Monday, February 27, 2012

2 of 3 In Ponzi Land Financial Treason Happens on a Holiday


The Slog

Lehman Bros. Case: Geithner Ignores Subpoena to Testify
by Bob Adelmann

First ever GAO audit reveals the privately-ownedFederal Reserve secretly LOOTED $16 TRILLION out of YOUR U.S. Treasury

Wall Street has been preparing for a doomsday scenario debt cash treasuries, and well they should for the Audit of the Federal Reserve reveals $16T in Secret Bailouts.The first ever GAO (Government Accountability Office) audit of the Federal Reserve was carried out in the past few months due to the Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Amendment to the Dodd-Frank bill, which passed last year, with Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, and various other bankers vehemently opposed the audit. (The first audit in the Federal Reserve's nearly 100 year history were posted on Senator Sander's webpage on July 21st.)$16,000,000,000,000.00 had been secretly given out to US banks and corporations and foreign banks everywhere from France to Scotland between December 2007 and June 2010 and virtually none of the money has been returned and it was loaned out at 0% interest. Remember that GDP of the United States is only $14.12 trillion, and the entire national debt of the United States government spanning its 200+ year history is "only" $14.5 trillion. Are you and your fellow Americans swelled with anger and outrage at the abysmal state of affairs by an unelected group of bankers who can create money out of thin air and give it out to megabanks and supercorporations like Halloween candy. If the Federal Reserve and the bankers who control it believe that they can continue to devalue the savings of Americans and continue to destroy the US economy, they will have to face the realization that their trillion dollar printing presses can be stopped with five dollars worth of bullets.
The list of institutions that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 of the GAO Audit and are as follows..

Citigroup: $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000)
Morgan Stanley: $2.04 trillion ($2,040,000,000,000)
Merrill Lynch: $1.949 trillion ($1,949,000,000,000)
Bank of America: $1.344 trillion ($1,344,000,000,000)
Barclays PLC (United Kingdom): $868 billion($868,000,000,000)
Bear Sterns: $853 billion ($853,000,000,000)
Goldman Sachs: $814 billion ($814,000,000,000)
Royal Bank of Scotland (UK): $541 billion($541,000,000,000)
JP Morgan Chase: $391 billion ($391,000,000,000)
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion($262,000,000,000)
Lehman Brothers: $183 billion ($183,000,000,000)
Bank of Scotland (United Kingdom): $181 billion($181,000,000,000)
BNP Paribas (France): $175 billion ($175,000,000,000)

View the 266-page GAO audit of the Federal Reserve(July 21st, 2011):

3 of 3 In Ponzi Land Financial Treason Happens on a Holiday


How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
by Ben Aris in Berlin and Duncan Campbell in Washington

P.P.P.S. At this hour the corporate fascist, extortion friendly U.S. media terrorists run, of course, by the anti-Catholic CNN are trying to promote, that is right, none other than "Skull and Bones" Nazi, former Florida Governor, election stealing, nation wrecking enabler, drug trafficker, John Ellis Bush aka Jeb to, once again, sounds familiar, "be appointed" as the Republican candidate for U.S. president without competing in an election.
Jeb Bush
image michaeltotten .com
Jeb should be immediately arrested and placed in a federal prison, along with the Bush Family German Nazi bloodline. Jeb was involved in a massive scam involving Aztec Environmental Inc. and the noted Yang Enterprises that was used to purge and stop more than 100,000 Floridians who were classified as convicted felons when they were only misdemeanor traffic offenders from voting in the year 2000 presidential election, in all probability for Al Gore.

By John Caylor

Jeb also ordered the assassination of a year 2000 presidential election whistleblower, Florida Department of Transportation investigator Raymond Lemme.

Raymond Lemme Story-Political Murder and Espionage
By John Caylor


If the U.S. military doesn't arrest you and your entire Nazi German bloodline, the American People will.

My father, who was awarded the Silver Star during his service in World War II, stormed Normandy Beach against Nazi German filth like you, Jeb!
image binside.typepad. com
BushFRAUD and his drug trafficking brother Jeb

We, the American People, are ready again to storm Normandy Beach this time on American soil and restore the Constitution of the United States of America and the 'Rule of Law' that George W. BushFRAUD, the election stealing, nation wrecking, Constitution shredding, U.S. Treasury embezzling, cocaine snorting, homosexual in-the-closet, AWOL, war criminal helped to destroy.

