Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Health - Seniors can literally shake their way to better bone health, preventing hip and other dangerous fractures

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Seniors can literally shake their way to better bone health, preventing hip and other dangerous fractures
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 16-Oct-2012 17:34:39

(The Best Years in Life) It has long been known that exercise helps build bone density and prevent age-related bone loss and fractures. Now, a study has found that an age-old exercise that dates back around 200 years can help seniors literally shake their way to better bone health and prevent bone density loss, fractures, disability and death.
In the study just published in the journal Bone, researchers at the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) found that 12 weeks of daily 30-minute vibration improved bone density around the hip joint, femur and long leg bone in mature mice equal to humans aged 55 to 65. All of the improved density measurements reduce the likelihood of a hip fracture, one of the most common causes of disability in the elderly. The researchers also found a reduction in a biomarker that indicates bone breakdown and an increase in the surface area involved in bone formation in the vibrating group.
The rest of the article:
See also:
"How to Beat and Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally"
"Calcium Alone is not Enough for Healthy Bones"
"Bone Drugs: The Latest Skeletons in Big Pharma's Closet"

Health - Antibiotic Facts You Must Know This Season

Antibiotic Facts You Must Know This Season 

I was on a flight recently and as I sat there quietly reading my book, I
swear I heard someone on the plane cough, sneeze or blow their nose every 15 seconds.

Yes indeed, the change of seasons is upon us...and that means colds, bugs and infections.
And LOTS of antibiotics being prescribed.
Although antibiotics are helpful in certain cases, there are major concerns popping up about them that cannot be ignored.
Here's what I mean:
According to a recent study published in the journal "Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy," in the 10-year period between 2000-2010, E. coli has become five times more resistant to Cipro (the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for urinary tract infections). 
For you non-math majors, that means that it's basically worthless as a treatment at this point.
And since E. coli is responsible for between 75-95% of all urinary tract infections, that's not good news for people with an infection in their plumbing.
Because it means that people who get a UTI will now need even STRONGER antibiotics (which can cause nausea and vomiting) to treat the infection, and quite possibly even be hospitalized if the infection gets severe enough.
Even though you might find this news unsettling, it should be no surprise.
Here's why I say that:

What's going on with antibiotics?
Since Sir Alexander Fleming first noticed that the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus could be destroyed by the mold Penicillium notatum back in 1928, antibiotics have become one of the most significant medical advances known to man.
Truly, many people are still alive because of them, instead of succumbing to life-threatening infections.
But the problems started when the medical community started prescribing them increasingly--even when the patient's illness was actually VIRAL and not an infection.
At that time, a common attitude was that, in case the illness WAS an infection, giving the antibiotics would be a good "head start" on treatment...and if not, oh well. They won't do any harm.
Uh, not quite. That way of thinking has come back to bite us you-know-where. (More on that below.)
In addition, antibiotics also began to be prescribed prophylactically (on a preventative basis) to help prevent and control conditions like chronic ear infections, sinus infections and even acne.
But that had a price tag too, as we would later see...

The price of too many antibiotics
One problem with the overprescribing of antibiotics is that harmful bacteria are no dummies--they're actually very smart and can eventually adapt, thereby becoming resistant to the drug's "killing" action.
So that means the pharmaceutical "Superhero" suddenly becomes as useless as a wet noodle against a potentially dangerous condition.
This is what has happened with E. coli and Cipro (and many others).
Another concern is that antibiotics are like a bomb, "blowing up" everything within their radius.
That means that while they obliterate the infection-causing bacteria, they also kill the beneficial bacteria in your body...
And those bacteria comprise 70-80% of your immune system!
Without a healthy population of friendly bacteria from a strong immune system to keep them "in check," any number of harmful microbes can thrive inside of you and make you very, VERY sick.

