Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Health - Seniors can literally shake their way to better bone health, preventing hip and other dangerous fractures

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Seniors can literally shake their way to better bone health, preventing hip and other dangerous fractures
Posted By: Dquixote1217 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 16-Oct-2012 17:34:39

(The Best Years in Life) It has long been known that exercise helps build bone density and prevent age-related bone loss and fractures. Now, a study has found that an age-old exercise that dates back around 200 years can help seniors literally shake their way to better bone health and prevent bone density loss, fractures, disability and death.
In the study just published in the journal Bone, researchers at the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) found that 12 weeks of daily 30-minute vibration improved bone density around the hip joint, femur and long leg bone in mature mice equal to humans aged 55 to 65. All of the improved density measurements reduce the likelihood of a hip fracture, one of the most common causes of disability in the elderly. The researchers also found a reduction in a biomarker that indicates bone breakdown and an increase in the surface area involved in bone formation in the vibrating group.
The rest of the article:
See also:
"How to Beat and Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally"
"Calcium Alone is not Enough for Healthy Bones"
"Bone Drugs: The Latest Skeletons in Big Pharma's Closet"

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