"More Bank Resignations, Total Now: 81"

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Reader W, link: "More Bank Resignations, Total Now: 81"
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-Feb-2012 20:35:07

(Thanks, W. :)
Reader W. writes:
A bunch more resigned today! Current count is 81 Bank executives have resigned!
Details here:

Constitution & Second Amendment rights?? WHAT Constitution & Second Amendment rights????? YOU DON'T HAVE IT says this 'judge'!

The Daily Caller

Federal judge severely limits Second Amendment rights

Bob Barr
Daily Caller
February 27, 2012
Over the last few years, the Second Amendment has experienced somewhat of a rebirth, thanks largely to a pair of Supreme Court decisions: District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago.
In these seminal decisions, the Supreme Court affirmed the understanding of the Founding Fathers that there is indeed an individual right to keep and bear arms, a God-given right to protect oneself that is guaranteed to us in the Second Amendment to our Constitution. Cities with oppressive restrictions on guns, including the District of Columbia and Chicago, have been forced to at least recognize that they cannot simply deny citizens their right to possess firearms. At the same time, however, these cities continue to erect barriers to citizens seeking to exercise their rights.
In other words, despite the victories in the Supreme Court, the battle for Second Amendment rights in America is far from over. There is perhaps no better reminder of this unfortunate state of affairs than a recent ruling by U.S. District Judge Sue Myerscough, an appointee of President Barack Obama.
Two pro-Second Amendment groups — the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and Illinois Carry — filed a lawsuit last May challenging the ban on carrying concealed guns in the Land of Lincoln, which is the only state with a complete ban on the books. The common-sense basis for the lawsuit is that Illinois’ ban on concealed carry deprives citizens of the fundamental right of self-defense, simply because they are in public.
While Judge Myerscough conceded the Second Amendment protects a “general right to carry guns that include a right to carry operable guns in public,” she tossed out the lawsuit, claiming that the “Supreme Court has not recognized a right to bear firearms outside the home.”
As absurd as this federal judge’s ruling appears on the surface, it unfortunately finds some basis in the inchoate opinion issued four years ago by the nation’s high court in Heller. While the five-member majority in that case importantly recognized the fundamental right of an individual to keep and bear arms — and in so finding, invalidated the District’s restrictive gun control ordinance — the actual language of the opinion has been interpreted now to recognize the right to possess a firearm only inside one’s home.
Common sense, and a fair reading of the history of the Second Amendment, leads to the obvious conclusion that its guarantee of the “right to keep and bear arms” was never intended to be limited to intra-home firearms. Unfortunately, the uncertainty created by the pinched opinion in Heller — which may have been necessary to secure the fifth vote (Justice Anthony Kennedy) — is now causing serious damage to firearms rights, as is manifest in Judge Myerscough’s recent ruling.
SAF and Illinois Carry are taking their case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. But the lower court’s ruling does drive home a couple of important points.
First, the U.S. Senate needs to stop sitting on its hands, and pass the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act (H.R. 822), which received overwhelming support in the House last November (passing 272 to 154). This legislation would treat concealed carry licenses much like driver’s licenses, through the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution, and require states to recognize concealed carry permits from other states.
Perhaps even more important, however, this ruling by a lifetime-tenured federal judge reminds us of the importance of presidential appointments to the federal bench — and the severe damage to our Second Amendment rights that can be expected from a second term for President Barack Obama.
Bob Barr represented Georgia’s Seventh District in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003. He provides regular commentary to Daily Caller readers.

Obama's Kiss Of Death

By Attorney Jonathan Emord
February 20, 2012

When the economy is in the doldrums, those on the lowest rung of the economic ladder suffer the most. Their solution is not a promise of government programs to train a small subset of them or employ an even smaller subset in temporary make-work jobs. Those “solutions” provide momentary relief only to a fraction of the poor who participate in the government programs, only as dictated by government planners, and only for so long as the federal funds keep flowing. The solution, rather, is an immediate alteration in the relationship between government and the private sector to permit the private sector to grow freely, without federal direction, constraints, or tax burdens and draw down the ranks of the unemployed to meet the demands of the market. The means to achieve that immediate alteration are to reduce substantially the size and scope of the federal government, cut taxes on business, and eliminate the personal income tax.