The vicious cycle of repeated infections
You may be wondering, "What's the problem? After all, won't my beneficial bacteria just grow back?"
Hmmm...not necessarily.
You see, your friendly bacteria typically recover more slowly than harmful bacteria. That means the harmful bacteria can quickly regain the "upper hand," grow out of control in your gut, and overwhelm the friendly bacteria that are trying to survive and multiply.
So chances are excellent that you will get yet ANOTHER infection or illness, and you know what that means...
Even MORE antibiotics.
And you're back at square one.
This is why so many people (maybe even you?) are on repeated courses of antibiotics but never seem to get any better.

Break free of the cycle
If you've taken antibiotics for a long time or even just recently, chances are excellent that your population of beneficial bacteria (your immune system) is practically non-existent.
And you're a very attractive home to any number of illnesses.
But there are two every effective ways you can help turn that around and beef up your friendly flora.
1- With your diet
Whatever you eat, your gut inhabitants eat too. But different types of bacteria have different food preferences.
Depending on your food choices, certain bacteria will feast while others go hungry. So your diet is a HUGE factor in controlling the microflora balance in your intestines and thus your immune system.
You see, harmful bacteria LOVE refined carbohydrates and sugars. They gorge and multiply like rabbits, while your beneficial bacteria (that are nourished by things like vegetables and whole grains) starve and die.
So to help keep your beneficial gut bacteria fed and happy, it's crucial to follow the principles in the Great Taste No Pain system.
Great Taste No Pain is not a diet--it is an eating lifestyle that stresses real foods (that your friendly flora loves) and shows you how to combine your foods for efficient digestion (so you nourish your flora AND say goodbye to gas, bloating, constipation, etc.).
And Great Taste No Pain delivers on the "Great Taste" promise. All of the dishes in the recipe book are delicious so your tongue will be happy too!
You can read about the Great Taste No Pain system here

2- With supplementation
A high-quality, multi-strain probiotic formula like Super Shield can help beef up your population of beneficial bacteria in these three different ways:
1. Selective nutrition
Super Shield contains FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides) which are a fiber that is nourishment for friendly bacteria, but cannot be digested by harmful bacteria.

2. Natural antibiotics
Many probiotic bacteria produce their own "natural antibiotics."
These are not the typical antibiotics we're used to--they safely inhibit the growth of, and can actually kill, many harmful bacteria.
Also, as probiotics digest their food, their metabolic by-products can have negative effects on harmful competitors. For example, when probiotics digest fiber, they release acids that are similar to vinegar. And yeasts (like Candida) don't grow well in the presence of these acids.

3. The crowded parking lot
In addition to probiotics killing harmful bacteria, after they do, the probiotic bacteria in Super Shield take over the "parking spaces" along your intestinal walls formerly taken up by the bad guys.
If bacteria aren't snugly attached to your intestinal wall, or are now dead, they can get swept away by peristalsis (the muscle contractions during digestion that move your food along).
So the more strong probiotics you can get to fill up your "intestinal parking lot" the greater the chance of harmful bacteria getting escorted out when you have a bowel movement.
Learn more about Super Shield and all the ways it can help you here.

If you've taken antibiotics in the past or are currently on them, it's essential to counteract the harm that they cause to your system.
Yes, they're a medical miracle, but that miracle does not come without a hefty price tag.
Do all you can to keep your population of beneficial bacteria high and your immune system strong.
Let Great Taste No Pain and Super Shield be your formula for great health and fighting infections from within.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: GTNP and Super Shield have even helped Beatriz' toenail fungus too!
Dear Sherry,
I am celebrating my first year anniversary of being on Great Taste No Pain! I am happy to report that I have kept off the 16 lbs. I initially lost.
I have not taken any acid reflux medication or for lactose intolerance in a year. I feel Great!
The most amazing thing is that I had a toenail fungus for over 30 years and when I started your program, a new nail started growing and now I have a brand new nail (fungus free).
I take the Super Shield probiotic every morning and once in a while Digestizol Max.
I just turned 60 and feel the best I have ever felt.
In my house we pray for you and also toast in your name.
Forever grateful to you!

