:
Non-thermal radiofrequency
electromagnetic fields used in mobile phones causes DNA breakage in human and
rat cells.
· Bioelectromagnetics:
Intermittent exposure to cell phone
electromagnetic fields causes small short- and medium-term effects on cerebral
blood circulation and heart rate.
· Metabolic Brain Disease:
Exposure to cell phone electromagnetic radiation,
vibration, and ringtone produced a significant effect on anxiety-like behavior
and oxidative stress in rats.
· Journal of Biosciences:
Cell phone radiation causes biochemical changes
that impair the early growth of mung bean seedlings.
- Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health: Studies with duration that exceeds expected latency period are consistently finding an increased cancer risk associated with mobile phone use.
- American Journal of Epidemiology: Positive, dose-related association between cellular phone use and parotid gland tumors.
- British Medical Journal: Consistent increased risk for acoustic neuroma and glioma.
- International Journal of Oncology: Consistent association between mobile phone use and ipsilateral glioma and acoustic neuroma.
- Surgical Neurology: Short term studies that find no association between cell phone usage and cancer miss the problem. They should incorporate cell phone billing records for 10 years.
- European Journal of Cancer Prevention: Brain tumors correlate with side of the brain used during cell phone calls.
- International Journal of Oncology: Location of tumors correlate with side of head exposed to cell phone radiation.
- International Journal of Radiation Biology: Cellular phone use significantly increases risk for malignant brain tumors.
- European Journal of Cancer Prevention: Cellular telephone use increases risk of tumors near point of exposure.
- Epidemiology: Increased acoustic neuroma risk associated with mobile phone usage of at least 10 years.
- Occupational Environmental Medicine: Mobile phone use for 10 or more years yields a consistent pattern of increased risk for acoustic neuroma and glioma
- International Journal of Oncology: Carcinogenesis affected by exposure to radio frequency and electromagnetic fields.
- Differentiation - Research in Biological Diversity: Mobile phone radiation facilitates development of brain cancer, by increasing blood-brain barrier permeability due to likely accumulation of brain tissue damage.
- Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics: 3G mobile phone radiation affects the brain function and causes several neurological disorders.
- Neurotoxicology: Inhabitants living nearby mobile phone base stations are at risk for developing neuropsychiatric problems, affecting neurobehavioral functions.
- Medscape General Medicine: Cellular telephone use associated with an increased risk of brain tumors in area with highest exposure.
- Experimental Oncology: Safety limits needed to mitigate the human brain’s exposure to excessive mobile phone radiation.
- Journal of the American Medical Association: Brain glucose metabolism increases in the region closest to the antenna during 50-minute cell phone exposure – effects remain unknown.
- Environment International: Decline in memory performance over one year associated with duration of wireless phone use.
- Pathophysiology: Short-term memory in mice is affected by mobile phone radiation
- Reviews on Environmental Health: Long-term exposure to EMF is a risk factor for cancer, Alzheimer's, and male infertility… Treatment should focus on the prevention or reduction of EMF exposure.
- Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine: Mobile phone use has a significant negative impact on the working memory performance of human participants.
- Neurotoxicology: Exposure to mobile phone base station signals associated with neuropsychiatric effects – i.e., headache, memory changes, dizziness, tremors, depressive symptoms, and sleep disturbance.
Peer-Reviewed Research on RF Exposure:
- Pathophysiology: Existing safety standards are obsolete because they are based solely on thermal effects from acute exposures. The rapidly expanding development of new wireless technologies and the long latency for the development of such serious diseases as brain cancers means that failure to take immediate action to reduce risks may result in an epidemic of potentially fatal diseases in the future… Taking action to reduce exposures is imperative, especially for the fetus and children.
- Indian Journal of Experimental Biology: Regular and long term use of microwave devices (mobile phone, microwave oven) at domestic levels can have negative impact on the brain - and cause neurodegenerative diseases.
- Mutation Research: Higher frequency of chromosome lesions in irradiated cells. Microwave radiation causes changes in the synthesis and structure of DNA molecules.
- Bioelectromagnetics: Acute exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields caused a dose-dependent increase in DNA strand breaks in brain cells of rats.
- Environmental Health Perspectives: Acute exposure to a 60-Hz magnetic field increases free radical formation in brain cells, leading to DNA strand breaks and cell death.