President Obama is possessed of that same unfounded confidence which feeds the minds of all intoxicated with elective office who subscribe to the view that government planning can achieve for the market greater results than the market can achieve for itself. Rather than give back to the productive the money the federal government takes from them so that they may expend their resources as they think fit and employ people with the skill sets they need, the President proposes to raise taxes by over $1 trillion and create a series of new federal initiatives (transportation infrastructure, education, school modernization, new teacher hires, and a whopping $8 billion federal job training program), all designed to placate temporarily a subset of those he must convince to re-elect him (including, for example, the unemployed, parents struggling with student loans, and public employees fearing or experiencing job cuts). With the varnish removed, Obama’s government planning initiatives are drawn from the same moribund concept that proved Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot utter failures. One of the most commonly confirmed historical verities is that government planned economies fail and fail miserably. Government cannot predict the outcome of ever fluctuating demand for goods, services, or labor. While Obama intends to spend billions on job training initiatives, neither government nor academia can predict the precise skill sets that industry will need next year, let alone over the next decade. Rather, industry itself, if freed from government constraints and heavy tax burdens, can finance its own education initiatives geared precisely to satisfy each company’s immediate needs.

From Obama’s rhetoric, one would think that there is a dislocation between industry and education when, in fact, any such effects are temporary and market driven. If companies pay enough for qualified talent, students will acquire the education necessary to satisfy that demand. If there is a shortage of certain skilled laborers, employers will pay more to get them, and those entering school will take the courses needed to reap the financial benefits. Some large companies would rather have the government subsidize the cost of labor and, so, Obama’s $8 billion fund will be but another political gambit indicative of the crony capitalism he so frequently embraces.

Portraying himself as the representative of the downtrodden, President Obama’s budget is, in fact, a kiss of death for the poor. It offers them no solution to poverty. Instead, it offers them a deceptive token, a false promise from that somehow the billions he will pump into government programs will translate into a meaningful change in the state of poverty in America. His is a promise of a better day that is very long on promise and very short on the kind of fundamental reform in the relationship between government and the private sector necessary to permit private sector growth and job creation. What the poor need is not a pledge of a subsidy for attendance at a community college (read a few books while you starve) or a temporary state funded construction job (earn enough to survive the summer). What the poor need is precisely the same as what all Americans need: a vibrant private sector in which opportunity abounds and the chance to prove oneself exists at every turn. That comes only if a government that maintains debt in excess of the gross domestic product shrinks to the limits of its tax revenues and removes every obstacle to free enterprise that government has put in the way—from regulation to taxation.

Government is a parasite. It cannot create wealth nor determine how wealth is to be created by the productive. The productive must be set free. They will then do what they have done historically and so well, satisfy demand, build empires, and produce an upwardly mobile economy in which the poor, and indeed all of us, have opportunities to succeed. We reached record low levels of unemployment a decade ago not because of government programs but because of a vibrant private sector, infused with brilliant contributions from the likes of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.

The President’s budget proposal, Dead On Arrival in the Republican House and one that is in fact his 2012 campaign platform, calls on government to reduce the present $1.33 trillion dollar deficit by a paltry $400 billion in each of the next ten years, bringing present spending to an unacceptably high deficit of $901 billion by 2013 and failing to achieve a balanced budget at any point in the foreseeable future.

At a time when regulatory and tax relief for all, the rich and the poor, is essential to jump start the economy by leaving in private hands the power to decide for oneself how to invest, spend, and produce, the President wants to draw even more private wealth into the government by ending the Bush era tax cuts, eliminating tax deductions for the wealthy, requiring those who earn a million dollars or more to pay 30 percent of their income in taxes, imposing $61 billion in new taxes on banks, and ending tax breaks for oil, gas, and coal companies (thereby increasing taxes on those industries by $41 billion annually).

Private concentrations of wealth are essential for job creation, for creating self-sustaining employment. Vast stores of money, whether invested or expended, create opportunities for employment that satisfies market demand. By contrast, government programs to train, make work, or publicly employ are dead end investments. They require a draw on private wealth to pay for them and they cannot be continued without continuous additional draws on private wealth in future. In short, they add to the debt, reduce capital available for private growth, and increase public dependence on government.