Check out 1,000s of Great Taste No Pain success stories here

Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soft drinks results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is! Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.
Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's best gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few THOUSAND health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends  

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

HEALTH - 3 Crohn's Problems Solved

3 Crohn's Problems Solved 

It seems everywhere I go, somehow people with digestive health problems seem to find me...and they proceed to pepper me with questions. :-)
Yesterday it was at the Verizon store.
I went there to simply pick up a new battery for my Mom's cell phone. The sales rep asked me where I worked (to see if an employer discount applied) and I just said I'm self-employed.
Then she asked, "What do you do?"
Here we go...
I told her I was a writer and a nutrition consultant.
"Really?! Oh wow--I have Crohn's disease. Do you have any diet suggestions for me?"
I asked her what she's been told to do about her diet so far and she said, "Well, my doctor said to stay away from foods that bother me, but my attacks are totally random and don't seem to be caused by any one food."
Oh, so typical...
I said, "Well, if you've got a few minutes, I'll give you a crash course on Crohn's and some suggestions that you probably haven't heard, but could make a HUGE difference in how you feel."
By this time, ALL 4 sales reps in the store were surrounding me and this is what I told them:

The three dangers with Crohn's
Crohn's can actually hit you from three different directions.
And unless you know about all three ways it can hit you (and more importantly what you can do to help), you can be left needlessly suffering and trying to pinpoint "trigger foods" that don't exist.
Here is lowdown on the 3 dangers of Crohn's, and what you can do to address each and start feeling SO much better:
Crohn's danger #1:  Foods & Combinations That Are Hard To Digest
Crohn's can strike any area of the digestive tract but it usually affects the lower section of your small intestine and upper area of the colon (known as the ileum).
It's characterized by chronic inflammation which leads to the typical diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, fever and rectal bleeding.
So if your intestines are inflamed, you should do whatever you can to help keep things quiet in there...and by far the most effective thing you can do is make sure your digestion is efficient.
Thorough digestion helps encourage easier bowel movements. And smooth passage of wastes means less chance of irritating intestines that may already be VERY sore and tender.
What has been shown to be effective for Crohn's sufferers (as well as people with other gut problems) is pairing certain foods that digest well together.
You see, eating foods together that your system can't break down completely is basically putting out the welcome mat for a Crohn's attack.
But when you eat food combinations that break down efficiently, you help your body accomplish calm, regular bowel movements and help minimize intestinal irritation.
And that's what I will teach you the Great Taste No Pain digestive health system.
In the Great Taste No Pain manuals, I'll tell you exactly what to do, what to eat and how to structure your meals so you'll help minimize irritation and feel great after every meal.
Many people with Crohn's report relief from pain, diarrhea and bleeding almost immediately...and they're thrilled beyond belief! (You'll see stories where that's what happened below.)

Crohn's danger #2: Autoimmunity
Crohn's is an autoimmune condition, meaning your immune system sees normal bacteria or molecules in the intestines as dangerous invaders and launches an attack.
When this happens, you fly to the closest bathroom with inflammation, pain and diarrhea.
But you can help fight this reaction by helping to make your immune cells a little stronger and smarter.
You see, having a healthy population of beneficial bacteria in your gut helps to encourage more of your immune system's natural anti-inflammatory cells to form.
Plus, your friendly flora help "smarten up" the other cells in your intestinal tract so they are more likely to treat normal molecules as friends--not enemies.
The best way you can help your body to achieve and maintain a strong population of beneficial probiotic bacteria is to take a top-notch supplement.
Like Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula.
Unlike drugs and steroids that can actually SERIOUSLY HARM your other bodily systems, Super Shield safely and naturally helps encourage more anti-inflammatory Regulatory T cell to form.
It also helps keep your digestion efficient and encourages regular, smooth-sailing bowel movements as well.

Crohn's danger #3: Gluten sensitivity
Studies have shown that many Crohn's sufferers are also very sensitive to gluten.
And if you happen to be one of them and don't avoid gluten, it won't matter WHAT else you do -- you'll continue to suffer!
Many people with Crohn's have seen tremendous relief once they eliminated gluten from their lives. It's kind of like the "magic answer" -- the one thing that few people know about but it makes all the difference in the world for so many.
Now, if you suspect gluten is an issue for you, but can't imagine going gluten free, don't worry because avoiding gluten not as daunting of a task as it seems.
Especially when you have Great Taste No Gluten to help you along.
The Great Taste No Gluten manuals teach you all the ways gluten is disguised in foods so you can make sure you're avoiding it 100%, as well as give you substitution charts for many common gluten free ingredients and meal planning suggestions to keep ALL of your meals easily digested.
And the gluten free recipe book contains over 160 scrumptious gluten free delights which your whole family will LOVE, whether or not they have a gluten challenge.

If you have Crohn's, you are officially now armed with other, more effective answers than pinpointing "trigger foods" and taking dangerous drugs!
You now know the 3 dangers of Crohn's and how to fight them...and chances are excellent that you are about to feel a WHOLE lot better very soon!
Check out these notes of thanks we received from Crohn's sufferers:
Hi Sherry:
I am 39 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2004. I had a bowel resection in October 2011 and was doing very poorly. Although I was recovering I was still at risk of losing my job and needed to try something new to help.
I found your website, my mum bought me the books, and I started the Great Taste No Pain plan in July.
All I can say is I can't remember the last time I felt so well!
Thank you!
Sonia F.
Wow, Sherry! My husband has Crohn's disease, and ever since he started your Great Taste No Pain plan over 1 1/2 years ago, he has been a different person!
IT WORKS! He hasn't felt this good in 15 years!
He sticks with it religiously, also! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Hello Sherry:
I was pre-diabetic so I looked for a natural solution to it as my Doctor and Nutritionist were not very helpful.
I found your website and after properly combining my food and following your program I am no longer pre-diabetic! I also lost 7 kilos in weight, have loads of energy and my brain is clearer!
I also take your Super Shield probiotic and your Digestizol Max enzyme supplement, plus I am going to order your VitalMega Omega 3.
My wife has been told by specialists that she has Crohn's, but after following your program she is practically cured and off drugs!
I have been on your Super Shield probiotic formula for about a week now, and I cannot believe how calm my gut is!
Whenever I went out, I had to scout out the nearest restroom in each store. Now, I can shop and be comfortable!
After removing some of my sigmoid colon back in April, I have been going through such uncomfortable diarrhea and bloating...everything I ate had an effect on my system. Following your GTNP plan also helped.
Thank you!
If you have Crohn's, why don't you join the happy people above and see just how great YOU can feel?
Let the power of Great Taste No Pain or Great Taste No Gluten and Super Shield make a difference in your life NOW.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: OK, here's one more!
Dear Sherry,
I have Crohn's Disease and have suffered with extreme pain since I was a teenager. It wasn't until I reached my thirties that they finally discovered it was Crohn's.
In the past five years I have also developed arthritis, which I now attribute to both diet and medication. The last ten years have been like being on a roller coaster. What to eat. What not to eat... heavy steroids... antibiotics...and numerous other drugs.
I can tell you now, nothing really solved anything. At the end of last year I hit rock bottom. Month after month on the highest steroid dose until my body just couldn't take it anymore.
I have always said no to surgery. Knowing that it really wasn't going to help either so at least I still have my stomach and bowel.
I decided to do some research myself and found your link on the Crohn's website. I must admit, I was very skeptical at first but after months of reading all the amazing stories of people that have had their lives turned around, I just had to give it a go.
I can barely write this letter without tears falling on my keypad. Finally, I can live without pain day in, day out. It has been nothing short of a miracle (God is good!) and I am so grateful for all the advice you have given me.
I have no doubt that it will get better and better as my body gets rid of the buildup of trash in it and becomes more alkaline. At last I know I am on the right track.
I have been telling everyone about this, and many of my friends are now trying it too. Not only has it been good for me but also my entire family. My son is doing his HSC at the moment and feels so much better than he did before. He has energy and feels alert and on top of his game.
So Sherry, THANK YOU!
May God bless you as you continue to change and save lives!

Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
A medical-grade fish oil like VitalMega-3 can help fight high cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as keep your joints feeling good, reducing chronic inflammation.
Learn more about VitalMega-3 and all the great things it can do for you here.
Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's best gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few THOUSAND health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Get over to
- and feel the power of Great Taste No Pain.

Want to read past articles? Here they are.
* Forward this email to the people you care about the most!
(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends  

Orders: 1-315-295-1236
**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
Pain-Free Living is a permission-based newsletter. The only way to receive it is to request it here   

Health - How To Cut Your Medications In Half - Or Get Off Them Entirely

How To Cut Your Medications In Half - Or Get Off Them Entirely

If I asked you if you knew anyone taking prescription drugs, chances are
about 100% that your answer would be yes.

That "anyone" may even include YOU.
And if I were to ask if you knew anyone taking MULTIPLE prescription drugs, chances are pretty darn good that you'd say yes again.
Here's why I say that so confidently--take a look at these shocking statistics:
Almost HALF of the US population has been diagnosed with one or more "chronic" conditions--meaning long-standing medical problems that usually don't go away and need to be managed for life.
Plus, 4 out of 10 people over age 60 are currently taking five or more medications.
Five or MORE!
Now I have another question for you.
Why are there SO many ill, medicated people? Are we really THAT sick of a society? depends on how you define "sick" and what options are offered to you.
Read on and I'll explain.
The nature of the pharmaceutical industry
When you're in an industry where your income is determined by the volume of work you do or goods you produce, when you want to increase your income, most people or companies strive to do more of what they do best, while responding to an increasing demand for their products or services.
For example, attorneys or accountants take on more new clients that need legal or financial advice.
Bricklayers lay more bricks for foundations and repairs.
Painters paint more walls and houses in need of painting.
Automobile dealerships sell more cars.
And so on.
But when you're in an industry where you profit by how SICK people may be, that's a whole different animal.
After all, it's not like there's a demand to be sick! People don't WANT illnesses like they want a new car or to have their house painted or their taxes done.
Instead, my friend, the demand must be CREATED.
And the pharmaceutical companies have become MASTERS at not only creating a demand for their products, but making sure that demand lasts a lifetime.
Here's how:
Drugs -- then and now
Back in the "good old days" drugs were typically designed to either be a cure (like antibiotics) or to provide occasional symptomatic relief (like aspirin, cough medicine or antacids).
But alas, the number of people getting colds, infections, headaches or occasional heartburn wasn't big enough to adequately line the drug companies' deepening pockets anymore.
So what did they do then?
Well, these four things have worked extremely well:
1- Forget curing anything. Instead design drugs that provide relief of symptoms, but don't actually CURE a thing.
2- Redefine symptoms as a "disease," instill fear about "risk factors" and position the drug as a preventive measure.
3- Establish a reward system for doctors to prescribe more drugs.
4- Expand the marketing focus from doctors to patients.

Here's why those 4 things have been SO effective:
Quick cure to lifetime drug dependence
According to Melody Petersen, author of "Our Daily Meds," drug companies have shown less and less interest in medicines like antibiotics that actually CURE conditions than in those that only treat symptoms.
In addition, the top sellers are drugs for conditions like anxiety, high cholesterol or heartburn, and they're designed to be taken daily, typically for months or YEARS.
The treatment "goal" is to NEVER get off the drug!
And sadly, of FAR less importance are things like medicines for tropical diseases like malaria, which kills a child every 30 seconds. After all, a drug like that would be "one and done"--no monthly refills necessary.
Sorry, kids.