When we take into account the federal financial obligations coming from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2014 and beyond, the President’s planned spending overwhelms the paltry $400 billion in annual cost reductions his plan offers. Consequently, he is digging the debt hole much much deeper, inviting a collapse of the economy and of the government itself.

The bankrupt ideas of the President are a microcosm of the actual bankruptcy implementation of them would bring to the United States. His re-election depends on an assumption that the American people are too ignorant to comprehend the sleight of hand inherent in his proposals or the essential need for substantial reductions in federal spending. The American people, however, are increasingly cognizant of the fact that this President has no real solutions to the problems befalling the country. They increasingly recognize soberly that the debt crisis is dire and promises to bring down this great nation in less than a decade. Whatever inflated credit that may mistakenly be given to President Obama (rather than to Seal Team Six) for Obama’s decision to allow U.S. special forces to take out Osama bin Laden is trifling in comparison to the monumental blame he will richly deserve if his irresponsible fiscal policies are adopted and bring about the destruction of the United States economy and, indeed, the government itself.

© 2012 Jonathan W. Emord - All Rights Reserved

“The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.” -- James Madison, speech in the House of Representatives, January 10, 1794 [boldface added].

home bible studies illegal in America?

home bible studies illegal in America"

To All Of The Regulatory Czars And To The Dictator / President Barack H. Obama:

It’s obvious you have no idea of the history of America. This is totally understandable, you not being born here, so allow me to enlighten you on some major facts:
Our pilgrim fathers wrote in the Mayflower Compact, “In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten . . . Having undertaken, for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith . . . a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia.”
In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson invokes our Creator-God no less than four times. In fact, Jefferson predicates the Declaration on “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and concludes the Declaration with an appeal to the “Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions” and with “a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.”
Attorney and author, John Whitehead, in his book, The Separation Illusion, rightly noted, “In 1892, the United States Supreme Court made an exhaustive study of the supposed connection between Christianity and the government of the United States. After reviewing hundreds of volumes of historical documents, the Court asserted, ‘These references . . . add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a religious people . . . a Christian nation.’ Likewise, in 1931, Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland reviewed the 1892 decision in reference to another case and reiterated that Americans are a ‘Christian people.’ And in 1952, Justice William O. Douglas affirmed that ‘we are a religious people and our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being.’”
Muslims have they're right to worship in private, but not for us Christians. I'm not knocking Muslims, in fact I believe that evangelical Christians may respect the sincerity with which Muslims hold their beliefs, but we cannot respect the beliefs themselves. We can respect Muslim people for their contributions to human welfare, scholarship, and culture. We can respect the brilliance of Muslim scholarship in the medieval era and the wonders of Islamic art and architecture. But we cannot respect a belief system that denies the truth of the gospel, insists that Jesus was not God's Son, and takes millions of souls captive. Mr. President, you say you are a Christian with Christian values, but kill innocent children with your large donations to “Planned Parenthood. You have sworn an oath to God to protect our Constitutional Rights and the people of The United States Of America from all foreign and domestic enemies. Instead you have imposed your ideology upon the people of America to rob US of our God Given Rights and you have become the enemy of God Almighty Himself by denying the right for Christians to worship HIM in private Bible Studies in people’s own homes. As a result of all of this consider yourself “Put On Notice”. You may be elected for another 4 more years, but no one lives forever in Peace unless one repents and Call’s On The Name Of The Lord For Salvation.
Luke 12:6 Jesus told this parable: "A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. [7] So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'for three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?'
Repent, for the time of Judgment is at hand!!
A Child Of The Most High God

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 27, 2012

Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 27, 2012
Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 27-Feb-2012 20:14:34