But my doctor says I have a DISEASE!
Way back when, heartburn used to be heartburn. When someone would get it, they would take responsibility for eating something that caused it, use their Alka-Seltzer and that would be that.
Not so any longer!
People with heartburn now have Acid Reflux DISEASE or Gastro-esophageal Reflux DISEASE (GERD)--and that calls for daily drugging with the purple pill or any of its "cousins."
In addition, parameters for many conditions have been redefined, so what used to be "normal" now qualifies as a diagnosis.
For example, what was once normal blood pressure is now considered high, and if it's just close to high, it's called "pre-hypertension."
For which Big Pharma recommends treatment, of course.
Plus many of the top-selling drugs today are positioned to supposedly PREVENT conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure and osteoporosis that people are said to be "at risk" for.
It's not like the people even HAVE a condition! Instead they're being frightened to the point where they willingly take drugs (and suffer the side effects) to prevent getting something that they quite likely may have NEVER gotten to begin with.
If that isn't insane, then please tell me, what is?
And since people on these drugs will NEVER know if the drugs are "working" or whether they would have never had a problem to begin with, they become a loyal customer for life, scared to death to quit the prescription.

Throw 'em a bone
When I want my cat Rebecca to take her daily potassium supplement (she's very old and has kidney issues), I bribe her with treats and she's more than happy to comply.
The good old reward system works like a charm...
On many doctors too.
In her findings from a study she conducted of type 2 diabetes and hypertension treatment, Michigan State University anthropologist Linda M. Hunt, Ph.D. cited that physicians are caught up in an "auditing and reward system."
That means doctors are rewarded by drug companies for prescribing more and more drugs!
Plus there's also what Dr. Hunt calls a "prescribing cascade."
Simply put, that means drugs are prescribed to help relieve side effects caused by other drugs. Then other drugs can be prescribed to relieve any new side effects from the newly prescribed drugs.

Expand your marketing, explode your bottom line
Since direct drug company-to-consumer advertising began in the late 1990s, the number of people on prescription drugs -- especially prescription drugs designed to be taken for LIFE -- has soared through the stratosphere.
From 2001 to 2007 the percentage of adults and children on one or more prescriptions for chronic conditions rose by more than 12 million!
If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.
And here's what's really sad: 1 out of 4 KIDS in the US now takes a medication every single DAY, and 7% of kids take two or more drugs daily.
That's the power of commercials. Especially when they pay popular celebrity figures like Brett Favre, Cheryl Ladd, Sally Field, John Elway and Larry the Cable Guy to tout their poisons, er, I mean, medicines.

STOP the madness
If reading everything in this email so far has either concerned, scared or positively maddened you, you're not alone.
And you're also not helpless to the power of the drug industry and their endless greed.
Because you can take charge of your own health in safe, natural ways and make it FAR less likely that you will need "chemical help" to begin with.
Here are 3 effective measures you can take to "Just say no to drugs" in a whole new way:
1) Eat for great health
Your diet has THE single most profound effect on your digestion, your GI tract and your entire health from head to toe.
You cannot exist on fast food, packaged "stuff" or regularly eat hard to digest meals and not expect to pay the price for it.
The "price" will typically start with GI issues like GERD, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating and harmful bacteria overgrowth.
But that's just the beginning.
Because toxins and poorly digested food molecules seep out into your bloodstream and can cause a number of seemingly unrelated problems, from migraines to arthritis to skin problems to food allergies.
And if you are toxic long enough, even cancer!
In addition, if you're not getting properly nourished, that can lead to overeating (and weight gain) and depression, plus learning and behavior problems in kids!
So as you can see, food is the root cause of MANY a health woe.
However, just as eating the wrong foods leads to sickness and disease, eating the right stuff can help turn that around.
And that is what I can help you do with the Great Taste No Pain system or if you're gluten sensitive, Great Taste No Gluten.
Both Great Taste No Pain and Great Taste No Gluten show you how to pair foods to help digestion to be accomplished smoothly and completely.
Not only will this dramatically reduce gut problems, but it can help improve your overall health from head to toe by reducing toxins in your bloodstream and improving your nutrient absorption!
And never did eating for great health taste SO delicious. The dishes in the GTNP and GTNG recipe books are positively spectacular!