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light by Greg Giles - February 27, 2012
Your new paradigm is being created through your interactions throughout your online social networks. This was the vision decided upon by those who design and build new worlds throughout this universe. You have been told all along that you were co-creating your new Earth by your thoughts and actions each day, and this was not merely poetic license. You, each of you, are literally creating your new world with the building blocks of creation you have been given. The tools with which you are utilizing to build your new dream world are your computers, your social networks, and your visions, imaginations, thoughts, intentions, words, pictures, videos, stories, and most importantly, the manner in which you interact which each other.
As each day passes, we see your new world being created by you, even as you cannot yet see the progress of your blossoming creation. We can say to you that your new world is coming along absolutely beautifully, with gorgeous colors and breathtaking landscapes, and we can hardly wait for you all to see the child you are co-creating together.
Your new home will be a wonderland, rich in its tapestries of natural treasures, pure in its life springs of water and air, and will ever remain unpolluted by those of the dark nature. Your new world will be yours to cherish and safeguard from harm, to enjoy and to prosper, and it will be yours in the days ahead upon your ascension into your new beginning. Continue into each and every day with the understanding that you are building your new home with each interaction with each other, and your new world will continue to blossom into the gorgeous paradise we see growing before our eyes today.
The unveiling of your new home is not far off in the distance, but we do have pressing matters here that must be taken care of first. What we need from you is your cooperation, as we must feel it is safe to proceed with our landings in order for us to get started on the many necessary projects with you. This is why the criminal Cabal is being removed from their positions of power, and this is why you will soon witness them being brought to justice for their crimes against humanity. We feel it is imperative to clear the path for our arrival and not take such undue chances by permitting those who wish to do us, as well as you, harm.
We feel the reasons for these arrests have been made clear to many of you, and so far we have not heard anyone who is not associated with the Cabalists take an opposing viewpoint. This is important, as we have said, this is your world and we must follow your wishes, whatever they shall be. Having said that, we wish to make it clear there are limits to what will be allowed to transpire here, such as wars and the destruction of your planet.
At present, we, the Galactic Federation of Light, along with our Earth allies, have thwarted every attempt by the dark ones to start another world war as they desperately attempt to find any means possible to hold on to their power and thwart our reunion with you and your ascension into the higher realms. We have stated many times that we will not permit this, and as each day passes with no onset of war in your Middle East, you may see this as a sign that we are here and we do keep our word, for indeed we do.
Looking at the prospects of the Cabal and those party to this collection of ruthless criminals, we see they are without hope and without chance to maintain their criminal empire any longer. Our Earth allies have effectively cut off many of their streams of money, which is your money, and faction after faction of their organization is going bankrupt, no longer able to pay their minions and their overhead any longer. This was part of the plan, to cut off their money supply and choke off the life blood of their criminal empire.
The Cabals’ power has always been based solely on money, and vast amounts of it were necessary to keep their organization afloat. These enormous sums of money had to come from someplace, and it came from the only source of money there is left on this planet, and that is the money of the people. Every penny that lines their pockets comes from you. Whether they tax you for it, steal it from you, or sell back to you the natural resources of your planet that are rightfully yours. Your money, created by your labor, is the lifeblood of their empire, and they have cunningly crafted countless ways to pilfer this money from you.
Can you imagine just how much money will become available to the people once the Cabal have been removed from your society and all the wealth that has been siphoned from the people is freed to better the lives of all of you? There exists such a vast amount of wealth that is available to you, that is and has always been rightfully yours, and it will be returned to you where it can be used to better the lives of every man, woman, and child on your planet equally, with no favoritism for anyone, any people, or anyplace. This will be your new system, and this system will be based on the natural law of abundance.
Currently, your economic systems are based on lack, scarcity, and debt, and a relative few have been dividing up the enormous amounts of wealth on your planet while the rest of you have been forced to scramble for crumbs left after their overindulgence. This is about to change, and it will change so many lives completely.

Remain patient dear ones, for you have journeyed so much longer than many of you realize and the days from now until all that has been promised are so few in the larger picture. It is not like your days today are filled with emptiness, for each of you reading these words have much work you are to be accomplishing. As we have said there are forces of light everywhere around you and their days are filled with activity, assisting in their own way to make all your dreams a reality, and each of these tasks is a vital piece to the complex and enormous puzzle. You too have a vital role to play, and it can be said that many of your allies await you and your success to inform your brethren of what is transpiring all around them.
Do not get stuck on one individual and one concept, instead, hit and run with an expanded vision of your collective reality. Many of you have already learned all too well that there are few among you who will be exposed for the first time to new information and immediately accept these new ideas as fact. Always try to keep in mind that your job is not to convince anyone of anything. Your job is to introduce these broader concepts into another's reality and allow them to accept it or rejected it. That is all. What you are attempting to accomplish here is to prepare, even slightly, your human family for the arrests of the Cabal and the arrival to your home of your Star Family. Do not concern yourself with convincing anyone of these things. They will, if they choose to, witness these events for themselves.
After you offer these thoughts to your friends, family, or even those who you do not personally know, move on to the next soul that may benefit from your efforts. It should only take a few minutes to outline these two different, but related concepts, yet we see so many of you debating for hours and even days with one member of your family. Remember, you need not try to convince anyone of anything, they will be convinced soon enough. Merely plant the seed, that is all, and move quickly on to plant another and soon your garden will blossom.
Your Internet social networking scenes have been purposely inserted into your reality just for the purpose of connecting you all. Use these tools to spread the information of the pending arrests and of our arrival as you have the ability to reach so many in so little time in this manner. Sharing messages such as these are but one way to convey your message, as there are many avenues available to you to express yourself.
We see this information spreading across your planet, and we do thank you for all your tremendous efforts, though we do feel more of you could take part and assist this very important area of our overall mission. Without sufficient numbers of your people being adequately prepared for such radical changes, we cannot proceed with the next stages of our mission. We do see you making progress in this regard, and we say to you to push on and give these two areas your undivided attention and in no time we will be able to proceed.