2) Explore alternatives
There are many natural alternatives to traditional medications, so it's important to explore options that may work for you.
An excellent example is digestive enzymes.
Many people have gotten tremendous relief from heartburn, gas and bloating (and gotten off purple pills) just by giving their system a little enzyme "help."
And when it comes to seeking out an excellent digestive enzyme formula, look no farther than Digestizol Max.
Digestizol Max is loaded with 14 natural, potent plant-derived enzymes that will give your body the help it needs to break down all of your foods--even heavy proteins, complex carbs and sticky fats.
Plant-derived enzymes have been shown to be between 10 and 100 times MORE effective at digesting proteins, fats and carbohydrates than animal enzymes. Plus the plant origins make them suitable for vegetarians and meat eaters alike!

3) Balance that intestinal flora
Having a poor diet and medication use (especially acid reducers and antibiotics) both lead to harmful bacteria overgrowth in your gut.
This not only hampers your digestion and weakens your gut wall but also obliterates your immune system. So it's essential to make sure your population of friendly gut flora is healthy and strong.
In addition to eating a good diet, a high-quality probiotic supplement is the most effective way to help encourage a proper flora balance.
And Super Shield multi-strain probiotic formula is as good as it gets.
One of Super Shield's 13 superior bacteria strains, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, has been shown to stimulate antibody production and enhance phagocytosis (one of your body's weapons for destroying dangerous invaders).
In addition, Super Shield also contains Bifidobacteria Lactis, which has high adhesion to human mucus. That means it will stick to your colon wall to keep it strong and protective, which helps keep wastes, dangerous toxins and bacteria from leaking out into your bloodstream and making you sick.

Don't spend one more minute thinking that dangerous and possibly unnecessary chemicals from the industry that profits on human misery is your destiny.
Because when you help create health from within, chances are excellent that you won't need as many medications, or any medications at all!
See what the power of a healthy diet, natural alternatives to medications (like digestive enzymes) and a properly balanced intestinal flora can do for you.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: We're now on Facebook! Like us here:

PPS: Donna no longer needs expensive prescriptions!
Thank you so much for the Great Taste No Pain program. It does really work. I have been using it and I feel so much better. I eat out with my family and I never knew it was so easy.
I wish I had found this program years ago is the only negative thing I have to say!
I have had IBS since 1997 and the pain and misery was terrible, keeping me from daily enjoyment of my life. I have had GERD for 10 years taking all the worst medications. My sister was diagnosed with Diverticulitis last month and I was desperate to find help for both of us.
I really found a winner when I found your site. I can't believe that for so little I found so much. I am doing so much better. Have had one episode of IBS, my own fault for cheating. That just proved to me your plan works.
No more expensive prescriptions and the only side effect, I Iose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, great side effect.
Thank you so much I am spreading the word. You made it affordable and easy. Anyone can follow this plan. All positive things about this plan.
Thank you again for your hard work and research. It has been a blessing to me and my sister.
PPPS: Check out 1,000s of Great Taste No Pain success stories here.

Years of junk foods, meats, alcohol and soda drinking results in a decrease in your body's ability to produce digestive enzymes. This can result in daily painful gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation no matter how otherwise healthy your diet is! Digestizol Max can help turn that around for you fast. Its effective blend of 14 plant-derived enzymes and soothing herbs will help carry out the job of digestion and keep you feeling great! Learn more about Digestizol Max here.
Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST.
Want the best probiotic on the market today? Then learn why Super Shield outshines all the rest here. 
Gluten has been linked to hundreds of health problems, including autoimmune diseases. If you are gluten sensitive or have an autoimmune disease, see what avoiding gluten can do for you.  Great Taste No Gluten will make gluten avoidance easy, while giving you 160 of the world's best gluten-free recipes to make you love every bite of your gluten-free life. Learn more about Great Taste No Gluten here.

Want case studies?  Here are a few THOUSAND health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

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(c) copyright 2012 Holistic Blends  

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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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