We have shared with you that it is you we are waiting on, and it is this area that needs your focus at this time. We will be sending you help in this regard in the form of spacecraft that we will continue to permit to be witnessed and recorded, and we will step up the amounts of overall sightings as well as the quality of certain sightings. We feel this will be a major boost your to campaign, and you may look for these sightings immediately in your skies. As we have said, we have much to do and time is running very short, so we must step up our combined efforts and we ask you for your cooperation as well to increase efforts in your vital areas.
As we have said, you have many allies, and your media outlets are not without those of the light as well. There have been certain media groups who have been assisting our joint cause for some time now and we wish at this time to thank them tremendously for their courageous efforts in this regard. These groups will now be joined by additional outlets who have also agreed to assist with our efforts to inform your people of the events transpiring around them. Many of you will take notice of these welcomed additions to our team, and we thank them as well for their courage and commitment to help build a better world for all of you.
Upon your discovery of these media groups and their programming and written content, we ask you to share this information to all within your reach and sphere of influence. Your grassroots campaign to assist in this manner is vital to our overall mission, and your efforts and your successes have been invaluable. We thank each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication, and again say to you that your work in this area is nearly complete. Push forward now with all you have as the end of this part of your mission is clearly in sight.
We will continue to keep you up to date of the latest developments, and we will have very good news to report to you very shortly. We cannot share with you more at this time, as we have explained, a level of secrecy must be maintained to protect your many allies in the field who may be working on the front lines of our campaign. We await word from them that it is now time to proceed with the next phase of our operation.
You, our trusted Lightworkers, will also be notified that a milestone has been reached and it is time to proceed with the next phase of the overall operation, and as we have said, we are very confident you will find your next assignments very enjoyable. Until then, keep up the fine work you are all doing as our mission could not be successful without your tremendous efforts. We understand many of you have been working hard in this regard for many months and even years now, but we say to you that all your efforts are soon to pay off greatly for each and every one of you.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

Claudia Treacy, a true patriot passed away

This is in honor of a true Patriot, Claudia Treacy, who passed away this morning. She and I got connected in the Early Restore America program --- and we shared a number of thoughts and dreams for the Restored America.

She cared about honesty and integrity in the political system. We both were fighters for those caught in the illegal foreclosure process being controlled by corrupt bankers and we shared the desire for justice.  

She is a trooper and very proud to call her my friend.

Note I use the verbiage "is" for she is at peace with Our Loving LORD. I fully expect to see her on the other side as she "is" a lady with a good heart and good soul.

And to her family left behind, my condolences but YOU WILL MEET HER AGAIN!.

GOD Bless You Claudia.
GOD Bless Her family,

John MacHaffie  HIS Humble Servant

DInar News Updates


Folks: Bulldog is absolutely right here. This is a Proactive posture, Not a Reactive one. We must focus on the solution and not the problem. This is why many of he and Okies posts in the past have alluded to this very fact. It does no good to release this into the hands of the greedy whom would love nothing more than to cause problems and perpetuate their own agenda resulting in continued misery for the planet. We are blessed to have such people committing their time, integrity, and intelligence in the face of such negative adversity.


Crop Circles Montages Videos

Consider the intellectual creativity behind all this. Mankind has a wee bit to go.